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Work with banks (FSR72001)

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These entries are used in the automatic payment and bank remittance routines. Through the entered bank group, own extension programs can be executed. The bank group is maintained in Work with system bank groups. You also define if the company has the possibility to communicate with the financial institution via Data Interchange (DI).


Paym document no Select this option to maintain payment document number information for the bank.
DI documents Select this option to activate or inactivate DI documents for the bank, if the bank is defined for DI.

Selection fields

Main bank
Displays the identity of the bank defined as the default bank to be used whenever you are working with electronic transactions.
This column lists the existing bank codes.
Bank account number
This column lists the bank account numbers.
Displays the currency of the bank account number.
Bank account description
Displays the description of the bank account number.
Displays the name of the bank.
Bank identity
Displays the bank identity (a BIC code, Swift address or bank number).

Work with banks (FSR72004)

Related topics

These entries are used in the automatic payment and bank remittance routines. Through the entered bank group, own extension programs can be executed. The bank group is maintained in Work with system bank groups. You also define if the company has the possibility to communicate with the financial institution via Data Interchange (DI).

Function keys

Contact Maintain bank contacts.

Mandatory entry. Enter the address of the bank on the text lines at your disposal.
Enter a code from Work with counties indicating the county in which the bank is located.

Enter a country of the bank from Work with countries. This reference controls how address line four should be edited when the bank address is printed.
Bank account number
Enter the bank account number, or any other bank number referring to this bank. The entered validation method validates the bank account number. If the bank is available for SEPA, then the only permissible account and bank identifiers for Credit Transfer/SEPA payments and SEPA Direct Debit payments are:

  • the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and
  • the BIC (Bank Identifier Code).
Bank account no desc
Enter a description of the bank account number you have entered.
Account qualifier
Enter the function of the financial institution, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3035, Party qualifier.
Enter a currency for the bank account from Work with currencies or if DI is used, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 6345, Currency, coded.
Bank group
Mandatory entry. Enter a bank group from Work with system bank groups. This information is used for grouping one or more banks together. If no value is entered manually the system retrieves the default bank group from Work with system bank groups, if entered.
Validation method
Mandatory entry. Enter a validation method from Work with validation methods. If no value is entered manually the system retrieves the validation method from Work with system bank groups, if entered, otherwise from Work with countries.
Bank identity
Enter a bank identity (BIC code or Swift address), or any other bank number referring to this bank. If the CRETFR, Credit transfer, function is activated in the Function control file and if the bank is available for SEPA, then the only permissible account and bank identifier for Credit Transfer/SEPA payments and SEPA Direct Debit payments are:

  • the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and
  • the BIC (Bank Identifier Code).
Bank domestic refer
Enter the company’s reference number in the bank for domestic payments.
Bank foreign refer
Enter the company’s reference number in the bank for foreign payments.
Indicate if an agreement exists with the financial institution to communicate via DI.
Voucher type
Enter a type from Work with voucher types to be used by this bank.
Free text
Enter any additional information to the bank on the two lines at your disposal.

Work with banks, Copy (FSR72005)

Related topics

Displays the bank code(s) you selected to copy.
Bank account number
Displays the bank account number(s) of the bank code(s) you selected to copy.

New bank
Enter a code to identify the new bank that you are defining.

Work with banks, Deletion (FSR72008)

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Work with banks (FSR72013)

Related topics

The entries on this panel are used for bank contact person(s) and Cash book reconciliation routines. On the panel you select 1 or 2 contact persons for the bank from Work with contacts and their related contact data will be shown. The contact person 1 and that person’s related contact data will be shown in the Cash book bank balance enquiry.

Function keys

Contact Maintain bank contacts.
Displays the selected bank code and name.

Contact person 1
Enter a name from Work with contacts indicating the primary contact person for the bank.
Telephone number 1
If a telephone number is entered for Contact person 1 entered above, it is automatically retrieved from Work with contacts.
E-mail address 1
If an E-mail address is entered for Contact person 1 entered above, it is automatically retrieved from Work with contacts.
Fax number 1
If a fax number is entered for Contact person 1 entered above, it is automatically retrieved from Work with contacts.
Contact person 2
Enter a name from Work with contacts indicating a second contact person for the bank.
Telephone number 2
If a telephone number is entered for Contact person 2 entered above, it is automatically retrieved from Work with contacts.
E-mail address 2
If an E-mail address is entered for Contact person 2 entered above, it is automatically retrieved from Work with contacts.
Fax number 2
If a fax number is entered for Contact person 2 entered above, it is automatically retrieved from Work with contacts.

Work with banks, DI Information (FSR72014)

Related topics

On this panel you define the DI information for the selected bank, if the bank is defined for Data Interchange.

Function keys

Contact Maintain bank contacts.
Displays the bank code for which you are adding DI information.

DI information

Customer number
Enter the customer number, according to the EDIFACT standard for NAD 3039, Party id identification.
Bank contact
Enter the bank contact, according to the EDIFACT standard for CTA 3412, Department or employee.
Communication number
Enter the communication number, according to the EDIFACT standard for COM 3148, Communication number.
Comm. channel qual
Enter the communication channel qualifier, according to the EDIFACT standard for COM 3155, Communication channel qualifier.
Trading partner
This field is used for informational purposes only. The entry in this field should correspond to the trading partner id in the Enabler, used for receiving information.

The trading partner id is the network (communication) identity and is used by the Enabler when sending messages to be able to send information to the right place.

Note: The Enabler is the third party software for the translation of DI messages. It takes the messages that have come in and puts them into the Batch interface file, for example for sales orders, or takes the messages from the DI interface file, for example for purchase orders, using syntax control, that is, it is done in the right way according to the standard that has been used.

Enter the password which will be used by the receiver to check if the message sent is from us. This password to be defined must be agreed upon by the receiver and us for security purposes.

Institution identification

In the fields below, enter information for the selected bank, according to the institution identification.

Name id
Enter the identification of the financial institution, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3433, Institution name identification.
Enter the type of qualifier that is used to describe the financial institution, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 1131, Code list qualifier.
Responsible agency
Enter the agency that is responsible for maintaining the code that is identified in the code list qualifier component, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3055, Code list responsible agency, coded.
Branch number
Enter the national, or local, location of the financial institution that is identified in the institution name identification component, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3434, Institution branch number.
Branch qualifier
Enter the qualifier that is used to identify the financial institution’s branch, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 1131, Code list qualifier.
Branch resp. agency
Enter the agency that is responsible for maintaining the code that is identified in the code list qualifier component, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3055, Code list responsible agency, coded.
Enter the name of the financial institution, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3432, Institution name.
Branch place
Enter the place of the financial institution, according to the EDIFACT standard for FII 3436, Institution branch place.

Work with banks (FSR72015)

Related topics

On this panel you enter or maintain cash book and portfolio information for the selected bank.

Function keys

Contact Maintain bank contacts.
Displays the selected bank code and name.

Cash book

The following two fields are used in the Cash book reconciliation routine and are only shown if Cashbook is activated in the Function control file.

Tolerance %
Enter a tolerance percentage for the bank. This percentage decides the tolerated difference in the Cash book reconciliation routine. The reconciliation with differences will only be allowed if the absolute value of the difference entered is less or equal to the value entered here.
Tolerance amount
Enter a tolerance amount for the bank. This amount decides the tolerated difference in the Cash book reconciliation routine. The reconciliation with differences will only be allowed if the absolute value of the difference entered is less or equal to the value entered here. Note: If both Tolerance % and Tolerance amount are left blank, Cash book reconciliation with difference will not be allowed.


The following fields are only shown if Portfolio handling is activated in the A/R control file.

Magnetic media
Indicate if documents to be remitted to this bank should be sent on magnetic media.
Tape/Dkt layout no
If this bank accepts document remittances on magnetic media, enter a layout number for the tape or diskette, referring to the file layout the bank uses.
Encashment days
Enter the number of days, from remittance date, that the bank normally needs for encashment of documents. This number will control when it is time to remit the documents for encashment. If the bank uses five days, you should remit a document at least five days in advance of the due date. If the document arrives too late, the bank will usually not encash it. A document which is overdue should be encashed “at sight”, and for this kind of document, the system will add a code for “at sight” encashment in the remittance letter.
Expiring buffer days
Enter the number of days after due date (or remittance date for encashment “at sight”), that are needed when this bank handles encashed or discounted documents, before your company can be certain that payment for the document will not be reclaimed by the bank for payment failure on behalf of the debtor. After this period the document can be closed by expiration. If you leave the field blank, the system will automatically insert twenty days.