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Bill of lading maintenance, Header information, Part 1 (DIR35001)

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This panel displays an example of a bill of lading document. All information can be entered on this panel can be changed.

The bill of lading is a document which is delivered with the goods. The information on this panel will be printed on the bill of lading document. The customer’s address is retrieved from the Business partner file and the other information on the panel is retrieved from the Freight standard value table. You can also define your own field names in the Freight standard value table.

Function keys

Indicates the customer’s name and number.
Address number
Indicates the customer’s delivery address. This value is defined in the Business partner file, Address panel.
Shipping agent

Indicates the selected type of freight document.

Bill of lading no
Indicates the number from the Number series, if defined for the document and shipping agent in the Shipping agent table, but can be changed. If nothing was defined the field will be blank. Enter a number manually or leave it blank, meaning the pre-printed number on the document printout will apply.
Tracking number
Indicates the shipping agent’s tracking number (e.g., consignment note number).
Indicates the consignee from the confirmed pick list.
Delivery address
Indicates the customer’s delivery address. Note: The delivery address is retrieved from the second address line of the delivery address on the Work with sales order, Delivery address (DMR31305) panel.
Postal address
Indicates the customer’s postal address. Note: The postal address is retrieved from the first input field of the last address line of the delivery address on the Work with sales order, Delivery address (DMR31305) panel.

The destination can be changed. Enter the destination where the goods are delivered.

Indicates the country defined for the delivery address. This value is defaulted from the Business partner file, Address file panel.
No of EUR pallets
Enter the number of EUR pallets.
Cash on Delivery: Indicates the amount that the driver must collect from the customer upon delivery of the goods.

Caution: The COD amount will be automatically calculated when the Bill of lading is created. As all of the other information on a freight document, it will not be automatically updated whenever new lines are added to the freight document. To retrieve the exact COD amount for the bill of lading use the Accumulate COD button which automatically re-calculates the COD amount and updates it to this panel.

More information:

The calculated amount will be a sum of all order lines including VAT plus any distributed shipment fees. This means that the calculated cash-on-delivery amount will exclude all additional fees that are added during invoicing, such as e.g., order header fees and surcharges.


  • The Cash on delivery field in the Terms of payment table must be set to YES
Paym send./recipient
Enter a character in one of the fields, depending on who is paying the shipment; i.e. the sender or the recipient.

Bill of lading maintenance, Header information, Part 2 (DIR35002)

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This panel displays information for the shipping agent, concerning how to handle and pack the goods. The default information is retrieved from the Freight standard value table, and the customer’s address from the Business partner file. This information can be changed. The information will be printed on the Bill of lading document.

Function keys

Indicates the customer code.
Shipping agent

Indicates the selected type of freight document.

Sender reference
Identifies the employee who received the order from the customer. This value is retrieved from the Freight standard value table.
Recipient reference
Identifies the person who ordered the goods. This value is defined in the Freight standard value table.
Delivery instruction
Indicates the delivery instructions, i.e. if the goods are fragile and should be handled with care. This information is defaulted from the Freight standard value table.
Special packing inst
Indicates any special packing instructions as to how the goods should be kept during the transportation, e.g., cold or warm. This value is defaulted from the Freight standard value table.
Special observations
Indicates any special observations. This value is defaulted from the Freight standard value table.
Special agreements
Information is only displayed in this field if a special agreement has been defined in the Freight standard value table. Specifies the details of the special agreement.
Payment directions
Information is only displayed in this field if a special method of payment has been defined in the Freight standard value table. Specifies the payment direction details.