This document provides assistance and further details when selecting among the available workbench options.
This option will be executed only if the settlement balance is different from zero and the document has not yet been settled in the current settlement. The amount that will be settled for the marked document, either by an amount paid from the settlement balance or by discounts, depends on the following factors:
1. | Is the settlement running in the single currency mode or in the multi-currency mode? |
2. | What is the sign of the document-to-settle free remaining amount? Note: The document free remaining amount is the remaining amount for the document excluding all the order settlement amount reservations related to the document. If the free remaining amount is negative it will be called a payment-type remaining amount. If it is positive it will be called an invoice-type remaining amount. |
3. | What is the settlement balance sign i.e., is the settlement balance dominated by invoices (negative) or by payments (positive)? |
4. | What is the settlement balance amount? |
Single-currency mode
For all the cases listed below, the amounts are primarily calculated in transaction currency. The system currency amounts for the amount paid from the settlement balance and for the discounts (cash and hidden) will be calculated from the corresponding transaction currency amounts by applying the exchange rate retrieved from the subject document (this exchange rate is calculated based on the transaction and system currency original amounts of the document).
Owing to the applied method of the system amount calculation for both the paid amount and the discount amounts, the amounts settled for a document in transaction and system currency will always have the original exchange rate value for the document and thus no document related exchange rate difference will be created for a settled document in the single currency settlement mode.
The above described method of the system currency settled amount calculation, applied for each document settled in the settlement, does not assure that the settlement balance in system currency is zero, if it is zero in transaction currency.
When the settlement balance in transaction currency is zero, the unbalanced amount in system currency corresponds to the total of all the exchange rate differences aggregated for the entire settlement.
The amount unbalanced for a settlement in system currency will be settled by an exchange rate difference document automatically created on the settlement level at the settlement closing process. This document is created only when the settlement is closed in the single currency mode, because if it is closed in the multi-currency mode it is always required that the settlement balance in system currency is zero.
This exchange rate difference document created on the settlement level will never show up on the settlement workbench panel.
1. | Document to settle has a payment-type remaining amount (the free remaining amount for the document is negative). | |
2. | Document to settle has an invoice-type remaining amount (the free remaining amount for the document is positive). | |
Multi-currency mode
For the multi-currency mode settlement the same rules will be applied as for the single currency settlement mode with the following exceptions only:
The settlement balance amount displayed in system currency on the panel, before being used for the paid amount and the discount amounts calculation, will be converted into the subject document transaction currency by using the following exchange rate retrieval scheme (the first applicable rule will be used):
1. | If the document currency is the system currency the system currency amount will be directly used. |
2. | If the document has a payment document type, the subject document exchange rate will be applied. |
3. | If the main settlement document has a payment document type and the main settlement document currency is the same as that of the subject document the main settlement document exchange rate will be applied. |
4. | If the main settlement document has a payment document type, the exchange rate will be retrieved from the exchange rate table for the main settlement document date and the subject document currency, period code and level code, if the latter two are valid. |
5. | If the main settlement document has a payment document type, the exchange rate will be retrieved from the exchange rate table for the main settlement document date, for the subject document currency and for the period code and level code stored as default in the A/R control file. |
6. | Otherwise, the subject document exchange rate will be used for calculation. |
After the settlement balance amount is converted into the subject document transaction currency amount the same rules as for the single currency settlement (see above) are applied to calculate the paid amount and the discount amounts in the document transaction currency.
The system currency amount for each of the created discount documents will be calculated from the corresponding transaction currency amount using the related document original exchange rate (the same rule as for the single currency mode).
However, the system currency amount paid from the settlement balance will be calculated from the corresponding transaction currency amount using the same exchange rate, which was applied for the settlement balance recalculation (see above) and may be different from the document original exchange rate.
If the paid amount exchange rate is different from the original exchange rate for the document, an exchange rate difference document will be immediately created on the document level when the document is settled.
Note: In the multi-currency mode there will be no exchange rate difference document created at the settlement closing on the settlement level.
Fully settle
This option will be executed only if the document has not been settled in the current settlement yet.
The amount that will be settled for the marked document, either by an amount paid from the settlement balance or by discounts depends on the following factors:
1. | Is the settlement running in the single currency mode or in the multi-currency mode? |
2. | What is the sign of the document-to-settle free remaining amount? Note: The document free remaining amount is the remaining amount for the document excluding all the order settlement amount reservations related to the document. If the free remaining amount is negative it will be called a payment-type remaining amount. If it is positive it will be called an invoice-type remaining amount. |
Single-currency mode
For all the cases listed below, the amounts are primarily calculated in transaction currency and recalculated into system currency using the subject document exchange rate.
Note: All the remarks written for the Single currency mode in the Settle option description above are valid for the Fully settle option, too.
1. | Document to settle has a payment-type remaining amount (the free remaining amount for the document is negative). The entire free remaining amount will be paid for the document, independent of the settlement balance amount. | |
2. | Document to settle has an invoice-type remaining amount (the free remaining amount for the document is positive). | |
Multi-currency mode
For the multi-currency mode settlements the same rules will be applied as for the Single currency mode for the Fully settle option with the only exceptions described in the section Single currency mode for the Settle option.