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Work with A/P payment maintypes (DKFD16501)


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This panel displays the A/P payment maintypes that have been defined. Payment maintype is a category which is defined for banks operating in Denmark. The A/P payment maintype is the main type which is used to create the format file in the respective folder which is linked in Work with payment folders. The A/P payment types, which are associated with the format file, are the payment modes that are supported by the maintype.


Types Select this option to specify payment types for a payment maintype.

Selection fields

This column lists the existing payment maintypes.
This column lists the descriptions of the payment maintypes.

Work with A/P payment maintypes (DKFD16504)

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On this panel you enter or maintain details for the payment maintype.

Function keys

Payment maintype
Enter a code to identify the new payment maintype.
Enter the description of the payment maintype.
Format program
Enter the format program for the payment maintype.
Payment fees
Enter a code indicating who should be charged with the payment fees for this maintype.

Valid codes are:

Cheque to
Enter to whom the cheque should be sent.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Sender
2 Claiming
3 Receiver
Bank department
Enter the bank code.
Enter the version that should be used.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
0 BusinessOnline
1 Business PC 5.0
Returnadv. (Nordea)
Only applicable if the payment maintype is a direct debit for Nordea. Enter a code to indicate if a copy of the advice letter should be saved and possible to return to Nordea, if required, and in which format.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
00 No return advice
01 Save return advice in long version
02 Save return advice in short version
Use collection no
Only applicable if the payment maintype is a direct debit for Nordea. Indicate if a collection number should be used.

Work with A/P payment maintypes, Copy (DKFD16505)

Related topics

Displays the payment maintype(s) you selected to copy.

New maintype
Enter the new payment maintype.

Work with A/P payment maintypes, Deletion (DKFD16508)

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