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Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Open agreements (DMR45001)

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This program is used to define the following agreements depending on which program you selected. The panel heading differs accordingly:

  • Customer rebate agreements
  • Supplier rebate agreements
  • Target pricing agreements

Customer/Supplier rebate agreements

The agreement type (defined in the Customer rebate agreement type/Supplier rebate agreement types table) hold the keys that are allowed to be used. Up to five selection keys can be used to define which transactions are selected as part of the agreement. Different sets of keys can be used to define the selection of transactions that contribute to the target turnover and the selection of transactions that qualify for rebates. Details can be defined depending on the keys selected.

You can define characteristics that control which order lines contribute to the target turnover and/or qualify for rebates. Note: You must define at least one target limit for every agreement. These can either be turnover based or defined on the basis of units sold. For each target a rate is defined. Rates can either be a percentage of the turnover, an amount per unit sold or a fixed amount for the whole agreement.

Target pricing agreements

The agreement type (defined in the Target pricing agreement types table) holds the keys that are allowed to be used. Up to five selection keys can be used to define which invoiced sales order lines will be valid for target pricing. Accumulation of target pricing agreements will take place during invoicing of sales order lines. Invoice lines that are flagged as ready for target pricing accumulation will be matched against open and active target pricing agreements. If the invoice line is considered as valid for a target pricing agreement, the invoice line value will be accumulated to the target turnover for the matched agreement. The target turnover from the agreement will be compared to target limits on sales pricing methods that are linked to the target pricing agreement.

By toggling All agreements/Open agreements, you can view only open agreements or all existing agreements.


Agreement details Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Select this option to work with agreement details.
Agreement key values Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Select this option to work with agreement key values.
Agreement exceptions Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Select this option to define the exceptions to what is selected according to the defined agreement keys.
Agreement characteristics Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements and only displayed if the Item classification functionality is activated in the Function control file. Select this option to include extra limitation values in addition to the defined agreement keys.
Target details Select this option to work with target details.
Target key values Select this option to work with target key values.
Target exceptions Select this option to define the exceptions to what is selected according to the defined target keys.
Target characteristics Only displayed if the Item classification functionality is activated in the Function control file. Select this option to include extra limitation values in addition to the defined target keys.
Targets and rates Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Select this option to define targets and rates for the rebate agreement.
Periods Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Select this option to access the program where you can enter periods and period weights for the agreement. These periods will be used when the forecast is calculated for the agreement.
Activate Select this option to activate a customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement.
Inactivate Select this option to inactivate a customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement.
Rebate transactions Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Select this option to work with detailed information about the transactions originated from the rebate agreement.
Target pricing transactions Only applicable for target pricing agreements. Select this option to view detailed information about the transactions that originated from the target pricing agreement, e.g., to view the invoice lines that have contributed to the accumulated value for the agreement.
Rebuild Select this option to rebuild a customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement. This is necessary when an agreement is created or changed after the agreement start date.
Close Select this option to close a customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement when the customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement end date is reached.
Print Select this option to print a customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement.
Pricing method details Only applicable for a target pricing agreements. Select this option to access the pricing method details that are linked to the selected target pricing agreement.

Function keys

All agreements/Open agreements Toggle between displaying all customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements or only the open agreements.

Selection fields

This column lists the existing customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements.

Start date
This column lists the start date of the customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement. For customer/supplier rebate agreements, the start date determines from which invoice/reception date rebate transactions can be created for the rebate agreement. For target pricing agreements, the start date determines from which invoice date target pricing transactions can be created for the target pricing agreement.
End date
This column lists the end date for the customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement. For customer/supplier rebate agreements, the end date determines until which invoice/reception date rebate transactions can be created for the rebate agreement. For target pricing agreements, the end date determines until which invoice date target pricing transactions can be created for the target pricing agreement.
Agreement type
This column lists the customer/supplier rebates agreement types or target pricing agreement types.
Agreement group
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. Lists the agreement groups.
Rebate receiver
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer rebate agreements. Lists the rebate receiver.
Rebate payer
This column is only displayed if you are working with supplier rebate agreements. Lists the rebate payer.
This column denotes if the customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement is activated.
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier agreements. Denotes if periods are defined for the rebate agreement.
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer rebate agreements. Denotes if anything has been paid for the rebate agreement.
This column is only displayed if you are working with supplier rebate agreements. Denotes if anything has been claimed for the rebate agreement.
This column denotes whether or not the customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement has been closed using the Close option. Once an agreement is closed, it is not possible to change anything on the customer/supplier rebate agreement or target pricing agreement.
Target from date
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. Lists the target from date that is defined for the rebate agreement. It decides from which date the turnover that is to be compared to the agreement targets, is calculated.
Target to date
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. Lists the target to date that is defined for the rebate agreement. It decides until which date the turnover that is to be compared to the agreement targets, is calculated.
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. Lists the name of the rebate receiver/rebate payer.
Claim method
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. Displays the claim method that is defined for the rebate agreement. The claim method determines the routine where the actual claim/pay of the rebates will take place. It can be either 1 (for A/P) or 2 (for A/R). For customer rebate agreements the claim method is automatically set equal to 2. These codes are possible to translate. See Claim methods for more information.
Accrual type
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. Displays the accrual type for this rebate agreement. The accrual type determines which rate level to use when a rebate is calculated and the accrual accounted.

The existing accrual types are:

Code Description Additional information
1 Forecasted Manually defined forecasted target turnover.
2 Safety rebate
  • Customer rebate: one target limit level above the forecasted.
  • Supplier rebate: one level below the forecasted but at least the lowest level.
Rebates VAT
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer/supplier rebate agreements. It denotes whether or not the rebate payment/claim is to use the VAT based on the original VAT handling codes and VAT percentages from original invoice/purchase lines, or if no VAT will be applied. If set this field to NO, it will be the normal VAT setup that will be used to retrieve the correct zero-rated VAT handling code. The country from the claimer/payer system company file together with the business partner country for the rebate payer/receiver will be considered. To make it possible to use the item country/country table, it will be possible to define a fictitious item for an A/P claim agreement.
Receiver reference
This column is only displayed if you are working with customer rebate agreements. Displays the receiver reference for a customer rebate agreement.
Payer reference
This column is only displayed if you are working with supplier rebate agreements. Displays the payer reference for a supplier rebate agreement.

Work with customer/supplier rebate agreements, Agreement header (DMR45004)

Related topics

The panel heading varies depending on from which menu item the program is started and depending on whether or not it is called for enquiry. The different panel headings are:

  • Work with customer rebate agreements, Agreements header
  • Customer rebate agreements enquiry, Agreements header
  • Work with supplier rebate agreements, Agreements header
  • Supplier rebate agreements enquiry, Agreements header

On this panel you enter or maintain details for a customer/supplier rebate agreement.

Function keys

Agmt details Work with agreement keys.
Agmt key val Work with rebate agreement key values.
Agmt exc Define the exceptions to what is selected according to the defined agreement keys.
Agmt char Only displayed if the Item classification functionality is activated in the Function control file. Include extra limitation values in addition to the defined agreement keys.

If you leave this field blank, and if you have an extended number series defined in the RBT control file, the agreement number can be assigned automatically. Otherwise, enter a code to identify the customer or supplier rebate agreement you are creating. The field cannot be changed for existing agreements.
Displays Open, Closed or Deleted to indicate the status of the agreement. An agreement can only be closed once the agreement end date is passed.
Enter the rebate agreement description.
Agreement start date
Enter a start date for the customer/supplier rebate agreement. The invoice/reception dates from the invoice/purchase order lines will be compared to this date and must be equal to or later than the entered start date in order to qualify for rebate calculation. Once a rebate transaction is created for the agreement, this date cannot be changed.
Agreement end date
Enter an end date for the customer/supplier rebate agreement. The invoice/reception dates from the invoice/purchase order lines will be compared to this end date and must be equal to or before the entered end date in order to qualify for rebate calculation.
Target from date
Enter a date to determine from which date the turnover that is to be compared to the agreement targets, is accumulated. If a target to date is defined, it is mandatory to also define a target from date. If no target dates are entered, the target turnover uses the date range for the agreement start and end date. Once a rebate transaction is created for the agreement, this date cannot be changed.
Target to date
Enter a date to determine to which date the turnover that is to be compared to the agreement targets, is accumulated. If a target from date is defined, it is mandatory to also define a target to date. The target to date cannot be after the agreement end date. This is because it is the agreement end date that determines when a rebate agreement can be closed and it makes no sense in building target turnover once all rebate transactions are created for a rebate agreement.
Agreement type
Enter the rebate agreement type for the agreement. The agreement type holds the keys that are to be used for the agreement. The entered/selected agreement type will retrieve the DIS control keys that will be used for the agreement. The agreement type cannot be changed if any key values or details are created for the rebate agreement when agreement or target details exist. In this case the field remains protected.
Denotes if the agreement is activated. If this field is set to YES, you are able to work with the agreement and rebates can be calculated and turnover accumulated.
Agreement group
Enter the rebate agreement group. It is used as a system statistic key and for accounting purposes.
Rebate receiver
Only displayed if you are defining a customer rebate agreement. Enter the customer to which the rebates for the agreement are paid. Note: It is possible to create a generic agreement for several rebate receivers by entering *CUSTOMER (is possible to translate) in this field. If this is done, the rebate transactions originating from this agreement will receive the customer from the actual invoice line as the rebate receiver.
Rebate payer
Only displayed if you are defining a supplier rebate agreement. Enter the supplier to which the rebates for the agreement are claimed. Note: It is possible to create a generic agreement for several rebate payers by entering *SUPPLIER (is possible to translate) in this field. If this is done, the rebate transactions originating from this agreement will receive the supplier from the actual goods reception transaction as the rebate payer.
Rebate curr
Enter the currency that should be used for the rebate agreement.
Claim method
This field is only displayed for supplier rebate agreements. Enter the claim method for the rebate agreement. The claim method determines the routine where the actual claim/pay of the rebates takes place. It can be either 1 (for A/P) or 2 (for A/R). For customer rebate agreements this field is not displayed since the claim method is automatically set equal to 2. These codes are possible to translate. See Claim methods for more information.
Affect marg
Indicate if the calculated rebates for this rebate agreement are to affect the margin. Two different balance types are created in order to separate rebates affecting margin. If the RBT-SOE (Rebate calculation at SO entry) function is activated in the Function control file, this field will also determine whether or not this agreement should be considered when expected rebate amounts are calculated during sales order entry (and quotation line entry and in Customer service enquiry).
Rebate calc tp
Enter the type of rebate calculation that should apply for this rebate agreement.

The existing types are:

Code Description Additional information
1 Accumulated The rate from the highest reached target will be applied to all rebate transactions.
2 Interval For the turnover that exceeds a target, the specific rate for this target is calculated for the rebate transaction until the next target is reached. It is then that the rate from the next target is applied until another next target is reached, etc.
3 Average Each rebate transaction receives the rate from the current reached rate. A total average rate is calculated for all transactions and the same rate is assigned to all transactions.
Accrual type
Enter the accrual type for this rebate agreement. The accrual type determines which rate level to use when a rebate is calculated and the accrual accounted.

The existing accrual types are:

Code Description Additional information
1 Forecasted Accrual rate will be taken from the forecasted target turnover. The forecasted target turnover can either be calculated or manually defined.
2 Safety rebate
  • Customer rebate: one target limit level above the forecasted. It is the accrual rate that is retrieved.
  • Supplier rebate: one level below the forecasted but at least the lowest level. It is the accrual rate that is retrieved.
Rebates VAT
This field determines whether or not the rebate payment/claim is to use the VAT based on the original VAT handling codes and VAT percentages from original invoice/purchase lines, or if no VAT will be applied. If you set this field to NO, it will be the normal VAT setup that will be used to retrieve the correct zero-rated VAT handling code. The country from the claimer/payer system company file together with the business partner country for the rebate payer/receiver will be considered. To make it possible to use the item country/country table, it will be possible to define a fictitious item for an A/P claim agreement.
Receiver reference
Only displayed if you are working with a customer rebate agreement. Enter a reference for the rebate receiver.
Payer reference
Only displayed if you are working with a supplier rebate agreement. Enter a reference for the rebate payer.
Fictitious item
Mandatory entry if the A/R claim method is entered in Claim method on this panel. The entered fictitious item ends up as the item on the claim/payment orders that are created. See Claim methods for more information. Note: If Rebates VAT is set to NO, entry of a fictitious item for an A/P claim method is allowed. The fictitious item can, in this case, be used to find the correct zero-rated VAT handling code.

Target UOM

In the fields below, specify the unit of measure in which the target levels are to be defined.

Set this check box to YES if the turnover should be the unit of measure for the targets on this rebate agreement.
Set this check box to YES if the quantity should be the unit of measure for the targets on this rebate agreement. If YES, then it is mandatory to enter in the adjacent input field the unit in which the quantity targets are to be entered. Note: If the entered unit is the DIS control unit for weight or volume, it will be the weight/volume from the order lines that will be used and not the quantities.

Rate UOM

Turnover %
Indicate if the rates for the targets on this rebate agreement are to be defined as percentages of the agreement turnover.
Set this check box to YES if the rates for the targets on this rebate agreement are to be defined as an amount per a defined unit. If set to YES, then it is mandatory to enter in the adjacent input field the unit in which the amount rates are to be entered. Note: If the entered unit is the DIS control unit for weight or volume, it will be the weight/volume from the order lines that will be used and not the amounts.
Indicate if the rates for the targets on this rebate agreement are to be defined as a fixed amount. The fixed amount is defined as the total amount, for the rebate agreement that is to be claimed/paid.
Agt turnover floor
Enter the amount from where to start calculating rebates.
Agt turnover ceiling
Enter the amount up to which the rebates are calculated.

Click Next to access an additional panel where you can enter or view more agreement header information.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Copy (DMR45005)

Related topics

Function keys

Fill with from values Default the values from the selected record(s) to the new record(s).
Displays the ID of the customer/supplier rebate agreement(s) or target pricing agreement(s) you selected to copy.
Displays the description(s) of the customer/supplier rebate agreement(s) or target pricing agreement(s) you selected to copy.

New agreement
For customer/supplier rebate agreements, if you leave this field blank, and if you have an extended number series defined in the RBT control file, the agreement number can be assigned automatically. Otherwise, you must enter a new agreement ID.

For target pricing agreements, enter a new agreement ID.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Deletion (DMR45008)

Related topics

Note that the customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements are not physically deleted after delete confirmation. Instead the agreement status is set equal to D.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, More selections (DMR45011)

Related topics

This panel is accessed when the More selections function key is pressed on the initial panel. You can enter selection criteria in order to carry out an advanced selection over what customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements to display on this panel.

Function keys


  • Agreement
  • Description (Agreement descriptions that partially match the entered value are selected)
  • Agreement start date
  • Agreement end date
  • Target from date (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Target to date (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Agreement type
  • Agreement group (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Rebate receiver (Only displayed for customer rebate agreements)
  • Rebate payer (Only displayed for supplier rebate agreements)
  • Rebate currency (for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Agreement currency (for target pricing agreements)
  • Claim method (Only displayed for supplier rebate agreements)
  • Status (Status Deleted is defaulted, but can be changed)
  • Active
  • Affect marg (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Reb calc tp (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Accrual type (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Rebates VAT (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Receiver reference (Only displayed for customer rebate agreements)
  • Payer reference (Only displayed for supplier rebate agreements)
  • Fictitious item (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Last trans created (Only displayed for customer/supplier rebate agreements)
  • Last payment date (Only displayed for customer rebate agreements)
  • Last claim date (Only displayed for supplier rebate agreements)

Work with customer/supplier rebate agreements, Agreement header (DMR45013)

Related topics

On this panel, the keys defined for the agreement type are displayed. You can enter or maintain more details for a customer/supplier rebate agreement.

Function keys

Agmt details Work with agreement details.
Agmt key val Work with rebate agreement key values.
Agmt exc Define the exceptions to what is selected according to the defined agreement keys.
Agmt char Only displayed if the Item classification functionality is activated in the Function control file. Include extra limitation values in addition to the defined agreement keys.

Displays the ID and description of the customer or supplier rebate agreement you are working with.
Agreement start date
Displays the agreement start date.
Agreement end date
Displays the agreement end date.

Rebate calculation

Indicate which of the following parameters you require to include or exclude for rebate calculation.

Valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
Cash disc reduction Determines if the expected cash discount for the invoice/purchase statistic line is to be reduced from the line amount, before the rebate amount is calculated. This flag is not relevant when Rate UOM is equal to Amount/unit, since the cash discount can only affect the line amount and not the line quantity. Note that only cash discount 1 is considered.
Rebate reduction Determines if the calculated rebate amount from the current agreement is to reduce the line amount, so that following agreements use a lower base for further calculated rebate amounts. This flag is not relevant when Rate UOM is equal to Amount/unit, since the rebate amount only can affect the line amount and not any line quantities.
Manual price For customer rebate agreement, it determines if manually priced sales order lines are to be considered. For supplier rebate agreements, it determines if manually priced purchase order lines are to be considered.
Free of charge Determines if rebate is allowed to be calculated for FOC items.
BtB transit Determines if rebate is allowed to be calculated for a statistic line that is marked for BtB transit delivery.
BtB direct Determines if rebate is allowed to be calculated for a statistic line that is marked for BtB direct delivery.
CMI contract Determines if rebate is allowed to be calculated for an order line that is connected to an inventory contract for Contract Managed Inventory.
SMS rebate Determines if customer rebate is allowed to be calculated for an invoice line that has an SMS rebate amount. This field is only displayed for customer rebate agreements.

Target accumulation

Indicate which of the following parameters you require to include or exclude for target accumulation.

Valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
Cash disc reduction Determines if the expected cash discount for the invoice/purchase statistic line is to be reduced from the line amount before the target turnover is accumulated. This flag is not relevant when Target UOM is equal to Quantity/unit, since the cash discount can only affect the line amount and not the line quantity. Note that only cash discount 1 is considered.
Rebate reduction Determines if the calculated rebate amount from the current agreement is to reduce the line amount so that following agreements use a lower base for further accumulated targets. This flag is not relevant when Rate UOM is equal to Amount/unit, since the rebate amount only can affect the line amount and not any line quantities.
Manual price For customer rebate agreements, it determines if manually priced sales order lines are to be considered. For supplier rebate agreements, it determines if manually priced purchase order lines are to be considered.
Free of charge Determines if FOC items are allowed to be accumulated for targets.
BtB transit Determines if target turnover is allowed to be accumulated for a statistic line that is marked for BtB transit delivery.
BtB direct Determines if target turnover is allowed to be accumulated for a statistic line that is marked for BtB direct delivery.
CMI contract Determines if target turnover is allowed to be accumulated for an order line that is connected to an inventory contract for Contract Managed Inventory is allowed to contribute to the target pricing turnover accumulation.
SMS rebate Only displayed for customer rebate agreements. Determines if target turnover is allowed to be accumulated for an invoice line that has an SMS rebate amount.

Agreement keys

On a rebate agreement type it is possible to define up to five different agreement keys, selected from the DIS control keys. At least one key code must be defined. These agreement key codes are the key codes that are used for the rebate agreement headers defined with the agreement type. The agreement keys determine which rebate transactions that are considered as rebate qualifiers. The key descriptions are displayed on the panel. Once any agreement detail exists for the agreement key set-up for the agreement type, it is no longer allowed to change the key codes for the agreement type. It is neither allowed to change the agreement keys if any agreement defined with the agreement type has any agreement key values defined.

Target keys

On a rebate agreement type it is possible to define up to five different target keys, selected from the DIS control keys. The target keys determine what transactions that qualifies for accumulation of the target turnover. The key descriptions are displayed on the panel. It is only possible to change the keys as long as no key values are defined and that no details exist for the agreement. If no target keys are defined, the agreement keys are used for target turnover accumulation as well.

Click Next to access an additional panel where you can enter or view more agreement header information.

Work with customer/supplier rebate agreements, Agreements header (DMR45014)

Related topics

On this panel you enter or maintain more details for a customer/supplier rebate agreement.

On this panel the calculation, accumulation and claim information is displayed. It is possible to enter a manual forecast value for the agreement turnover. This value is used to calculate the rebate totals for respective accrual type. It is also possible to enter a manual forecast value for target turnover. This value is used to determine the forecasted and the accrual reached rate.

Function keys

Agmt details Work with agreement details.
Agmt key val Work with rebate agreement key values.
Agmt exc Define the exceptions to what is selected according to the defined agreement keys.
Agmt char Only displayed if the Item classification functionality is activated in the Function control file. Include extra limitation values in addition to the defined agreement keys.
Calculate agreement forecast Only displayed when a manual forecasted agreement turnover is entered for the rebate agreement. Clicking this function key removes the manual value and moves the calculated forecast value to the panel.
Calculate target forecast Only displayed when a manual forecasted target turnover is entered for the rebate agreement. Clicking this function key removes the manual value and moves the calculated forecast value to the panel.

Displays the ID and description of the customer or supplier rebate agreement you are working with.
Agreement start date
Displays the agreement start date.
Agreement end date
Displays the agreement end date.
Rebate currency
Displays the currency in which all amounts for the rebate agreement are displayed.
Target UOM unit
Only displayed if the target UOM unit is defined for the rebate agreement. Displays the target quantity values according to this unit.
Working days agmt
Displays the total number of working days in the range from agreement start date to agreement end date.
Working days elapsed
Displays the number of working days that have elapsed from the agreement start date until today or until the agreement end date.
Last calculation run
Displays the last calculation run date and time retrieved from the RBT control file.
Last trans created
Displays the last date and time for a calculation run when rebate transactions were created for the rebate agreement. A rebate transaction is created both when a value is added to the target contributor or to the agreement turnover.


In this section current agreement information is displayed.

Agreement turnover
Displays the current accumulated agreement turnover for the rebate agreement. The agreement turnover is the turnover for the rebate transactions that are created due to matching the agreement keys and that were within the agreement start and end date range. The defined rates are applied to the agreement turnover when rebates are calculated.
Target turnover
Displays the current accumulated target turnover for the rebate agreement. The target turnover is the turnover for the rebate transactions that are created due to matching the target keys and that were within the turnover from and to date range. The target turnover is used to find the reached target for the rebate agreement.
Target limit reached
Displays the target limit that currently is reached for the rebate agreement based upon the current target turnover.
Target reached rate
Displays the rate that is defined for the current target limit that is reached based upon the current target turnover.
Rebate amount
Displays the current rebate amount for the rebate agreement, i.e. the total rebate amount from all created rebate transactions originating from the agreement.

Payment information

In this section different payment information for the agreement is displayed depending on if you are working with a customer or supplier rebate agreement.

Last payment date
Displays the date for the last payment of rebate transactions originating from a customer rebate agreement.
Last claim date
Displays the date for the last claim of rebate transactions originating from a supplier rebate agreement.
Actual total pay
Displays the total of paid rebates on transactions originating from this agreement.
Actual total claim
Displays the total of claimed rebates on transactions originating from this agreement.


In this section forecast information for the agreement is displayed.

Agreement turnover
Displays the forecasted agreement turnover for the rebate agreement. The agreement turnover is the turnover for the rebate transactions that were created due to matching the agreement keys and that were within the agreement start and end date range. The defined rates are applied to the agreement turnover when rebates are calculated.

If you manually enter a value in this field, then that value will be used to calculate expected rebate totals for the agreement.

Target turnover
Displays the forecasted target turnover for the rebate agreement. It is either automatically calculated or manually defined. When a manual forecast target turnover is defined, it is never automatically changed and is used for rebate accrual.
Target limit reached
Displays the target limit that currently is reached for the rebate agreement based upon the forecasted target turnover.
Target reached rate
Displays the rate that is defined for the target limit that is reached based upon the forecasted target turnover.
Rebate amount
Displays the calculated rebate amount based on the forecasted target reached and the forecasted agreement turnover.

Expected accrual

In this section accrual information for the agreement is displayed.

Target limit reached
Displays the target limit that currently is reached for the rebate agreement based upon the forecasted target turnover together with the selected accrual level.
Target reached rate
Displays the rate that is defined for the target limit that is reached based upon the accrual target level.
Rebate amount
Displays the calculated rebate amount based on the accrual target reached and the forecasted agreement turnover.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Rebuild (DMR45015)

Related topics

This is the confirmation panel that appears when customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements are to be rebuilt.

For customer/supplier rebate agreements, the rebuild functionality deletes all existing customer/supplier rebate transactions and once again reads all the invoice statistic/goods reception lines that are marked as already handled for rebate calculation, from the start date on the agreement.

For target pricing agreements, all target pricing transactions belonging to the agreement will be removed. Then a new target pricing accumulation will take place for all invoice lines that are flagged as already included in a target pricing accumulation, within the dates on the agreement that is rebuilt. This target accumulation will be done exactly as the normal target accumulation, and new target pricing transactions will be created.

The accounting period can be defined when rebate/target pricing agreements are rebuilt. The entered accounting period is used for the bookkeeping transactions that are created during rebuild. The current period is defaulted in the field.

This panel displays all the records that you selected to rebuild. Click OK to rebuild. Click Back to cancel.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Close (DMR45018)

Related topics

This is the confirmation panel that appears when customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements are to be closed. For customer/supplier rebate agreements, this function determines the actual outcome of the targets and rates, and updates all existing rebate transactions that have not been claimed/paid. For target pricing agreements, closing an agreement merely sets the status to C (Closed) on the agreement header.

The accounting period can be defined when a rebate agreement is to be closed. The entered accounting period is used for the bookkeeping transactions that are created during closure. The current period is defaulted in the field.

This panel displays all the records that you selected to close. Click OK to close. Click Back to cancel.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Activate (DMR45021)

Related topics

This panel displays all the records that you selected to activate. Click OK to activate. Click Back to cancel.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Inactivate (DMR45024)

Related topics

This panel displays all the records that you selected to inactivate. Click OK to inactivate. Click Back to cancel.

Work with customer/supplier rebate / target pricing agreements, Printout (DMR45027)

Related topics

From this panel you can print the information for the selected customer/supplier rebate agreement(s) or target pricing agreement(s). When ready, click OK to access the print control function.


Agreement key values
Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Indicate if you want to print the agreement key values for the selected rebate agreements.
Target key values
Indicate if you want to print the target key values for the selected customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements.
Agreement details
Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Indicate if you want to print the agreement details for the selected rebate agreements.
Target details
Indicate if you want to print the target details for the selected customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements.
Agreement exceptions
Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Indicate if you want to print the agreement exceptions for the selected rebate agreements.
Target exceptions
Indicate if you want to print the target exceptions for the selected customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements.
Agr characteristics
Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Indicate if you want to print the agreement characteristics for the selected rebate agreements.
Tgt characteristics
Indicate if you want to print the target characteristics for the selected customer/supplier rebate agreements or target pricing agreements.
Targets and rates
Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Indicate if you want to print the targets and rates for the selected rebate agreements.
Only applicable for customer/supplier rebate agreements. Indicate if you want to print the periods for the selected rebate agreements.
In this field you can enter text or comments that will be printed on the cover page. If this field is left blank, your user ID will be printed.

Print control

Work with target pricing agreements, Agreement header (DMR45030)

Related topics

On this panel you enter or maintain the header information for the target pricing agreement.

Function keys

Tgt details Work with target pricing agreement keys.
Tgt key values Work with target pricing agreement key values.
Tgt exc Define the exceptions to what is selected according to the defined agreement keys.
Tgt char Only displayed if the Item classification functionality is activated in the Function control file. Include extra limitation values in addition to the defined agreement keys.

Enter the identity of the target pricing agreement you are creating. The field cannot be changed for existing agreements.
Displays Open, Closed or Deleted denoting the status of the agreement. An agreement can only be closed once the agreement end date is passed.
Enter the description for the agreement.
Agreement start date
Enter a start date for the target pricing agreement. The start date determines from which invoice date target pricing transactions can be created for the target pricing agreement.
Agreement end date
Enter an end date for the target pricing agreement. The end date determines until which invoice date target pricing transactions can be created for the target pricing agreement.
Agreement type
The agreement type holds the keys that are to be used for the agreement. The entered/selected agreement type will retrieve the DIS control keys that will be used for the agreement. The agreement type cannot be changed if any key values or details are created for the target pricing agreement when agreement or target details exist. In this case the field remains protected.
Denotes if the agreement is activated. If this field is set to YES, it denotes that turnover will be accumulated for the target pricing agreement.
Agreement currency
Enter the currency that should be used for the target pricing agreement (i.e. the currency in which the target pricing discount will be calculated, and in which currency all amounts for the agreement are to be displayed/entered).

Target UOM

In the fields below, specify the unit of measure in which the target levels are to be defined.

Set this check box to YES if the target levels are to be defined as amounts per currency.

Set this check box to YES if the target levels are to be defined as a quantity according to the defined unit. If YES, then it is mandatory to enter in the adjacent input field the unit in which the quantity targets are to be entered. If the entered unit is equal to the DIS control units for weight/volume, then the target limits are to be defined for weight/volume.

Target keys

This section displays the keys that are defined in the target pricing agreement type.

Target accumulation

Cash disc reduction
Set the flag to YES or NO. This flag will determine whether or not expected cash discount 1 is to be reduced from the amount that is accumulated to the target turnover.
Manual price
Set this flag to YES or NO. This flag will determine whether or not an order line that is manually priced is allowed to contribute to the target pricing turnover accumulation.
Free of charge
Set this flag to YES or NO. This flag will determine whether or not an order line that is set as free of charge is allowed to contribute to the target pricing turnover accumulation.
BtB transit
Set this flag to YES or NO. This flag will determine whether or not a BtB transit order line is allowed to contribute to the target pricing turnover accumulation.
BtB direct
Set this flag to YES or NO. This flag will determine whether or not a BtB direct order line is allowed to contribute to the target turnover accumulation.
CMI contract
Set this flag to YES or NO. This flag will determine whether or not an order line that is connected to an inventory contract for Contract Managed Inventory is allowed to contribute to the target pricing turnover accumulation.


Target turnover
This field will automatically be updated on the agreement header when sales order lines, that match the keys and parameters on the target pricing agreement, have been invoiced. This field displays the total line value from all target pricing agreement transactions. The line value can be an amount (for Target UOM = Turnover/Currency), or a quantity/weight/volume (for Target UOM = Quantity/unit) depending on the entered Target UOM unit.