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Sales quotation maintenance (DMR40101)

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This program is the starting point for entering quotations into the system, and allows two different methods of processing quotations. A quotation can either become an order, customer contract or a service quotation, depending on the Type defined.

A service quotation can only be specified if DC1 Service is installed and activated. If not installed, no service related fields will be displayed to the user.

A quotation/service quotation can also be copied to several versions and then be changed or completed.

There are three status levels for quotations.

Status codes are:

Status Description
00 The line has been entered.
60 The line has been copied to a sales order line.
90 The line has been updated with a win/loss code of L.

There may be times when a quotation needs to be updated immediately after the quotation has been entered into the system. Because of this, the previous quotation number will be displayed on the bottom left hand corner of the panel. You can then enter this quotation number in the appropriate field and click OK, after which the previous quotation will be displayed for maintenance.

If the customer entered on this panel has a credit stop code in the Credit stop code field in the Business partner file indicating that no sales are allowed to the customer, a message is displayed at the bottom of this panel. This message is retrieved from the Credit stop code table and you are not allowed to proceed entering quotations to this customer.

When the LSTSL-QT (Lost sale tracking, quotation) function is activated in the Function control file, users must update quotation lines with won/lost information. For each “lost” line it is necessary to enter a lost sale reason code from the table, as well as other complimentary information (such as competitor, manufacturer, price and text). This is valid for all other fields defined as mandatory in the table. Quotation lines entered as lost will be added to the lost sales statistics along with any additional sub-reasons.

Function keys

Quotation header Access the Quotation header panel.
Cpy last quot to sales order Copy the last quotation entered (displayed in the Last quotation field) to a sales order. The sales order maintenance program can prompt automatically after the copy where you can maintain the sales order.

Note: If the CR-QT (Credit control, quotation) function is activated in the Function control file, the system will check the credit limit of the customer when quotations are entered, maintained or copied. If the current quotation value exceeds the credit limit, a warning will be issued. This can be bypassed but if the CR-SO (Credit control, order entry) function is activated in the same file, it will be flagged during the copy process to a sales order. In addition, if the LSTSL-QT (Lost sales tracking, quotation) function is activated in the Function control file, and a quotation is copied to a sales order where the Copy WON only field is set to YES, only the won lines will be totalled and added to the quotation value.

Note: If DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated and you copy a quotation on which a configurator item was entered and for which configuration information was defined, the configuration information will be copied.

Mandatory entry. Enter a code from the Signature table indicating the handler of this quotation.
Quotation number
The quotation number/service quotation number identifies a quotation throughout the system. This number can either be defined by the system where it takes the next number in the number series or it can be manually entered, outside the limits of the number series.
The quotation version is a suffix to the quotation number. In the quotation module there is a facility to work with different versions of a quotation by using this version number.
Quotation type
Mandatory entry. There are four different types of quotations.

Valid types are:

Type Description
1 The quotation normally results in an order when the quotation is accepted.
2 The quotation normally results in a contract.
3 This quotation type is used to identify a service quotation and can only be specified if DC1 Service is installed and activated.
4 This quotation type is similar to type 1, but it does not allow lost sales processing. Note: When a type 4 quotation is copied to a sales order, the quotation line(s) remains open and can be copied again to a new sales order. Therefore type 4 can be used as a template.
Customer number
Mandatory entry. Enter the complete customer number, or short number.
Enter a code from the Currency table indicating the currency in which the quotation is going to be displayed. If nothing is entered, the customer’s currency will be retrieved. An exchange rate for the period and level specified in the DIS control file must, however, exist in the Exchange rate table. Otherwise a message will be displayed.
Order type
Enter a code from the Sales order type table. The order type can be used to retrieve the correct sales price, if the order type is active as a key in the Sales pricing methods file. In addition, if a sales order will be created from the quotation, the order type defined here will be defaulted when copying the quotation to a sales order.

Pricing date
Indicate the date used to price the sales quotation lines. By default, current date is taken as the Pricing date.
Expiry date
Mandatory entry. Enter the last date for which the quotation is valid. The prospect must decide by this date whether or not to accept the quotation. This information is used as a criteria in the Reorganise quotation file program.
Sales promotion
This field is only displayed if at least one open sales promotion exists that is flagged for promotion pricing. Enter the sales promotion. When you enter a promotion, the sales quotation header is flagged as being promotion priced, and the entered promotion is used to price the lines on the sales quotation.
From date
If the quotation is type 2, enter the starting date from when the contract is valid.
To date
If the quotation is type 2, enter the ending date of the contract.
Contract base
Mandatory entry if Quotation type is set to 2 (contract). Enter the contract base. This specifies whether the sales price quoted on the contract is strictly for the amount of goods sold, time (service), or both.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
B Both quantity and time
T Time
Q Quantity
Copy quotation
Enter the quotation number/service quotation number to be copied.
Enter the possible version number of the quotation/service quotation to be copied. The quotation version is a suffix to the quotation number. In the quotation module there is a facility to work with different versions of a quotation by using this version number.
Last quotation
Displays the last quotation number entered into the system.
Displays the last version number entered into system.

Sales quotation maintenance, Quotation header (DMR40102)

Related topics

This panel is accessed by clicking Quotation header from any of the following panels: Sales quotation maintenance, Quotation line entry, Service quotation job and/or Service quotation job header.

The information on this panel can be updated at any time, with one exception. If Currency field is to be changed, it must be done before any quotation lines are entered, and can only be changed on the initial panel.

Function keys

Text Access the Edit text panel where you can enter text connected to the quotation header.
Addresses Access the Quotation address panel.
AMT msg Work with manual alert messages.
Function list Access a list of all functions that are available in the program in which you are working. Note: In some programs, this F-key is not available as a button on the panel, but you can always press F10 on your keyboard to access the function list. You can also click the More functions icon (>>), if available in the right-hand bottom corner of your session.
For more information about additional functions accessible from this panel, see Functions in function list.

Quot type
Mandatory entry. Displays the quotation type selected on the initial panel.

Valid types are:

Type Description
1 The quotation normally results in an order when the quotation is accepted.
2 The quotation normally results in a contract.
3 This quotation type is used to identify a service quotation and can only be specified if DC1 Service is installed and activated.
4 This quotation type is similar to type 1, but it does not allow lost sales processing. Note: When a type 4 quotation is copied to a sales order, the quotation line(s) remains open and can be copied again to a new sales order. Therefore type 4 can be used as a template.

Displays the currency code entered on the initial panel. If nothing was entered there, the customer’s currency is retrieved and displayed. To change the currency for the quotation this must be done from the initial panel, before any quotation lines are entered. An exchange rate for the period and level specified in the DIS control file must, however, exist in the Exchange rate table. Otherwise a message will be displayed.
Holding comp
If this customer belongs to a business partner structure, the number of its Holding company will be displayed in this field. Note: If the customer is not a member of such a structure, this field will not appear.
Quot date
Displays the date when the quotation was entered into the system, but can be changed.
Displays the language code for this customer from the Business partner file, but can be changed. This code indicates which of the 10 different languages, stored per item, should be used and also which of the different lead texts for external documents should be printed.
Parent comp.
If this customer belongs to a business partner structure, the number of its Parent company will be displayed in this field. Note: If the customer is not a member of such a structure, this field will not appear.
Expiry date
Displays the default expiration date of the quotation, but can be changed. This date is calculated by adding the number of working days, defined in the Quot expiry days field in the DIS control file, to the current date of the quotation. If Quot expiry days = zero, no date is proposed as expiry date here.
VAT based
Indicates if this is a VAT based customer, as defined in the Business partner file.
VAT handl cd
In normal situations, this field should be blank (regardless of the value in the VAT based field above) because the VAT handling code on the quotation line controls the VAT handling.

However, in those situations where you want to change the entire quotation, this field should be completed. The system will send a message asking if you want to change the VAT handling code on existing lines or not. If you do not want to change the code for existing lines, new lines entered from now on will get the code defined in this field.

Note: If a sales order line is generated from a sales quotation, the VAT handling code is always retrieved to the order line, if the Get new prices field on the Copy to sales order selection panel is set to NO.

Pricing date
Indicate the date used to price the sales order quotations.
A code defined for the customer is automatically retrieved from the Sourcing policy table. The code is used as a default value when the quotation is copied to a sales order, but can be changed. Since the country, in which the warehouse is located, controls the VAT handling; when changing the warehouse, the system will send you a message asking if you want the system to check if the VAT handling code should be changed for existing lines or not, if needed.
Text code
Enter a code from the Standard text table, indicating the text to be displayed on the documents associated with this quotation.
Order type
Enter a code from the Order type table. An order type must be entered if order type is active as key in the Sales pricing methods file, otherwise the correct sales price might not be retrieved.
Incl demand
Price list
Displays the price list used for this quotation, but can be changed. This is retrieved for the customer from the Customer file, if one is defined. If no price list is assigned to the customer, the Standard price list (defined in the DIS control file) will be used and this field will be blank. When DC1 runs the main pricing program it will use this Standard price list as the starting point for calculating any prices or discounts as it needs a starting price in the event that it encounters only discounts in the Customer contracts and Sales pricing methods.
Enter a code from the Signature table, indicating the handler’s reference of this quotation.
Enter a code from the Signature table, indicating the salesman of this quotation.
This field is only displayed if at least one open sales promotion exists that is flagged for promotion pricing. Enter the sales promotion. When you enter a promotion, the sales quotation header is flagged as being promotion priced, and the entered promotion is used to price the lines on the sales quotation.
Indicates if the quotation should be sent by fax to the customer. The code is retrieved from the Fax quotation field in the Business partner file but can be changed. If this field is set to YES, a valid fax number from the Fax/phone number file must be entered in the Fax number field. The Fax/phone number file is maintained via the Business partner file.
Fax number
If the Fax field is set to YES, enter a fax number from the Fax/phone number file. The Fax/phone number file is maintained via the Business partner file.
Paper copy
If the Fax field is set to YES, you can set this field to YES to also get a printout of the quotation.
Enter the name of the contact person for this quotation.
Hold doc
Enter a code from the Terms of payment table in the first field. When you click OK, the predefined text for this code will be retrieved and displayed in the second field. An alternative is to enter 999 in the first field. Then you can enter a text of your own choice in the second field.
Credit days
If you entered any text in the Terms of payment field, you must enter the number of credit days allowed before which the invoice must be paid.
Enter a code from the Terms of delivery table in the first field. When you click OK, the predefined text for this code will be retrieved and displayed in the second field. An alternative is to enter 999 in the first field. Then you can enter a text of your own choice in the second field.
Curr clause

More information:

Enter a code from the Manner of transport table in the first field. After clicking OK, the predefined text for this code will then be retrieved and displayed in the second field. An alternative is to enter 999 in the first field, after which a text of your own choice can be entered in the second field.
Prt curr cl
Contract fr
If the quotation is type 2, enter the starting date from when the contract is valid.
Contract to
If the quotation is type 2, enter the ending date of the contract.
Contr base
Mandatory entry if Quotation type is set to 2 (contract). Displays the contract base. This specifies whether the sales price quoted on the contract is strictly for the quantity of goods sold, time (service), or both.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
B Both quantity and time
T Time
Q Quantity
Sales tax

Mandatory entry and is defaulted from the Business partner file – A/R Basic data panel for the customer. Indicates if sales tax handling is used for the quotation, but this can be changed here or for individual lines.

Sales quotation maintenance, Service quotation job (DMR40103)

Related topics

This panel is only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated and if this is a service quotation. After the initial panel for the service quotation has been completed, this panel is created by the system and prompted.

From this panel you define all the jobs that should be performed for a service quotation.


Line Select this option to work with a quotation line.

Function keys

Quotation header Access the Quotation header panel.

Selection fields

Displays the job number.
Displays the item to be serviced.
Serial number
Displays the serial number of the item to be serviced.
Displays the job priority.
Req svc time
Displays required service date and time for the job.

Sales quotation maintenance, Service quotation job header (DMR40106)

Related topics

This panel is only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated and if this is a service quotation. On this panel you can add and maintain service quotation job information.

Function keys

Job text Add/change job text. The job text will be printed on the quotation.
Quotation header Access the Quotation header panel.

When adding new jobs, displays the next available job number, but can be changed. Enter the number of the job.
Enter the object (item) to be serviced (from the Service object file), together with the serial number. Several jobs can be entered on one service quotation.
Displays the location of the object, if defined in the Service object file and cannot be changed. Both the location description and the first address line are displayed.
Warr type
Displays the warranty type to which the object is connected in the Object file (if any warranty is currently valid), but can be changed. Enter a code from the Warranty type table. Note: The warranty type entered has to be defined for the object in the Service object file. In addition, the requested service time has to be within the start and end date defined for the warranty. Note: If this field is completed, the Agreement field has to be blank.
Displays the agreement to which the object is connected in the Agreement file (if any agreement is currently valid), but can be changed. Enter a valid agreement from the Agreement file. Note: The requested service date must be within the start and end dates defined for the agreement. Note: If this field is completed, the Warranty type field has to be blank.
Job priority
Mandatory entry. Enter a priority code indicating the priority of the job. Valid codes are 1-9, where 1 is the highest priority. Note: If a sales order type was defined on the initial panel, the system will default the job priority defined for that sales order type, if any.
Service code 1
Debit code
Enter a code from the Debit code table. The code entered in this field will be defaulted to all quotation lines entered on the service quotation. The debit code will be copied to the service order, if the quotation is copied to an order.

If a debit code is defined on a service order line, the order line is considered as being internal. This means that the debtor and invoice customer on the invoice generated from the order line will be the internal customer defined for the debit code in the Debit code table.

Note: If a sales order type was defined on the initial panel, the system will default the debit code defined for that sales order type, if any.

Service code 2
Resp time
Displays the response time defined for the object in the Agreement file, if any. If the Agreement field on this panel is blank, this field is also blank. The value cannot be changed. The response time indicates within which time span your company has promised to reply the customer.
Service code 3
Compl time
Displays the completion time defined for the object in the Agreement file, if any. If the Agreement field on this panel is blank, this field is also blank. The value cannot be changed. The completion time indicates within which time span your company has promised to complete the servicing of the object.
Service code 4
Req SVC time
Mandatory entry. Enter the requested service time required by the customer. The time consists of two fields; Requested service date and time. The date field is defaulted with today’s date but can be changed.
Calling time
Enter when the customer contacted your company requiring service of the object. The time consists of two fields; Calling date and time. The date field is defaulted with today’s date and the time field with the time when the quotation was created. Both values can be changed.
SVC time
Optional entry. The service time consists of two fields; Service date and time. Enter the date and time when the service will be started.
Rec kit
Enter a code from the Recommended kit table, indicating the spare parts (items) to be created on quotation lines on this quotation. One line will be created on this service quotation for each of the items defined in the kit. Note: If the object is not assigned to a recommended kit (any kit), a warning message will be displayed.

When pressing enter on this panel, the quotation lines will be automatically created. The system will prompt the Quotation line maintenance panel for you to confirm the information.

Enter a code from the Service engineer table, indicating the engineer responsible for this job. The engineer entered will be defaulted on the service quotation lines and can be considered as the main engineer for the service job.

Change of VAT handing code (DMR40107)

Related topics

This window is displayed if you changed the VAT handling code on the quotation header and if quotation lines exist on the quotation. Indicate if you want the new VAT handling code to be updated on existing quotation lines.

Sales quotation maintenance, Quotation header (DMR40110)

This panel is accessed by clicking Next on the initial quotation header panel and displays additional fields related to fees.

The customer number and description.
Quotation no
The quotation number.
Quot value
Indicates the total value of the quotation lines, after deduction of quotation header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge quotation lines are not included.


Below this column heading all additional fee information is listed.

Enter the freight fee. If the order generates back orders in the system, the freight fee will only be invoiced on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
VAT freight
Enter a code from the VAT handling codes table for the freight amount.
Enter the fee for insurance. If the order generates back orders in the system, the insurance fee will only be charged on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list. If this field is completed, the Insurance % field must be blank.
Calc insur
Indicates if the insurance is to be calculated by the system. The value is retrieved from the Customer file.

If there is a record in the Insurance table that matches the Manner of transport and/or the Terms of delivery and/or the Customer number on this quotation, a percentage will be retrieved from the Insurance table and displayed in the Insurance % field on this panel.

The insurance value is calculated as:

(Insurance % * total of the quotation lines) / 100
VAT insur
Enter a code from the VAT handling codes table for the insurance amount.
Insurance %
If the Calc insur field on this panel is set to YES, a percentage can automatically be retrieved from the Insurance table and displayed here. A percentage can instead be entered manually if the Calc insur field on this panel is set to YES.

Since the insurance percentage can depend on the Manner of transport code and the Terms of delivery code, which is determined in the Insurance table, the percentage can be changed if you change these codes on this panel.

The insurance value is calculated as:

(Insurance % * total of the quotation lines) / 100
Enter the postage fee. If the order generates back orders in the system, the postage fee will only be invoiced on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
VAT postage
Enter a code from the VAT handling codes table for the postage amount.
Admin fee
An administration fee can be created by the system OR entered by the user. This field could, therefore, display a preliminary fee (an asterisk is displayed to the right of the amount) or you can manually enter one. In both cases, the second Admin fee on this panel must be set to YES. Any preliminary fee is based on the actual order value and could also be displayed on the Order summary panel and Sales order enquiry.
Admin fee
Displays/can only be set to YES, if the Administration fee field is set to YES in the Sales order type table for the order type being used on the order and in the Customer file for the customer entered on the order. Indicate if an administration fee is allowed to be applied later on the order (at pick list confirmation or at invoicing if no pick list).
VAT admin
Enter a code from the VAT handling codes table for the administration fee.
Invoice fee
An invoice fee can be created by the system OR entered by the user. This field could, therefore, display a preliminary fee (an asterisk is displayed to the right of the amount) or you can manually enter one. In both cases, the second Invoice fee field on this panel must be set to YES. Any preliminary fee is based on the actual order value and could also be displayed on the Order summary panel and Sales order enquiry.
Invoice fee
Displays/can only be set to YES, if the Invoice fee field is set to YES in the Sales order type table for the order type being used on the order and in the Customer file for the customer entered on the order. Indicate if an invoice fee is allowed to be applied later on the order (at pick list confirmation or at invoicing if no pick list).
VAT invoice
Enter a code from the VAT handling codes table for the invoice fee.