Related topics
- About entering A/P invoices and credit notes manually
- About VAT reconciliation (Germany)
- Create a final A/P invoice from a recurring invoice
- Match a final invoice
- Match an invoice with goods-in-transit
- About the A/P Direct Order Billing functionality
- Setting up the A/P Direct Order Billing functionality
When you work with A/P invoices and credit notes, you can choose between the following types of entry:
- Preliminary entry
- Preliminary to final entry
- Final entry directly
If you work with preliminary to final, or final invoices, you can switch between these two modes by clicking Rotate. The default mode when you open the entry routine is defined in the A/P control file. Which mode you are working in now is shown in top of the panel.
You can work in two ways when entering invoices:
- You make a preliminary entry first and change the status to final later.
A preliminary invoice is an invoice which is entered using a document type for preliminary invoices. You can approve it for payment, or post it to the proper cost account(s), but it will remain preliminary until it has been changed to a final invoice. As long as it is preliminary, it cannot be paid. Note: If a preliminary invoice is entered using a document type for which a final document type has been defined (the Final document type field in Work with document types is completed), the preliminary invoice will automatically receive that final document type when made final.
- You make a direct final entry.
Function keys
A/P recurring invoices | Only valid in Final invoice entry mode. Retrieve the recurring invoices that have been created in the Work with A/P recurring invoices routine and which are available for A/P invoice creation during the selected accounting period. |
Rotate | Only valid when working with final invoices. Rotate between the Final and Preliminary -> Final entry modes. |
Selection fields
- Batch number
- Acct period
- Voucher
A/P invoice/credit note entry (FSR07004)
On this panel you enter A/P invoices and credit notes, either as preliminary or as final directly. When changing a preliminary invoice into a final one, this panel will also be displayed, showing all information that was entered for the preliminary invoice. You may change all information.
It is possible to decide whether or not the fields on this panel should be defaulted with the values from the previous invoice. This should be defined on field level for the A/P invoice transaction entry template. If it concerns a sundry supplier, then the information is entered in the A/P sundry supplier transaction program.
Function keys
Payment codes | Enter additional payment information for the invoice. |
Delete | Cancels the invoice. If it concerns a preliminary invoice which is being changed into a final one, the preliminary invoice will remain in the system. It can be deleted in the Maintain A/P transactions routine. |
Previous order | This function key is related to the A/P Direct order billing functionality and is only displayed if the APDIRBIL (A/P direct order billing) function is activated in the Function control file and an A/P direct invoice was previously registered for the indicated order number. Click this function key to retrieve the previously entered direct order number. That previously entered direct order number will be displayed to the right of the Order number field. |
Scan QR code | This function key is only displayed if the SCAN_QR function control is activated. Access the Scan QR IBAN code panel where you can scan the QR code. The data scanned can then be used on the invoice entry panel. |
- Batch number
- Acct period
- Voucher
- Payee number
- Displays the payee number and internal name entered for this supplier.
- Batch amount
- Displays the batch amount for A/R and A/P transactions, if entered on the journal header panel.
- Transaction amount
- Displays the total amount of all entered A/R and A/P transactions, regardless of transaction currency. If the batch amount was entered in system currency, the system has automatically converted the transaction amounts into system currency.
- Difference
- Displays the difference between the batch amount and the transaction amount. The value should be zero when all entries have been made.
- Document type
- Order number
- This field is related to the A/P Direct order billing functionality and is only displayed if the APDIRBIL (A/P direct order billing) function is activated in the Function control file and the Order number attribute is set to YES for the A/P invoices User template. Enter the BtB direct purchase order number of an order that has not yet been received and click OK. When you click OK, the supplier of the order is automatically retrieved (and then the other information related to the supplier, according to standard retrieval rules).
- Document number
- Document date
- The document date is the basis for the calculation of the due date, unless if a supplier invoice date is entered, or if a due date is entered manually.
- Supplier number
- Enter the supplier number.
- Supplier invoice no
- Enter the supplier’s invoice number. This field is not mandatory, but you will get a warning message if left blank, and you must then click OK once again. The number is printed on different lists, and is used when searching for documents in the A/P balances and transactions and A/P preliminary invoices enquiry programs.
- Supplier invoice date
- You can enter a supplier invoice date from the invoice if it is different from the document date you have already entered. The due date will then be calculated from the supplier invoice date instead. Mandatory entry if the APINVDAT (Mandatory supplier invoice date) function is activated in the Function control file.
- Bank reference no
- Transaction amount
- Currency
- System amount
- Due date
- Reception date
- You can enter the reception date for informational purposes.
- Terms of payment
- Enter a code from Work with terms of payment, if you want to override the terms of payment retrieved from either Work with document types, or if it is not defined there, the Business partner file. The terms of payment controls the credit period, cash discount and instalment conditions.
- Invoice matching
- Only shown:
- if Inv manual matching is set to YES in the A/P control file, and
- if you are entering a final invoice, or
- if you are making a preliminary invoice final.
Indicate if you want to manually match this invoice with the received purchase order line(s). If you leave this field blank, the value defined for the A/P invoice template will be retrieved. If no value exists, NO will be defaulted. Note: If a final invoice has already been registered, the value in this field indicates if the invoice has been matched. In this case, the template value is not considered.
- Payment mode
- Enter a payment mode if only one method is valid when paying the invoice through the Work with A/P payment proposals routine. The entered payment mode is validated against the A/P supplier payment mode table either for the supplier or for the payee number, if the supplier has a payee number entered for this transaction.
If the field is blank, the system will use any valid payment mode defined for the supplier or the entered payee number when this document should be paid via the Work with A/P automatic payments routine. Note: This field may be defaulted if a payment mode has been entered either for the supplier or the payee number in Default invoice entry in the A/P supplier payment mode table. This can be useful if the most commonly used payment mode, for the supplier or payee number, always requires extra payment information.
- Supplier bank
- Enter a code for the supplier’s bank. The entered bank is validated against the A/P supplier bank table either for the supplier or for the payee number, if the supplier has a payee number entered for this transaction. This field is not available for sundry suppliers. Information for sundry suppliers is entered in the A/P sundry supplier transaction program.
- Attestor
- The system proposes the default attestor from the Business partner file, but you may change to another code from Work with attestors.
- Security code
- Only shown if it is defined in the A/P control file that your system uses attestor security. When changing an invoice to being approved for payment, either if it is done manually or by the system, you must enter the security code for the attestor in this field. The code need only be entered once for each attestor within the same voucher.
- Approved for payment
- Mandatory entry. The system proposes NO for preliminary invoices, and YES for final ones. Note: A template value, defined for the A/P invoice template, will not be applied when you make a preliminary invoice final. The original preliminary invoice data is always displayed independent of the attributes and defaults defined for the A/P invoice template. If no template value has been entered, the field will be defaulted with NO for the Preliminary invoice mode and YES for the Preliminary to Final mode.
- Exchange rate period
- This field may already be defaulted by the system, if defined in the A/P control file for A/P invoices.
- Exchange rate level
- This field may already be defaulted by the system, if defined in the A/P control file for A/P invoices.
- Payment stop code
- Enter a code from Work with stop codes if you want to stop the document from being paid through the Work with A/P payment proposal routine. If the field is blank, the document is valid for automatic payment. Note that the document can always be paid through the manual payment routine.
- Text
- Import code
- The system proposes the default from the Business partner file, but you can enter another code from Work with VAT import/export codes for statistical purposes. If the code is used within the EU reporting function, you will be prompted to enter statistics information on a separate panel.
- Trader country
- EU VAT rep act code
- Supplier VAT country
- Supplier VAT number
A/P invoice/credit note entry (FSR07007)
On this panel you change A/P invoices and credit notes from preliminary to final. The A/P preliminary invoices enquiry can be used to retrieve the invoices.
- Batch number
- Acct period
- Voucher
- Document type
- Enter the document type of the preliminary invoice that should be made final.
- Document number
- Enter the document number of the preliminary invoice that should be made final.
- Year
- If the document number handling is only within the year, you have to enter the accounting year in which the document was entered.