Related topics
These entries are used in the Work with banks, Customer/Supplier bank table and A/P sundry supplier transaction programs to validate a bank account number.
Selection fields
- Method
- This column lists the existing validation methods.
- Description
- Displays a description of the related validation method.
Work with validation methods (FSR73504)
These entries are used in the Work with banks, Customer/Supplier bank table and A/P sundry supplier transaction programs to validate a bank account number.
Function keys
- Validation method
- Description
- Validation program
- Mandatory entry. Enter the validation program to be executed when you validate a bank account number. The program is executed from the Work with banks, Customer/Supplier bank table and A/P sundry supplier transaction programs.
Validation rule
The following fields are optional but if entered, then the programs must exist.
- Maintenance program
- Enter the validation rule maintenance program to be executed when you maintain this validation method. The program is executed from Work with validation methods.
- Enquiry program
- Enter the validation rule enquiry program to be executed when you enquire about this validation method. The program is executed from Work with validation methods.
- Delete program
- Enter the validation rule delete program to be executed when you delete this validation method. The program is executed from Work with validation methods.
Work with validation methods, Copy (FSR73505)
- Method
- Displays the validation method(s) you selected to copy.
- New method
- Enter a code to identify the new validation method you are creating.