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About the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)


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The GTIN is the foundation for the EAN.UCC system for uniquely identifying trade items (products and services) which are sold, delivered, warehoused, and billed throughout the retail and commercial distribution channels. It provides an accurate, efficient and economical means of controlling the flow of products and information through the use of an all-numeric identification system. GTINs are a key component of e-commerce transactions. Users can be confident that a GTIN, when used correctly, will uniquely identify their products as they pass along the supply chain to the ultimate end user. This global identification system ensures that the corresponding electronic communications will contain information unique to their company and products.

Technical details

GTINs may be 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits long, and there are four data structures for the GTIN; each provides unique numbers when right-justified in a 14-digit database field:

UCC-12 (twelve digits)

  • Six digits representing the UCC company prefix
  • Five digits representing the Item reference number
  • One digit representing the Check digit


  • Seven digits representing the UCC company prefix
  • Four digits representing the Item reference number
  • One digit representing the Check digit


  • Eight digits representing the UCC company prefix
  • Three digits representing the Item reference number
  • One digit representing the Check digit


  • Nine digits representing the UCC company prefix
  • Two digits representing the Item reference number
  • One digit representing the Check digit

EAN/UCC-13 (thirteen digits)

  • Twelve digits containing the EAN.UCC company prefix and Item reference number
  • One digit representing the Check digit

EAN/UCC-14 (fourteen digits)

  • One digit representing the Indicator digit to indicate packaging level
  • Twelve digits containing the EAN.UCC company prefix and Item
  • Reference number

EAN/UCC-8 (eight digits)

  • Seven digits containing a EAN.UCC company prefix and Item reference number
  • One digit representing the Check digit
UCC company prefix

The number assigned to a company by the UCC. The inclusion of the UCC company prefix ensures uniqueness throughout the world. The UCC company prefix is assigned to companies in varying lengths. Note: A UCC company prefix is converted to an EAN.UCC company prefix by adding a leading zero, e.g., UCC company prefix 614141 becomes 0614141.

EAN.UCC company prefix

The number assigned to a company by either an EAN member organization or by the UCC. The inclusion of the EAN.UCC company prefix ensures uniqueness throughout the world. The EAN.UCC company prefix is assigned to companies in varying lengths.

Item reference

The number assigned by the holder of the EAN.UCC company prefix to uniquely identify a trade item within the company. The Item reference varies in length as a function of the company prefix length.

Check digit

A calculated one-digit number used to ensure data integrity.