This panel displays all purchase orders entered into the system. Note: Only orders with a header status less than 60 are displayed.
Lines | Select this option to access the Order lines panel. |
Print order | Select this option to print an order. |
Confirm | Select this option to confirm an order. |
Reception note | Select this option to print the reception note of an order. |
Fast entry | Select this option to access the Fast entry panel where you can quickly register several purchase order lines at the same time. |
AMT | Select this option to work with manual alert messages. |
Track | Select this option to track events for a purchase order. |
Weight and volume | Select this option to view weight and volume information for the order. |
Unlock | Select this option to unlock a locked order. This can only be performed by the user who caused the lock in the first place. |
Function keys
Item view | Access the Item view mode. |
More selections | Perform an advanced search over what purchase orders to display on this panel. |
Selection fields
- Order
- This column lists the purchase order number.
- Supplier
- This column lists the supplier number of the purchase.
- Handler
- This column lists the purchase order handler, i.e. the person at your company who handles the order.
- St
- This column lists the status of the purchase order.
- OT
- This column lists the purchase order type for the purchase order.
- Ord date
- This column lists the date the order was entered into the system.
- Order value
- This column displays the total order value of all the lines on the order. The value is displayed in system currency. VAT is only included if applicable to the business partner and if the PO value incl VAT field is set to YES in the DIS control file.
- Order disc %
- This column lists the order discount percentage.
- Std text no
- This column lists the code from the Standard text table, denoting the text to be printed on the documents for this order.
- Terms of payment
- This column lists the terms of payment code for the supplier.
- Description TOP
- This column lists the description for the terms of payment code.
- Terms of delivery
- This column lists the terms of delivery code for the supplier.
- Description TOD
- This column lists the description for the terms of delivery code.
- Manner of transport
- This column lists the manner of transport code for the supplier.
- Description MOD
- This column lists the description for the manner of transport code.
- Primary curr
- This column lists the primary currency for the supplier.
- Exchange rate
- This column lists the exchange rate. If Fixed PO rate is set to YES, the exchange rate will be the rate used at goods reception or when booking a cost. If Fixed PO rate is set to NO, any rate displayed will not be used. Instead the system will retrieve the current exchange rate defined for the transaction currency in the Exchange rate table.
- Description OTP
- This column lists the description of the order type.
- EDI order
- This column denotes if the order is a DI order.
- EDI created
- This column denotes if the Data Interchange purchase order has been created.
- Goods marking
- This column lists the text for the shipment marking describing the item.
- Total amt incl VAT order curr
- This column displays the total value of the order lines (in order currency) including VAT, after deduction of order header discount. VAT is only included in the value if applicable to the business partner and if PO value incl VAT is set to YES in the DIS control file. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
- Total amt excl VAT order curr
- This column displays the total value of the order lines (in order currency) excluding VAT, after deduction of order header discount. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
- VAT amount order curr
- This column displays the VAT amount in order currency.
- Total amt incl VAT sys curr
- This column displays the total value of the order lines (in system currency) including VAT, after deduction of order header discount. VAT is only included in the value if applicable to the business partner and if PO value incl VAT is set to YES in the DIS control file. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
- Total amt excl VAT sys curr
- This column displays the total value of the order lines (in system currency) excluding VAT, after deduction of order header discount. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
- VAT amount sys curr
- This column displays the VAT amount in system currency.
- Rec amt incl VAT order curr
- This column displays the received amount including VAT in order currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
- Rec amt excl VAT order curr
- This column displays the received amount excluding VAT in order currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
- Rec VAT amt order curr
- This column displays the received VAT amount in order currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
- Rec amt incl VAT sys curr
- This column displays the received amount including VAT in system currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
- Rec amt excl VAT sys curr
- This column displays the received amount excluding VAT in system currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
- Rec VAT amt sys curr
- This column displays the received VAT amount in system currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
- Fixed PO rate
- If this column is set to YES, the exchange rate will be the rate used at goods reception or when booking a cost. If it is set to NO, any rate displayed will not be used. Instead the system will retrieve the current exchange rate defined for the transaction currency in the Exchange rate table.
- Supplier name
- This column lists the supplier name.
- Supplier reference
- This column displays the supplier reference.
- Supplier order reference
- This column displays the supplier order reference. For Pharma US installations, this reference is the DEA order form number for the ARCOS functionality if the order holds item(s) classified as narcotics (i.e. a narcotic category is connected to the item, and the DEA order form no field is set to YES on the narcotic category). See About the ARCOS functionality (Pharma US) for more information.
- Text
- This column denotes if header text is entered on the order.
- Line txt
- This column denotes if line text is entered on any of the lines.
- Held
- This column denotes if the order is held.
- Order held reason code
- If the Held column is set to YES, this column displays an order held reason code from the Order held reason code table, denoting the reason.
Codes between 51 and 99 are user defined codes, i.e. the order has been held manually by the handler.
- Inventory contract
- Only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated. This column lists the inventory contract defined for the purchase order header. See About consuming goods from Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) for links to specific instructions per inventory contract type.
- Project
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the project number to which this purchase order is connected.
- Phase
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the phase of the project to which this purchase order is connected.
- Cost code 1
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the cost code 1 to which this purchase order is connected.
- Cost code 2
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the cost code 2 to which this purchase order is connected.
Work with purchase orders, Item view (DMR50004)
This panel is displayed when you click Item view from the Header view panel. All purchase order lines entered into the system are displayed.
Receive line | Select this option to receive an order line. |
Landed costs | Select this option to work with the order’s landed costs. |
Maintain receipts | Select this option for the order line that you wish to work with receipts for. Note: The option is only valid if landed costs are required to be defined on the purchase order. |
Close receipts | Select this option for the order line that you wish to close with receipts for. When closed, nothing more can be received and updated for this order line. When the landed costs are defined, the order line needs to be booked before the goods become available for sale. Note: The option is only valid if landed costs are required to be defined on the purchase order. |
Book receipts | Only valid if landed costs are required to be defined on the purchase order. Select this option to book receipts.
Note: It is possible to book purchase orders requiring landed costs into stock without costs being entered. This is to handle situations where costs have not be incurred (i.e. the wrong terms of delivery had been attached to the order). |
Print order | Select this option to print an order. |
Confirm | Select this option to confirm an order. |
Reception note | Select this option to print the reception note of an order. |
Fast entry | Select this option to access the Fast entry panel where you can quickly register several purchase order lines at the same time. |
AMT | Select this option to work with manual alert messages. |
Track | Select this option to track events for a purchase order. |
Function keys
Header view | Access Header view mode. |
More selections | Perform an advanced search over what purchase orders to display on this panel. |
Selection fields
- Item
- This column lists the item code.
- Order
- This column lists the purchase order number.
- Line
- This column lists the purchase order line number.
- St
- This column lists the status of the order line. If this panel name is Work with purchase orders, the following apply:
- Arr dt
- This column lists the arrival date of the item.
- Whs
- This column lists a code from the Warehouse table denoting to which warehouse the order line will be received.
- OT
- This column lists the purchase order type.
- RS
- If landed costs are required to be defined (which is controlled by the terms of delivery code on the order header) this column displays the receipts status.
Code Description 10 Nothing has been received on the order line yet. 30 The order line has been partly received, or received in full, using the Receive replenishment line program, but is still not closed. Note: If the item on the line should be quality controlled, the line status will remain at 30 until the quality control note is confirmed. This applies irrespective of the line has been received using the Receive replenishment line program or the Confirm reception note program. 45 The order line is closed, meaning nothing more will be received. 60 The order line has been booked.
- Description
- This column lists the item description.
- Quantity
- This column displays the quantity to be purchased. The quantity is expressed in the unit displayed below the Unit column heading.
- Price
- This column displays the purchase price of the item being purchased. The price is expressed for the unit displayed below the Unit column heading and in the currency displayed below the Curr column heading.
- Curr
- This column displays the currency in which the price is expressed.
- Text
- This column denotes if order line text is entered on the order line.
- Inventory contract
- Only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated. This column lists the inventory contract defined for the purchase order header. See About consuming goods from Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) for links to specific instructions per inventory contract type.
- Project
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the project number to which this purchase order line is connected.
- Phase
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the phase of the project to which this purchase order line is connected.
- Cost code 1
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the cost code 1 to which this purchase order line is connected.
- Cost code 2
- This column is only available to display if DC1 Project is installed and activated. Displays the cost code 2 to which this purchase order line is connected.
Work with purchase orders, Deletion (DMR50007)
Work with purchase orders, Deletion (DMR50010)
Work with purchase orders, Header view, More selections (DMR50013)
This panel is accessed when the More selections function key is selected on the Work with purchase orders, Header view panel. It is possible to enter selection criteria to perform an advanced selection over what purchase orders to display on that panel. Click Next to access the next panel where you can enter more selection criteria.
Function keys
Clear | Clear all entered selection values. |
- Order number
- Supplier
- Handler
- Order status
- Order type
- Order date
- Reference
- Order reference
- Supplier name
- Supplier group
- Cost centre (Only displayed if cost centre handling has been activated)
- Held reason code
- Next level authority
- Held
- Set this field to YES if you want to display orders that are held.
- Authority
- Set this field to YES if you want to display orders that have been attested.
- Text
- Set this field to YES if you want to display orders for which order header text has been defined.
Work with purchase orders, Header view, More selections (DMR50014)
This panel displays more selection criteria that you can enter to perform an advanced selection over what purchase orders to display on that panel. The selection fields available on this panel are only displayed if the following is true:
- For the MDC related fields, they are only displayed if DC1 Multi Distribution Centre is activated.
- For the Inventory contract related fields, they are only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated.
Function keys
Clear | Clear all entered selection values. |
- From company
- MDC sales order
- Inventory contract
- Contract type
Work with purchase orders, Item view, More selections (DMR50015)
This panel is accessed when the More selections function key is selected on the Work with purchase orders, Item view panel. It is possible to enter selection criteria to perform an advanced selection over what purchase orders to display on that panel. Click Next to access the next panel where you can enter more selection criteria.
Function keys
Clear | Clear all entered selection values. |
- Order number
- Item
- Item description
- Warehouse
- Order type
- Order status
- Arrival date
- Supplier
- Supplier agreement
- Supplier item
- Supplier item desc
- Cost centre (Only displayed if cost centre handling has been activated)
- Shipping status
- Backlogged
- Set this field to YES if you want to display orders with backlogged lines.
- Text
- Set this field to YES if you want to display orders for which order header text has been defined.
Work with purchase orders, Item view, More selections (DMR50016)
This panel displays more selection criteria that you can enter to perform an advanced selection over what purchase orders to display on that panel. The selection fields available on this panel are only displayed if the following is true:
- For the MDC related fields, they are only displayed if DC1 Multi Distribution Centre is activated.
- For the Inventory contract related fields, they are only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated.
Function keys
Clear | Clear all entered selection values. |
- From company
- MDC sales order
- Inventory contract
- Contract type