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Default maintenance – xxxxxxxxxx (GDMD8241)

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Note: The valid program name for the program selected on the GDMD8232 panel will be displayed as the panel heading.

This panel displays the defaults and corresponding descriptions that have been set up in your system for the chosen program. You can add, change or delete entries in the table.

Selection fields

Default maintenance – xxxxxxxxxx (GDMD8243)

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On this panel you update information for the default. You also indicate if the default values entered in table-related fields should be validated.

Validate fields
Indicate if the fields completed with default data should be validated. If you set this field to YES, the same validations will apply for the entered default data as those which apply for the entry of real data. For example, blank is not allowed if the field should be set to YES or NO, etc. This is an extra security measure to ensure that valid default data is entered in each field.