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  7. Allocation log enquiry (DMR79501)

Allocation log enquiry (DMR79501)

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The purpose of this enquiry is to view the details of changes to sales allocations that were both manually created via the sales order allocation proposal routine and automatically created for the customer for firm allocations (i.e. automatically allocate stock for the customer if the dispatch date is within the time horizon and the entire quantity is available).


View order line Select this option to access the Sales order enquiry to view the sales order line details.

Selection fields

This column lists the date when the quantity on the sales order line was allocated.
This column lists the time of the allocation.
This column lists the sales order number of the order line for which stock was manually or automatically allocated.
This column lists the order line number that received a manual or automatic allocation of stock.
This column lists the allocation number assigned to the sales order line.
Alloc qty
This column lists the quantity of item that was manually or automatically allocated on the sales order line.
This column lists the user id of the person who manually or automatically created the sales order allocation.
This column lists the user id of the person who manually or automatically created the sales order allocation.
Item description
This column lists the user id of the person who manually or automatically created the sales order allocation.
This column lists the customer id for which stock has been manually or automatically allocated.
Customer name
This column lists name of the customer for which stock has been allocated.
User description
This column lists the description of the user id.
This column lists the program id that created the manual or automatic sales order allocation.

Allocation log enquiry (DMR79504)

Related topics

This panel displays the details of the sales order allocation.

Displays the sales order number that contains lines that have been allocated.
Displays the line number of the sales order.
Displays the code and description of the item that is firm allocated.
The code and description of the customer.
The date on which the allocation is done.
The time at which the allocation is done.
The code and description of the person who created the sales order allocation.
The name of the program which created the sales order allocation.

Log details

The fields in this section display the values when the allocation log was last generated.

The allocation number assigned to the sales order line.
Allocation conf
Indicates if the sales order allocation has been confirmed.
Allocation qty
Displays the quantity of the item allocated to the sales order line.
Order qty
Displays the order quantity of the item on the sales order line.
Requested dispatch
Displays the requested dispatch date of the goods to the customer.
Dispatch time
Displays the dispatch date of the goods to the customer.

Current details

The fields in this section displays the current details of the order.

The allocation number assigned to the sales order line.
Allocation conf
Indicates if the sales order allocation has been confirmed.
Allocation qty
The current quantity of item allocated to the sales order line.
Order qty
The current order quantity of the item on the sales order.
Requested dispatch
The current requested dispatch date of the goods to the customer.
Dispatch time
The current dispatch date of the goods to the customer.