This panel displays the search fields that have been set up for the selected enquiry program in your system. You can add, change or delete records.
Normally the search fields are created automatically when new enquiry programs are added to this program, which means you do not need to enter search fields manually on this panel. In the Enquiry program search field control table you define which search field should automatically be created.
If the enquiry program name is Area table, two search fields are created – AREA and TABLE. These search fields are automatically displayed on this panel, if you add a new enquiry program to Work with enquiry programs and if the Build search fields field for type 01 in the Enquiry program field control table is set to YES.
The search fields are used in the Enquiry program selection program to easily find one or several enquiry programs.
Note: You should try to restrict the number of search fields, because the fewer search fields you have in the system, the faster the search will be done when you enter a search text in the Enquiry program selection program.
Selection fields
- Program
- Displays the selected enquiry program.
- Field
- This column lists the texts of the search fields that have been defined for the selected enquiry program.
- Type
- This column lists the search field types. Displays 01-09 if the search field is automatically created by the system. Otherwise, the search field is manually created.
Work with enquiry program search fields (GDMD14404)
The Enquiry program search field function allows a multitude of different ways of finding an enquiry program in the Enquiry program selection program. On this panel you enter the search text and the type of search field.
- Program
- Displays the selected enquiry program.
- Description
- Displays the description of the selected enquiry program.
- Search field
- Displays the text you can enter in the Enquiry program selection program to find the enquiry program. If you add a search field manually, enter the text for the search field.
- Type
- Displays 01-09 if this is a search field created automatically by the system. Search fields are created automatically by the system if the Build search fields field for type 01-09 in the Enquiry program field control table is set to YES.
For type 01 one search field is created for each word in the enquiry program description. For type 02 one search field is created for the application code of the enquiry program.
If you add a search field manually, enter a valid type from the Enquiry program field control table. Note that you cannot enter 01-09, since those types are used for automatically created search fields.
Work with enquiry program search fields, Copy (GDMD14405)
- Field
- Displays the search field(s) you selected to copy.
- New field
- Enter the new search field that you are creating.