This panel displays all existing item conformity criteria. The conformity criteria are used in item conformity groups to describe the exact details to which items must conform. For each criterion you can either specify a range of values or an infinite number of individual values to be used in the quality control reporting.
Values | Select this option to define values for the conformity criteria. Note: This option is not valid if a range has been defined for the criteria. |
Selection fields
- Code
- Displays the conformity criterion identification.
- Description
- Displays a description of the conformity criterion.
- Stock categ
- Displays the stock category that is used for this criterion when goods are reported as non-conforming during the quality control.
- Range
- Indicates if a range is defined for the criterion.
- Values
- Indicates if criteria values are defined for the criterion.
Work with item conformity criteria (DIR08904)
On this panel you can add new criteria or maintain existing criteria details. If a range of criteria values should be used in the quality control instead of individual values, the range values must be defined on this panel.
- Code
- Minimum range
- Enter the minimum value of the range in which items must fall in order to conform.
- Maximum range
- Enter the maximum value of the range in which items must fall in order to conform. Note: The maximum range must be greater than the minimum range.
- Stock category
- Mandatory entry. Enter a stock category from the Stock category table to be used for this criterion when goods are reported as non-conforming during the quality control. Note: If DC1 Warehouse Management is installed and activated, the quantity type activated for the stock category must be 06 (NCC usable) or 07 (NCC unusable).
- Only def values
- This field is mandatory, but it only affects criteria for which values, not ranges, are defined. Indicate if only pre-defined values can be reported in the quality control for this criterion.
If this field is set to YES, only values that have been defined on the Work with item conformity criteria, Values panel can be reported during the quality control. Whether or not the reported values are conforming or non-conforming is defined in the Conforming field in that table.
If this field is set to NO, any values can be reported during the quality control. Whether or not the reported values are conforming or non-conforming is defined in the Conforming field on the Work with item conformity criteria, Values panel. Values that do not exist in that table will be regarded as non-conforming.
- Plug-in program
- Enter the name of the plug-in program that should be used in the quality reporting. The program will return a calculated conformity value. This is used for complex calculations.
- Unit
- If you have defined a range of criteria values on this panel, enter the unit.