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Work with CODA/FINSTA settlement policies (BEFD38501)


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A settlement policy contains the definition of several parameters which are steering the behaviour of the search for debtors or open transactions. Settlement policies are only used in the flow of A/R transactions.


Excl doc types Select this option to work with the records in the settlement policy – excluded document types.

Selection fields

A unique code to identify the settlement policy.

Work with CODA/FINSTA settlement policies (BEFD38504)

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Using this panel you can add new, change or view the existing settlement policy.

Settlement policy
A unique code that identifies the settlement policy.

Automatic settlement
Indicate if you want to allow the CODA/FINSTA or the financial transaction interface to create settlements automatically for the transactions found in interface files. Leave the status blank to do the settlement manually (for this you do not have to enter Allow payment diff, Monthly search type, Allow past cash disc, and Overdue days below).
Use bankaccount
Only applicable for external payments. Indicate if you want to use the bank account number for searching the debtor. Leave the status blank to retrieve the debtor based on a search of the invoice numbers.
Use preferred bank
Indicate if you want to use the preferred bank details for policy settlement.
Allow payment diff
This parameter identifies if you allow differences between the payment amount and the total settled amount for a certain transaction. Indicate if you want to create the settlement even if the payment amount is higher than the sum of the found open transactions. Leave the status blank to keep the payment open and not to create any settlements.
Monthly search type
If no open transactions are found in the text, then the routine will read the open transactions of the previous month for the found debtor and try to settle them. Enter the sequence by which the open transactions must be read.

The following sequence values apply:

Value Description
O No search in the open transaction database for the found debtor must be done.
1 The search routine must read the open transactions of the previous month in sequence of the due date (oldest first).
2 The search routine must read the open transactions of the previous month in sequence of the document date (oldest first).
Allow past cash disc
Indicate if you want to allow the system to consider the cash discount amount even if the due dates are passed for the cash discount. The maximum number of days the system can add to the cash discount due date is specified in the next parameter. Leave the status blank if you do not want the system to calculate the extra cash discount days.
Overdue days
Only applicable if the status of the Allow past cash disc field is YES. Enter the number of days to be added if the payment date is after the cash discount due date. Note: The field must contain a positive value. This parameter is independent of the Extra cash days parameter which you can define on the A/R basic data panel in the Business partner file.
Update bank account
Indicate if you want to add the bank account number for a business partner.

Work with CODA/FINSTA settlement policies, Copy (BEFD38505)

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Displays the policy code you selected to copy.
Displays the description of the policy you selected to copy.

New policy
Enter the new policy code that you are creating.
New description
Enter the description of the new policy that you are creating.

Work with CODA/FINSTA settlement policies, Deletion (BEFD38508)

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