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Goods reception transaction enquiry (DMR56001)

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In this program you can view the received items in the system. The supplier’s invoices can then be checked against what has been received from the supplier.

After entering your selections in the fields on the bottom of the panel, the associated information will be displayed in the middle section of the panel.

By entering any character next to any reception line and clicking OK, you can view more detailed information for that reception line.


Serial numbers Only valid for serial number controlled items. Select this option to access the Serial number tracking enquiry.
Batches Only valid for batch controlled items. Select this option to access the Batch enquiry.
NCC Only valid for if any non-conformity certificate has been created for this order line. Select this option to access the Non-conformity certificate enquiry.
Statistics Select this option to view purchase related statistical data in the Item file enquiry, Warehouses panel.

Function keys

Change sequence Toggle to view the information by reception note number/line number and purchase order number/order line.

Selection fields

Rec note
This column lists the reception note number and line number on which the item was printed, if the order line was printed on a reception note and/or a quality control note.
Purchase order
This column, which is displayed when you change sequence, lists the selected purchase order number.
This column lists the line number of the reception note or purchase order.
This column lists the supplier number.
This column lists the item code.
Rec qty
This column lists the received quantity on this order line.
This column lists the unit for the item.

The following columns can be activated via the DC1 UI Client Edit columns feature:

Reception date
This column lists the date when this order line was received.
Item description
This column lists the item description.
Supplier item description
This column lists the supplier’s item description.
Order reference
This column lists the supplier’s order number or any reference to the purchase order.
Order type
This column lists the order type of the order.
This column list the terms of payment code.
Terms of payment description
This column list the description of the terms of payment code.
This column lists the warehouse code indicating in which warehouse the item is stored.
Order quantity purchase unit
This column lists the quantity in purchase unit that was placed on the order line.
Order quantity stock unit
This column lists the quantity in stock unit that was placed on the order line.
Confirmed quantity
This column lists the confirmed quantity at reception (received quantity).
Approved quantity purchase unit
This column lists the approved quantity in purchase unit during quality control.
Approved quantity stock unit
This column lists the approved quantity in stock unit during quality control.
Backlog Y/N
This column lists the code for YES if any quantity on the order line has been backlogged.
Purchase price
This column lists the gross purchase price of the item being purchased, if this is a purchase order.
Line discount 1-9
Up to nine line discount columns can be activated listing the discount percentages defined for the order line.
Discount amount
This column lists the discount amount defined for the order line.
Net price
This column lists the net purchase price of the item being purchased, i.e. the order line discounts have been taken into account. This only applies for purchase orders.
Agreement number
This column lists the supplier agreement number, if a valid supplier agreement existed when the purchase order was entered. This only applies for purchase orders.
This column lists the handler on the purchase order.
Quantity conversion factor
This column lists the conversion factor between the purchase unit and stock unit.
Net amount in system currency
This column lists the total net line amount in system currency, excluding VAT.
Net amount in transaction currency
This column lists the total net line amount in transaction currency, excluding VAT.
Transaction currency
This column lists the transaction currency.
Order discount %
This column lists the total order discount as a percentage.
Landed cost type
This column lists the landed cost type.
Price unit
Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. This column lists the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
Price unit conversion factor
This column lists the conversion factor between the price unit and purchase unit.
Attest ctl
This column indicates if the order is under attest control (i.e. controlled for approval at order entry).
This column indicates if the order is approved for purchase and payment.
This column lists the signature of the attester if the order is approved for purchase.
Accounting period
This column lists accounting period of the transaction.
Total remain
This column lists the total remaining quantity that can be matched for this order line.
Used qty
This column lists the used quantity for this goods reception line.
Invoiced qty
This column lists the invoiced quantity for this goods reception line.

Goods reception transaction enquiry (DMR56004)

Related topics

This panel displays detailed information for the selected received purchase order.

Function keys

Serial numbers This function key is only displayed if the item is serial number tracked. Access the Serial number tracking enquiry.
Batches This function key is only displayed if the item is batch controlled. Access the Batch enquiry.
Non-conf info This function key is only displayed if any non-conformity certificate has been created for this order line. Access the Non-conformity certificate enquiry.
Statistics View purchase related statistical data in the Item file enquiry, Warehouses panel.
Reception note/line
Displays the reception note number and line number on which the item was printed, if the order line was printed on a reception note and/or a quality control note.
Displays the warehouse code indicating in which warehouse the item is stored.
Purchase order/line
Displays the selected purchase order number/line number.
Displays the supplier number and name.
Order reference
Displays the supplier’s order number or any reference to the purchase order.
Order type
Displays the order type of the order.
Displays the item code and description.
Suppl item
Displays the supplier’s item code and description.
LC type
Displays the landed cost type.
Trpt note no
Displays the transport note number stated on the dispatch advice which was received from the supplier.
Act disp dat
Displays the actual dispatch date, stated on the dispatch advice which was received from the supplier.
Rec date
Displays the date when this order line was received.
Displays the quantity ordered if this is a purchase order line.
Displays the unit in which the quantity was purchased and stocked if this is a purchase order line.
Displays the received quantity on this order line.
If the item on the order line has undergone a quality control confirmation, displays the approved quantity.
Indicates if any quantity on the order line has been backlogged.
Quality ctl
Indicates if this order line has undergone a quality control confirmation.

Goods reception transaction enquiry (DMR56005)

Related topics

This panel displays additional detailed information for the selected received purchase order.

Reception note/line
Displays the reception note number and line number on which the item was printed, if the order line was printed on a reception note and/or a quality control note.
Displays the warehouse code indicating in which warehouse the item is stored.
Purchase order/line
Displays the selected purchase order number/line number.
Displays the supplier number and name.
Order reference
Displays the supplier’s order number or any reference to the purchase order.
Order type
Displays the order type of the order.
Displays the item code and description.
Suppl item
Displays the supplier’s item code and description.
Displays the terms of payment code and description.

Total remain
Displays the total remaining quantity that can be matched for this order line.
Used qty
Displays the used quantity for this goods reception line.
Invoiced qty
Displays the invoiced quantity for this goods reception line.
Price unit
Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
Prc unit qty
Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the quantity for the purchase order line displayed according to the price unit. See About price unit handling for more information.
Catch weight
Only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight handling) function is activated in the Function control file. If this field is set to YES, it denotes that catch weight quantities were registered for the item/supplier/unit on the purchase order line. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
Displays the gross purchase price of the item being purchased, if this is a purchase order.
Disc amount
Displays a discount amount defined for the order line.
Displays the currency in which the price is displayed.
Dis % 1-9
Displays a maximum of nine discount percentages defined for the order line.
Net price
Displays the net purchase price of the item being purchased, i.e. the order line discounts have been taken into account. This only applies for purchase orders.
Agreement no
Displays the supplier agreement number, if a valid supplier agreement existed when the purchase order was entered. This only applies for purchase orders.
Order disc
Indicates if the order line was included when calculating the total order discount.
Attest ctl
Indicates if the order is under attest control (i.e. controlled for approval at order entry).
Indicates if the order is approved for purchase and payment.
Displays the signature of the attester if the order is approved for purchase.
VAT based
Indicates if this is a VAT based item.
VAT handl cd
Displays the VAT handling code for the order line.
VAT included
Indicates if VAT is included in the purchase price of the item.

Goods reception transaction enquiry, More Selections (DMR56011)

Related topics

Function keys


  • Supplier
  • Purchase order
  • Reception note
  • Order reference
  • Shipment number
  • Supp transport note
  • Item
  • Supplier item
  • Reception date
  • Warehouse