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This panel is only displayed if DC1 Radio Frequency Handling is installed and activated.
On this panel you have the possibility to turn on or turn off the scanning of pallet id, item and/or quantity for picking, put away, replenishment and counting. For example, if item scanning is turned off for picking, then you only need to scan the location and quantity. The item is always defaulted according to the suggested pick instruction.
Note: For maximal accuracy, the scanning should always be turned on.
- Warehouse
- Displays the warehouse you are working with.
R/F panel
- Activate R/F
- Indicate if radio frequency should be used for this warehouse.
- Display batch/serial
- Indicate if a batch/serial input field should be displayed for R/F location movements processing. For other R/F processing, the batch/serial number is not displayed if the item is not batch or serial number controlled.
- Display pallet
- Indicate if a pallet id input field should be displayed for R/F location movements processing. For other R/F processing, pallet id is not displayed if there is no suggested pallet on the instruction.
- Use location alias
- Set to YES to indicate that location alias should be scanned/entered during R/F processing. If you set to NO, then zone and location will be used.
- Use EAN
- Indicate if the EAN code should be used with R/F batch creation and R/F batch processing. If you set to NO, then the DC1 item code will be used. Note: When using the EAN code you should make sure that the items used in R/F batch creation and processing have an EAN code defined. This is done on the Item file/Units panel.
Scan/Enter item
- Pick
- Indicate if the item should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F processing for pick instruction.
- Put away
- Indicate if the item should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F processing for put away instruction.
- Item count
- Indicate if the item should be scanned/entered from the suggestion during R/F processing for item count instruction. The item is not defaulted for an item count instruction.
- Movement
- Indicate if the item should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F location movement put instruction.
Scan/Enter pallet
- Pick
- Indicate if the pallet id should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F processing for pick instruction.
- Put away
- Indicate if the pallet id should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F processing for put away instruction.
- Item count
- Indicate if the pallet id should be scanned/entered from the suggestion during R/F processing for item count instruction. The pallet id is not defaulted for an item count instruction.
- Movement
- Indicate if the pallet id should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F location movement put instruction.
Scan/Enter quantity
- Pick
- Indicate if the quantity should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F processing for pick instruction.
- Put away
- Indicate if the quantity should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F processing for put away instruction.
- Item count
- Indicate if the quantity should be scanned/entered from the suggestion during R/F processing for item count instruction. The quantity is not defaulted for an item count instruction.
- Movement
- Indicate if the quantity should be scanned/entered or defaulted from the suggestion during R/F location movement put instruction.
Default locations
- Staging location
- Enter a staging zone and location. This will be used during the automatic R/F batch creation if no staging location is defined in the Work with warehouses, R/F staging location table. Staging locations define where items in an R/F batch should be put prior to shipping.
- Keep empty pallets
- Indicate if pallet information should be kept in the system after the unit has been picked in a partial pick. These pallets will, most likely, still be in the locations and need to be moved away. If YES, then they will be saved in an empty pallet file, which can be processed in R/F.
- Catch weight pick
- This field is only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file. Set this field to YES if catch weight quantities should be entered during R/F pick. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.