In this routine you create translation constants from a selected source for a previously generated translation file member.
- From source file
- Enter the source file of the members from which the constants shall be retrieved. The default in this field is QDDSSRC where the DDS source is normally stored.
- Library
- Enter the library where the source file is stored.
- To translation file member
- Enter the name of the translation file member in which the translation constants shall be generated.
- From member
- Enter the name of the member(s) for which the translation constants shall be generated. You can choose between selecting one member only, by entering the complete name, or selecting several, by entering a generic name, or enter *ALL to select all members in the source file for the selected member type.
- Member type
- Enter the member type of the selected members, i.e. DSPF for display files, PRTF for externally described printer files, or RPG for internally described printer files.
- Include country applications
- Indicate if you want to include DSPF/PRTF that belong to a country application.
- Application code
- Enter the application code for the country application you want to select on.