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Work with requests for quote (DIR56601)

This panel displays the requests for quote that exist in the Request for quote file. You can add, change or delete entries in the file.

A request for quote is meant to be sent to one or several suppliers, requiring information about:

  • the supplier’s price for an item
  • possible dispatch date from the supplier
  • available quantity

The request for quote contains one or several items. It can be created via the Create request for quote menu item or manually in this program.


Suppliers Select this option to view the suppliers that the request should be sent to.
Lines Select this option to view the items that are requested.
Internal text Select this option to maintain internal text for an RFQ. Internal text can be useful to make general notes about the RFQ. The internal text is not printed on any document.
External text Select this option to maintain external text for an RFQ. External text is printed above the item lines on the RFQ document and it will be copied to the purchase order if a purchase order is created from the RFQ.
Send RFQ Select this option to send the request for quote.
AMT message Select this option to work with manual alert messages.

Selection fields

Displays the number of the Request for quote.
Displays the code identifying the employee that requested the quote.

Crt date
Displays the date when the request was created.
Indicates if there is any internal text connected to the RFQ.
Indicates if there is any external text connected to the RFQ.

Work with requests for quote, RFQ-headers (DIR56604)

This panel displays the header information for the RFQ you selected on the previous panel. The panel is also displayed if you are creating a RFQ manually.

Function keys

Internal text Maintain internal text for the RFQ. Internal text can be useful to make general notes about the RFQ. The internal text is not printed on any document.
External text Maintain external text for the RFQ. External text is printed above the item lines on the RFQ document and it will be copied to the purchase order if a purchase order is created from the RFQ.

RFQ number
Displays the RFQ number which cannot be changed. If you are creating a RFQ manually, leave this field blank to let the system retrieve the next available number from the Number series table.

Displays the handler defined when the RFQ was created. If you are creating a RFQ manually, the system defaults the handler defined in the Work with DC1 user profiles file for your user profile. This field is mandatory.
Req. reply-by date
Displays the requested reply-by date defined when the RFQ was created. If you are creating a RFQ manually, enter the requested reply-by date. This information tells the supplier that you want his reply (his quotation) at the latest this date.
Crt date
Displays the creation date of the RFQ. If you are creating a RFQ manually, today’s date is defaulted.
Displays a warehouse code, if a warehouse was defined when the RFQ was created. If you are creating a RFQ manually, enter a warehouse from the Warehouse table, indicating to which warehouse the items eventually should be delivered. Note: If the STKOWNER (Stock Ownership) functionality is activated in the Function control file, the warehouse entered must be defined as a normal or trade warehouse (i.e. warehouse characteristics code 1 or 2). The warehouse will be used as the default warehouse when adding item lines to the RFQ.

Work with requests for quote, Deletion (DIR56605)