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Work with request codes, Resolutions (HLR00401)

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On this panel you decide which resolution codes should be used as a response to the selected request code. To make a code available you activate it. A resolution code may also be selected as a default. If a default value is defined then it will be assigned to all transactions requiring the selected request code.


Activate Select this option to activate a record.
Inactivate Select this option to deactivate a record.
Set as default Select this option to set the default value of the record.

Selection fields

Request code
Displays the request code you selected to work with.

Resolution code
This column lists the existing resolution codes.
Displays a description of the related resolution code.
Indicates if the related resolution code is activated meaning it is available for the request code you are working with.
Indicates if the related resolution code is set as default for the request code you are working with.