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MSDS log file enquiry (DIR74001)

This is the initial panel for MSDS log file enquiry. When the panel is first displayed you see all existing log records in the file (this is the default mode). By entering different search concepts, a selection of MSDS log records will be displayed in the listing. Selections can be made by Customer number, MSDS identity, MSDS Version number, Last order number, Last order date and Last printing date.

Selection fields

Last order no
Displays the number of the last order that was accessed.
Last order date
Displays the date of the last order.
Last print date
Displays the last date the orders were printed.

MSDS log file enquiry, Details (DIR74004)

This panel displays the detailed information for the MSDS log file record you selected on the previous panel.

Function keys

Sales order enquiry Access the Sales order enquiry program.
MSDS log information
Displays in the fields below detailed information retrieved from the MSDS log file.
Customer number
Displays the customer number on the sales order for which the MSDS record was created.
Displays the identity of the MSDS.
Version number
Displays the version number of the MSDS.
Last order number
Displays the last order number that was accessed.
Last order date
Displays the date of the last order.
Last printing date
Displays the last date the orders were printed.
MSDS information
Displays in the fields below information retrieved from the MSDS file.
Version date
Displays the date when the MSDS was last changed in the MSDS file.
Version number
Displays the version number of the current MSDS in the MSDS file.