Related topics
This panel is used to define customer credit card information.
Function keys
Selection fields
- Number
- The customer number and description.
- Card
- Below this column heading the credit cards used by the customer are listed.
- Number
- Below this column heading the number of the customer’s credit card is listed.
- Exp
- Below this column heading the expiry date of the customer’s credit card is listed.
- Card Holder
- Below this column heading the name of the credit card holder is listed.
- Addr
- Below this column heading the address code of the credit card holder is listed. Note: The code identifies an address that is defined in the Business partner file maintenance, Address file panel.
Business partner file maintenance, Credit card file (GDMD01604)
This panel is used to define customer credit card information at detail level.
Function keys
Retrieve address | Retrieve the applicable address of the customer for whom you are creating a credit card. |
- Number
- The customer number and description.
- Credit card number
- Enter the number of the credit card.
- Card
- Enter a code from the Credit card table indicating the credit card used (e.g., AMEX, VISA).
- CCV number
- Enter the three digit credit card verification number from the back of credit card.
- Valid from date
- Enter the date from which the credit card is valid.
- Expiration date
- Enter the expiry date of the credit card.
- Card holder
- Enter the name of the credit card holder.
- Name
- Enter the name of the credit card holder as on card or click the Retrieve address function key to retrieve the applicable name, address and country from the Address file.
- Address
- Enter the address of the credit card holder on the text lines at your disposal or click the Retrieve address function key to retrieve the applicable name, address and country from the Address file.
- County
- Enter the code from the County table indicating the county in which the customer is located.
- Country
- Enter the country of the credit card holder or click the Retrieve address function key to retrieve the applicable name, address and country from the Address file.