This routine shall be run when you want the iSeries to update the program/file structure of the installed DC1 systems. The main reason for having an updated structure is the opening of files (shared open data path). This is done from the DC1 start-up CL program ASGC800. A program will not be included in the updated structure if submitted in a CL-program via the RQSDTA parameter. If submitted as a COMMAND, it will be included.
The cross reference files are used:
- to check the authority per user and program defined in the program SECUR
- to define in what order different programs and files are to be opened when you select, for example, a menu item
And are located in:
- Actual release life-cycle library
- Actual company data base library if Company crossref in Work with companies is set to YES
Note: This program should be executed after the system has been installed and/or when major changes have been made.
- when you have installed/removed applications
- when you have installed/removed releases
- when you have promoted objects between life-cycle libraries
You can perform this routine in two steps.
- Generate the work files. This might take some time, but everybody can use the system as usual while this is done.
- When the generation of work files is completed, you can update the program/file structure. In this step, which will only take a few minutes, all work files will be copied to the actual program/file structure files. Nobody can use the system while this is done
Of course you can run both steps at the same time, but then you have to make sure that nobody uses the system, since you do not know when the real update starts.
Make sure that nobody uses the system by running, for example, the iSeries command WRKACTJOB.
In addition, if the application DC1 Distribution is installed, you must also end the DIS direct jobs. This can be done by running the End all DIRECT JOBS in DC1 program.
If the application DC1 Multi Distribution Centre is installed, you must also end the MDC direct jobs. This can be done by running the End all MDC DIRECT JOBS in DC1 program.
If the application DC1 Time is installed, you must also end all communication processes for application TME. This can be done by running the Monitor communication program.
Note: This must be done for all companies within the same environment and life-cycle level if you have the same Crossref files for all your companies (which means the Company crossref field in Work with companies is set to NO). Otherwise you just have to end the direct jobs in the company for which you want to update the Program structure file.
- Generate work files
- Set this field to YES if you want to generate the work files for the program/file structure. Everybody can work with the system while work files are generated. If you have generated work files in a previous step and you just want to update the work files to the actual program/file structure files, set this field to NO.
- Update crossref
- Set this field to YES if you want the previous generated work files to update the actual program/structure files. You must make sure that nobody is working in the system while this step is performed. Set this field to NO if you just want to generate the work files (which means the Generate work files field is set to YES).
- Load used msg in pgm
- Indicate if you want to update the Cross reference file with where the message id’s are used. You can then, in the Work with messages program, see where a specific message is used.