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This panel displays the A/P payment maintypes that have been defined. Payment maintype is a category which is defined for banks operating in Denmark. The A/P payment maintype is the main type which is used to create the format file in the respective folder which is linked in Work with payment folders. The A/P payment types, which are associated with the format file, are the payment modes that are supported by the maintype.
Types | Select this option to specify payment types for a payment maintype. |
Selection fields
- Maintype
- This column lists the existing payment maintypes.
- Description
- This column lists the descriptions of the payment maintypes.
Work with A/P payment maintypes (DKFD16504)
On this panel you enter or maintain details for the payment maintype.
Function keys
- Payment maintype
- Enter a code to identify the new payment maintype.
- Description
- Enter the description of the payment maintype.
- Format program
- Enter the format program for the payment maintype.
- Payment fees
- Enter a code indicating who should be charged with the payment fees for this maintype.
- Cheque to
- Enter to whom the cheque should be sent.
Code Description 1 Sender 2 Claiming 3 Receiver
- Bank department
- Enter the bank code.
- Version
- Enter the version that should be used.
Code Description 0 BusinessOnline 1 Business PC 5.0
- Returnadv. (Nordea)
- Only applicable if the payment maintype is a direct debit for Nordea. Enter a code to indicate if a copy of the advice letter should be saved and possible to return to Nordea, if required, and in which format.
Code Description 00 No return advice 01 Save return advice in long version 02 Save return advice in short version
- Use collection no
- Only applicable if the payment maintype is a direct debit for Nordea. Indicate if a collection number should be used.
Work with A/P payment maintypes, Copy (DKFD16505)
- Maintype
- Displays the payment maintype(s) you selected to copy.
- New maintype
- Enter the new payment maintype.