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Via this program you can add, change and delete characteristic exception criteria (conditions) for SSP price groups.
Selection fields
- Price list
- The price list to which the SSP price group is connected.
- Standard sales price
- The standard sales price that is defined for the SSP price group if it can be calculated according to the formula entered in SSP group header. When the price cannot be calculated N/A is displayed.
- Currency
- The standard sales price currency for the SSP price group.
- Classification unit
- The unit in which the standard sales prices are calculated. When the SSP is downloaded this unit is converted to the item sales unit.
- From date
- The start date of the pricing period for the standard sales price.
- To date
- The end date of the pricing period for the standard sales price. The date is calculated automatically from the Valid from date from the next record added. The To date in the last record is always blank.
- Version
- The SSP version number. Version numbers are assigned to the SSP groups defined with the same item classification profile 1, item classification profile 2, price list, currency and from date.
- Line
- The unique line number of the characteristic exception. Several criteria can be connected to one line number if the Combined rules flag is set to NO. If the Combined rules flag is set to YES only one characteristic exception can be connected to a line.
- Characteristic
- This column lists the characteristic information. If only one characteristic is connected to a line, the characteristic is displayed. If more than one characteristic is found, the word *MULT is displayed. Multiple characteristics (conditions) can only be connected to one line if the Combined rules flag is set to NO.
- Operator
- This column lists the condition operator defined for the characteristic and value. If the criteria according to this operator is met, the formula for the characteristic exception will be applied.
- Value
- This column lists the value for the applicable characteristic. The format of the value (alphanumeric or numeric) is defined at characteristic header level (Work with characteristics).
Work with classification definition, SSP, Charact exceptions criteria detail (DMR15604)
On this panel you maintain the criteria details for the SSP characteristic exceptions.
- Price list
- The price list to which the SSP price group is connected.
- Standard sales price
- The standard sales price that is defined for the SSP price group if it can be calculated according to the formula entered in SSP group header. When the price cannot be calculated N/A is displayed.
- Currency
- The standard sales price currency for the SSP price group.
- Classification unit
- The unit in which the standard sales prices are calculated. When the SSP is downloaded this unit is converted to the item sales unit.
- From date
- The start date of the pricing period for the standard sales price.
- To date
- The end date of the pricing period for the standard sales price. The date is calculated automatically from the Valid from date from the next record added. The To date in the last record is always blank.
- Version
- The SSP version number. Version numbers are assigned to the SSP groups defined with the same item classification profile 1, item classification profile 2, price list, currency and from date.
- Line
- The unique line number of the characteristic exception. Several criteria can be connected to one line number if the Combined rules flag is set to NO. If the Combined rules flag is set to YES only one characteristic exception can be connected to a line.
- Characteristic
- Enter the characteristic code. Retrieves the characteristic description.
- Operator
- Enter the condition operator for the characteristic and value. Valid operators for alphanumeric characteristics are = or . The format of the value (alphanumeric or numeric) is defined at characteristic header level (Work with characteristics). If the criteria according to this operator is met, the formula for the characteristic exception will be applied.
- Value
- Enter the value for the applicable characteristic. The format of the value (alphanumeric or numeric) is defined at characteristic header level (Work with characteristics).
Work with classification definition, SSP, Char exceptions criteria, Delete (DMR15609)