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Work with selection options (FSR49401)

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This panel displays all the open document selection options. Selection options are used to control the way the open documents are displayed on the A/R settlement workbench panel. Two standard selection options are preloaded at installation:

  • *STDSELCTN – Display selection panel = NO
  • *STDSELCTY – Display selection panel = YES

If the second option is selected for the applied settlement option, then the selection panel will be displayed before the A/R settlement workbench panel. Otherwise, the default open document selection option can only be changed from the A/R settlement workbench panel.


Selection fields

This column lists the codes that identify the selection options.
Displays the description of the selection option.
Dsp panel
Indicates if the Standard sequence and selection panel is to be shown before the A/R settlement workbench panel when this selection option is used.

Work with selection options (FSR49404)

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On this panel you enter a new selection option or change the details of an existing one.

Selection option
Enter a code to identify the selection option. For existing records, the field cannot be changed.
Base selection opt
Enter an existing selection option to make use of the procedures already defined. The procedures will be defaulted to the selection option you are creating and cannot be changed. Note: If you enter a base selection option code, then the procedure names cannot be changed, but you can change other field values.
Enter a description for the selection option.
Init template
Enter the name of the template that should be used for the selection and sequencing of open documents on the A/R settlement workbench panel. If you leave this field blank, then the default selection is made.
Init/valid procedure
Enter the name of the procedure that initiates and validates the selection and sequence data which is to be used to create the open document selection list that should be displayed on the A/R settlement workbench panel.
Create procedure
Enter the name of the procedure that creates a list of documents that should be displayed together with the current settlement on the A/R settlement workbench panel.
Edit program
Enter the name of the program that determines the selection and sequencing of the list of open documents displayed on the A/R settlement workbench panel.
Dsp selection panel
Indicate if the Standard sequence and selection panel is to be shown before the A/R settlement workbench panel when this selection option is used.
Single curr select
Indicate if you want the A/R settlement workbench panel to display all the relevant open documents in the same currency as the currency of the main settlement document. If you set to NO, then all the open documents are shown independent of currency.

Work with selection options, Copy (FSR49405)

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Displays the selection option code(s) you selected to copy.

New option
Enter a code to identify the new selection option you are creating.

Work with selection options, Deletion (FSR49408)

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