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On this panel you maintain Credit Transfer identification data for the selected sundry supplier transaction. The information which is missing or wrong is highlighted, and an error message tells you what you must enter or change. Click OK when you have corrected all errors. The system checks all the entries or changes you make in the same way as in the manual transaction entry routine.
Note: Transactions cannot be added or deleted. Errors are usually corrected by entering information that is missing, or by changing faulty information. In some cases, you may have to make corrections in tables and files in the system to be able to correct the postings.
If a supplier has a payee number entered for this transaction, all bank-related information is retrieved from this payee number and the fields concerning bank-related information will not be shown.
Note: The CRETFR function must be activated in the Function control file and the business partner (sundry supplier) must be of type 2 or 3.
Journal maintenance, A/P sundry supplier, Bank Credit Transfer data (FSR17702)
On this panel you enter Credit Transfer data for the sundry supplier’s bank (the creditor agent).
If a supplier has a payee number entered for this transaction all bank-related information is retrieved from this payee number and this panel will not be shown.
Journal maintenance, A/P sundry supplier, Bank Credit Transfer data (FSR17703)
On this panel you continue to enter Credit Transfer data for the sundry supplier’s bank (the creditor agent).