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Work with DI database (ECND1201)

This panel displays all DI documents defined in the DI document table. For each type of DI document it is also displayed if there are any documents waiting to be retrieved or to be sent.

DI documents to send are created in several programs within DC1:

ASWINO Work with interest invoicing
ASWREM Work with reminders
ORDERS Print purchase order
ORDCHG Print purchase order
ORDRSP Print sales order confirmation
QUOTES Print sales quotations
INVOIC Print invoice
DESADV Print transport note
STATAC Print statement of account A/R and Print statement of account A/P
DELFOR Create outbound delivery schedules
REQOTE Send request for quote
IFTMIN Work with freight documents

When a document is created through any of the above menu items, the document will be displayed on this panel. Note: If the method to use when sending documents is ACCEMAIL or ACCEFAX, the documents will be sent immediately which means that you will not see the documents on this panel.

Documents can be sent from this program if they are of type DELFOR, DESADV, ORDCHG, ORDERS or ORDRSP. Access the document and select the Send option. You can also send documents from the Send DI documents menu item, or from the DI transfer routine.

Once documents are received through the Receive DI documents routine, they are displayed on this panel.

Use the following menu items to retrieve the documents:

DELFOR Work with delivery schedules in DI
ORDERS Retrieve sales order from DI
ORDCHG Retrieve sales order change from DI
PRICAT Retrieve supplier quot./price catalogue from DI
ORDRSP Retrieve confirmation/despatch advice from DI
QUOTES Retrieve supplier quot./price catalogue from DI
INVOIC Transfer A/P DI invoices
DESADV Retrieve dispatch advice from DI
CREEXT Print DI credit advice
REQOTE Retrieve customer request for quote from DI

Note: When a document is retrieved through any of the above menu items, the document will be removed from this file.


Inbound Select this option to view the inbound documents. Note: This option is only valid for documents of type DELFOR, DESADV, ORDCHG, ORDERS, ORDRSP and ASWDSC.
Outbound Select this option to view the outbound documents. Note: This option is only valid for documents of type DELFOR, DESADV, ORDCHG, ORDERS and ORDRSP.

Selection fields