Related topics
- Drill down to A/R settlement details from other documents
- Drill down to A/R settlement details from the main settlement document
- View documents used to settle an A/R payment in the Open batch environment
The default mode of this panel displays the main settled document(s) in Transaction currency. Click Shift currency to toggle the applicable documents in Primary, System and Reporting currencies. This panel displays all the documents that have been settled with the selected main document.
Settlement details | Select this option to drill down to the individual settled documents (and their details) that were settled together with this main settled document. |
Function keys
Settlement overview | Access the Settlement overview panel, where you can view the overall settlement information. |
For each document, depending on whether it is relevant or not, the following information is shown:
- the document type and number
- the document date
- the text retrieved from Work with document types, or manually entered
- the settled amount
- the currency in which the settled amount is shown, which means transaction, primary, system or reporting currency
- the balance amount
- the accounting period in which each document was entered
- the voucher type
- the voucher number
- the voucher date
- the journal number
- Debtor number
- Displays the number, name and telephone number of the debtor for this settlement.
- Document
- Displays the document type and number.
- Text
- The text for this document is retrieved from Work with document types or manually entered.
- Document date
- Displays the date for this document.
- Orig amount
- Displays the original amount for this document.
A/R transactions enquiry, Settlement details (FKR51504)
This panel displays the individual settled documents (and their details) that belong to the main settled document. This includes all automatically created documents such as cash discount, hidden discount and exchange rate differences.
Function keys
For each document, depending on whether it is relevant or not, the following information is shown:
- the document type and number
- the due date
- the text retrieved from Work with document types, or manually entered
- the original amount
- the settled amount
- the currency in which the amount is shown, which means transaction, primary, system or reporting currency
- the voucher type
- the voucher number
- the reminder degree (R), i.e., the number of reminders that have been issued for each document
- the customer number
- the remaining amount to be settled
- Debtor number
- Displays the number, name and telephone number of the debtor for this settlement.
- Document
- Displays the document type and number.
- Selected settlement
- Displays the main settled document type and number to which the individual settled documents belong.
- Selected document
- Displays the selected document type and document number.
- Selected voucher
- Displays the selected voucher type and number for the main settlement.
- Settlem voucher date
- Displays the date the main settlement was created.
A/R transactions enquiry, Settlement overview (FKR51507)
This panel is shown if you selected a settled document with one or more main settlement documents. The main settlement documents for an invoice can, for example, be one (or more) payment documents, that were used to settle the invoice.
To access more detailed information, mark one of the main documents with the Settlement details option. The detail panel displays the complete settlement information concerning the settled document.
The top part of the panel displays information for the selected document:
- Debtor number, name and telephone number
- Document type and number
- Text
- Document date
- Original amount for this document
Settlement details | Select this option to view the individual settled documents (and their details) that have been settled with this main settlement document. |
For each document, depending on whether it is relevant or not, the following information is shown:
- the text retrieved from Work with document types, or manually entered
- the document type and number
- the document date
- the voucher type of the actual settlement
- the voucher number of the actual settlement
- the voucher date of the actual settlement
- the accounting period of the actual settlement
- the journal number of the actual settlement
- Debtor number
- Displays the number, name and telephone number of the debtor for this settlement.
- Document
- Displays the document type and number.
- Text
- The text for this document is retrieved from Work with document types or manually entered.
- Document date
- Displays the date for this document.
- Orig amount
- Displays the original amount for this document.