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Warehouse manufacturing information (DIR20201)

On this panel manufacturing information is displayed at the warehouse level. Note: This panel is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated.

Item type
Displays a code indicating the item type to be used on item warehouse level for the item main warehouse. This field overrides the item type that is defined on item level. You can only define an item type on warehouse level if the item type on item level is set to 3 (Material), 4 (Purchased), or Blank.
Order rule
Displays the applicable order rule used by MRP (material requirement planning) in the creation of order proposals:

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Lot-for-lot. This rule creates one proposal line for each requirement per item/warehouse.
2 Fixed order quantity. This rule gives a proposal line with at least one EOQ per item/warehouse. If the requirement is higher than one EOQ, the proposed quantity will be rounded to the nearest multiple of the quantity defined in the Multiple quantity field.
3 Number of days consumed (spent). This rule summarises the requirement from the first shortage day and a number of working days ahead (defined on this panel in the Number of cons. days field). The requirement date (of the summarised requirement) is the first shortage day.
Production lead time
Displays the number of days it normally takes to manufacture an item. The information is used in the creation of order proposals. The requirement date minus production lead time will be the start date, i.e. the date when manufacturing should start.
Lead time
This field is only used for items with item type 1 and 2. The lead time is the number of days it takes to produce an item. The lead time is used for sales order availability check. Displays a value indicating the number of days it will take to produce this item. If this field is left blank, the Production lead time will be used for sales order availability check.
Order period
This field is used when creating order proposals for items using the shortage or priority analysis planning method (pull-planning). The replenishment time can be extended by entering a number of additional days in this field. If, for example, order proposals are created once a week and an item has a replenishment time of 3 days, this field can be set to 2 to see the requirement for a entire week. This field displays the number of days by which the replenishment time is to be extended.
Number of cons. days
Displays the number of consumption days that are used to create order proposals in MRP for items defined with order rule 3 (i.e. the Order rule field is set to 3 on this panel). The value entered here is used to calculate the required quantity on the order proposal.
Safety stock days
This field is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Displays how many days worth of consumption stock should be kept on hand.
Multiple quantity
Displays the value used to adjust the quantity on order proposals. This value is used to round up the proposed quantity.

For items using the MRP planning method the following applies:
If one EOQ does not cover the requirement the required quantity is adjusted to its nearest multiple. If one EOQ covers the quantity, the order proposal quantity will be equal to the EOQ quantity. Note: This field is only used for items using order rule Fixed order quantity (i.e. the Order rule field on this panel is set to 2).

For items using the shortage analysis planning method, the following applies:
The order quantity is adjusted to the nearest multiple of this quantity. Note: This information is not used for items using the priority analysis planning method

Department section
Displays a department section from the Work centre table, which indicates the item’s main department section. The department section is used as a selection parameter in several programs, e.g., when creating order proposals for items using the shortage or priority analysis planning method (Pull-planning). Note: Only work centres defined as Department section are valid. This means that the Work centre type field is set to 2 in the Work centre table.
Floor stock code
Displays the floor stock code which indicates if material connected to manufacturing orders will be backflushed or not:

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Backflushing item.
The item will be backflushed if it is defined on the manufacturing order type (i.e. the Backflushing when delivery to stock field or the Backflush material at operation report field is set to YES in the Manufacturing order type table).
2 Normal warehouse item.
The item will not be backflushed, irrespective of usage on the manufacturing order type. The Production material issue/reception program has to be used to enter used material.
3 Floor stock item.
The item is not allocated during the creation of a manufacturing order. Manual inventory transactions have to be entered to withdraw the quantity of used material. The actual cost for the manufacturing order will be the same as on the manufacturing order, i.e. item cost will not be adjusted according to the actual manufactured quantity.
4 Floor stock related.
The same as floor stock item, but the cost for the manufacturing order is adjusted to the actual manufactured quantity.
Displays the quantity which is normally produced per hour. The information is used in the Work with pull-planning program, to calculate a rough workload.
MPS level
Displays if item is a budget item used for stopping the exploitation at the MPS level in the requirement forecast. This means that the requirement forecast is created at a higher level than the normal operation level (purchase/manufacturing).