Related topics
On this panel you retrieve and update the company incoming payment modes and the receiving bank accounts.
Selection fields
- Co
- This column lists the company codes.
- Bank account
- This column lists the bank account numbers of the receivers.
- Fmt
- This column lists the A/R payment formats.
- Brf
- This column lists the bank account references.
- Description
- This column lists the descriptions of the A/R payment bank accounts.
Work with A/R payment bank accounts (DKFD76404)
On this panel you enter or maintain the new records associated with the company incoming payment modes and the receiving bank accounts.
- Company
- Displays the company code of the receiver.
- Bank account
- Enter the receiver’s bank account number.
- Format
- Enter the A/R payment format.
- Description
- Enter the description of the A/R payment bank account.
- Identification
- Enter the unique A/R payment identity code.
- Country
- Enter the bank’s country code from Work with countries.
- Bank acc reference
- Enter the bank account reference code maintained in the system.
- A/P number (OCR)
- Enter the accounts payable number.
Work with A/R payment bank accounts, Copy (DKFD76405)
Existing entry
- Co
- Displays the company code(s) to be copied.
- Bank account
- Displays the bank account(s) to be copied.
- Format
- Displays the format code(s) to be copied.
- Bank acc reference
- Displays the bank account reference(s) to be copied.
New entry
- Co
- Displays the company code for the new country, but can be changed.
- Bank account
- Enter the new bank account.
- Format
- Enter the new format code.
- Bank acc reference
- Enter the new bank account reference.