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Work with purchase order types (DMR03201)

When entering a purchase order, the purchase order type code is entered on the first panel that is accessed during that routine. At that time the user can choose the kind of order that is to be entered into the system. A reference is also made to the purchase order type table during the Return to supplier routine with FIFO selection routine. However, for both cases, only those purchase order types specified in this panel are valid.

The field which indicates whether this purchase order type will produce an order or a return note, should be completed with a 1 for an order or 2 for a return note.

For the printing fields with each type of document that can be printed for a purchase order, certain combinations are not allowed. For example, batch print and direct print cannot be set to YES for the same document on one order type. If incorrect, the fields will be highlighted, and an error message displayed.

A purchase order type for Back to Back orders can be defined. This is an order type that will automatically create a purchase order from a sales order. A BtB purchase order type can have two different types of delivery, i.e. transit delivery or direct delivery. A transit delivery means that the goods will be delivered from the supplier’s premises to our transit stock, and then to the customer. A direct delivery means that the goods will be delivered directly from the supplier to the customer.

For Purchase order types which are defined as BtB order types, a return order is not allowed, nor is an immediate reception. In addition, for a direct delivery BtB order type, a purchase order and reception note printout is required.


Selection fields

This column lists the unique codes identifying purchase order types.

Displays whether this purchase order type is to produce an order or to produce a return note.
Upd stock on hand
This column denotes if the stock on hand balance should be updated after an order has been entered into the system with this order type.
Add to recep trans
This column denotes if the transactions created from Purchase order entry, with this purchase order type, should be added to the Goods reception transaction file.
Add to statistics
This column denotes if the Purchase statistics file should be updated.
Immediate rec/rtn
This column denotes if this is an immediate reception, i.e. goods are to be entered into stock that have not been ordered on a purchase order or an immediate return, i.e. goods are to be returned from stock. Note: If this is a BtB order type, an immediate reception/return cannot be defined.
Transit delivery
If this is a BtB order type, this column denotes if the goods will be sent via our transit stock, (i.e. from the supplier’s premises to our transit stock and then to the customer).
Direct delivery
If this is a BtB order type, this column denotes if the goods will be sent directly, (i.e. from the suppliers premises directly to the customer).
Order status stat
This column denotes if the Order status statistics file should be updated when the purchase order, with this order type, changes status at a valid log point. This is applicable if the Order status statistics function is activated in the DIS control file. Per order status, the following are measured: warehouse, order type or a combination of these; volume, weight, number of lines, cost value and net value. Note: The information is logged in iSeries, but is only displayed in DC1 Analyser.
Order progress stat
This column denotes if the Order progress statistics file should be updated with the order progress for the purchase order with this order type. This is applicable if the Order progress statistics function is activated in the DIS control file.
Order flow log
This column denotes if you are to log the purchase order flow, for orders with this order type, each time a change occurs for a line at a log point. This is applicable if the Order flow log function is activated in the DIS control file. Note: The information is logged in iSeries, but is only displayed in DC1 Analyser.
IR order type
This column denotes if this is a purchase order type for an internal replenishment order, (i.e. a purchase order can automatically be created from an internal sales order). The following restrictions apply for Internal replenishment orders:

  • Credit order is not allowed
  • Reception note print must be set to YES
This column denotes if purchase orders with this order type have to be pre-accounted. If set to YES and no pre-accounting is defined in the Purchase order entry routine, the order will be held from further processing until the pre-accounting is done.

The pre-accounting information is used when a purchase order is matched with a supplier invoice in DC1 Financials. When the accounting transactions are created in the matching routine, the purchase amount will be posted according to the pre-accounting information. This means that any accounting information defined for transaction type 810 in the Transaction type table, will be overridden. Note: Pre-accounting of purchase orders can be done even if this column is set to NO.

Attest control
This column denotes if purchase orders with this order type have to be attested. If set to YES and the order is not attested in the Purchase order entry routine, the order will be held from further processing until the attesting is done.
Limit control
This column denotes if the value on purchase orders with this order type should be compared with the common attest limit for the handler of the order. If set to YES and the purchase order value exceeds the common attest limit, defined in the Signature table, the order will be held from further processing. The only person that is allowed to release the order, is the one defined in the Next level authority field in the Signature table for the purchase order handler.
MDC order type
This column is only available to display if DC1 Multi Distribution Centre (MDC) is installed. It denotes if this is a purchase order of type MDC. This means that it will generate an MDC sales order in another DC1 company (i.e. the MDC supplying company). The purchase order type can be:

  • BtB: Direct delivery from the MDC supplying company to a customer defined by the MDC demanding company.
  • Non-BtB: Delivery is from the MDC supplying company to the MDC demanding company.

The following restrictions apply for MDC purchase orders:

  • Order/Return must be set to 1 (order).
  • Immediate rec/rtn must be set to NO
  • Update stock on hand must be set to YES
  • IR order type must be set to NO
Rebate calculation
This column is only available to display if the DC1 Customer/Supplier Rebates (RBT) application is activated. It denotes if you want to allow supplier rebates to be calculated for a received purchase order line with this purchase order type.
Logistic order
This column is only available to display if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is installed and activated and is only applicable if you plan on activating the following inventory contract types and running the mentioned CMI processes:

Inventory contract CMI process
Supplier Consignment Stock (SCS) Supply

Transfer back to supplier

Wholesaler Buffer Stock (WBS) Transfer to consignment

A logistic order means that no bookkeeping transactions are created for this type of order. All other logistics handling (i.e. reception note, reception handling, quality control routines and stock on hand update) is the same. This column denotes if you plan on activating the above-mentioned inventory contract types and running those CMI processes.

Confirmation req
This column indicates if it is mandatory to confirm the purchase order line before generating (printing) the reception note. This setting, which is only valid for reception note documents that are to be printed in a batch printing session, is defaulted to the purchase order header, but can be changed there. If set to YES, the system will check if the purchase order has been confirmed, (i.e., the status of the purchase order should be 25), at the time of generating the reception note. If the order status is less than 25 then an error message will be displayed. If the purchase order has multiple lines and only a few purchase order lines have been confirmed, the system will skip the lines that have not been confirmed during reception note generation.

Work with purchase order types (DMR03204)

Note: This panel can be accessed in either Maintenance or Enquiry mode. In Enquiry mode, you are only able to view the information. The panel heading differs accordingly.

If you accessed this panel via the Display option, then you will only be able to view the information. To create or update a record, return to the previous panel and select either the Add or Change option (if available).

When entering a purchase order, the purchase order type code is entered on the first panel that is accessed during that routine. At that time the user can choose the kind of order that is to be entered into the system. A reference is also made to the purchase order type table during the Return to supplier routine with FIFO selection routine. However, for both cases, only those purchase order types specified in this panel are valid.

The field which indicates whether this purchase order type will produce an order or a return note, should be completed with a 1
for an order or 2 for a return note.

For the printing fields with each type of document that can be printed for a purchase order, certain combinations are not allowed. For example, batch print and direct print cannot be set to YES for the same document on one order type. If incorrect, the fields will be highlighted, and an error message displayed.

A purchase order type for Back to Back orders can be defined. This is an order type that will automatically create a purchase order from a sales order. A BtB purchase order type can have two different types of delivery, i.e. transit delivery or direct delivery. A transit delivery means that the goods will be delivered from the supplier’s premises to our transit stock, and then to the customer. A direct delivery means that the goods will be delivered directly from the supplier to the customer.

For Purchase order types which are defined as BtB order types, a return order is not allowed, nor is an immediate reception. In addition, for a direct delivery BtB order type, a purchase order and reception note printout is required.

Function keys

Order type

This description will be displayed on panels associated with the entry of a purchase order and printed on both external and internal documents.

Enter 1, if this purchase order type is to produce an order. Enter 2, if this purchase order type is to produce a return note. Note: If this is a BtB order type, a return note cannot be produced.
Document printout
All documents associated with a purchase order are listed (i.e. Purchase order, Reception note, Quality control note and BtB change log document). The BtB change log document displays the changes that have been done on the sales order which influence the purchase order, or vice versa.

Batch or direct printout

In the fields below you indicate if the documents are to be printed in batch or directly.

Indicate if the connecting documents are to be printed in a batch printing session after the order, with this order type, is entered into the system. Note: If this is a direct delivery BtB order type, a purchase order printout and reception note printout is required. In addition, the Batch and Direct fields must be set to NO for the Quality control note printout as the goods are never received to your warehouse (i.e. you can never quality control the goods).

Note: If this is an MDC (Multi Distribution Centre) order type the printing of purchase orders is optional.

Indicate if the connecting documents are to be printed directly after the order, with this order type, is entered into the system. Note: If a direct purchase order printout is defined for a BtB and/or Internal Replenishment (IR) order type, the purchase order to be created from and connected to the Sales order will automatically be created after the completion of the Sales order (i.e. when you update the Work with sales orders program).
Enter text for each document, which will be the heading of the printout.
Immediate rec/rtn
Indicate if this is an immediate reception, i.e. goods are to be entered into stock that have not been ordered on a purchase order or an immediate return, i.e. goods are to be returned from stock. Note: If this is a BtB order type, an immediate reception/return cannot be defined.
Update stock on hand
Indicate if the stock on hand balance should be updated after an order has been entered into the system with this order type. This field must be set to YES for an order type for return to supplier if you want to return items in the non-conforming stock.
Add to statistics
Indicate if the Purchase statistics file should be updated.
Add to rec trans
Indicate if the transactions created from Purchase order entry, with this purchase order type, should be added to the Goods reception transaction file. This field must be set to YES if the routine for supplier invoice/purchase order matching is to be used within DC1 Financials for orders of this type.
Transit delivery
If this is a BtB order type, indicate if the goods will be sent via our transit stock, (i.e. from the supplier’s premises to our transit stock and then to the customer).
Direct delivery
If this is a BtB order type, indicate if the goods will be sent directly, (i.e. from the suppliers premises directly to the customer).
IR order type
Indicate if this is a purchase order type for an internal replenishment order, (i.e. a purchase order can automatically be created from an internal sales order). The following restrictions apply for Internal replenishment orders:

  • Credit order is not allowed
  • Reception note print must be set to YES
MDC order type
This field is only displayed if DC1 Multi Distribution Centre (MDC) is installed. Indicate if this is a purchase order of type MDC, this means that it will generate an MDC sales order in another DC1 company (i.e. the MDC supplying company). The purchase order type can be:

  • BtB: Direct delivery from the MDC supplying company to a customer defined by the MDC demanding company.
  • Non-BtB: Delivery is from the MDC supplying company to the MDC demanding company.

The following restrictions apply for MDC purchase orders:

  • Order/Return must be set to 1 (order).
  • Immediate rec/rtn must be set to NO
  • Update stock on hand must be set to YES
  • IR order type must be set to NO
Rebate calculation
Only displayed if the DC1 Customer/Supplier Rebates (RBT) application is activated. Indicate if you want to allow supplier rebates to be calculated for a received purchase order line with this purchase order type.
Logistic order
This field is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is installed and activated and is only applicable if you plan on activating the following inventory contract types and running the mentioned CMI processes:

Inventory contract CMI process
Supplier Consignment Stock (SCS) Supply

Transfer back to supplier

Wholesaler Buffer Stock (WBS) Transfer to consignment

A logistic order means that no bookkeeping transactions are created for this type of order. All other logistics handling (i.e. reception note, reception handling, quality control routines and stock on hand update) is the same. Set this field to YES if you plan on activating the above-mentioned inventory contract types and running those CMI processes. See Setting up the basic data and warehouses for DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) and Setting up and initializing the inventory contracts for DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) for more information.

Indicate if purchase orders with this order type have to be pre-accounted. If set to YES and no pre-accounting is defined in the Purchase order entry routine, the order will be held from further processing until the pre-accounting is done.

The pre-accounting information is used when a purchase order is matched with a supplier invoice in DC1 Financials. When the accounting transactions are created in the matching routine, the purchase amount will be posted according to the pre-accounting information. This means that any accounting information defined for transaction type 810 in the Transaction type table, will be overridden. Note: Pre-accounting of purchase orders can be done even if this field is set to NO.

Order flow log
This field is only displayed if the Order flow log function is activated. Set this field to YES if you are to log the purchase order flow, for orders with this order type, each time a change occurs for a line at a log point. If set to YES, the information will be updated in the Order flow log file. If the Order status stat or Order progress stat fields are set to YES, this field must be set to YES. Note: The information is logged in iSeries, but is only displayed in DC1 Analyser.
Attest control
Indicate if purchase orders with this order type have to be attested. If set to YES and the order is not attested in the Purchase order entry routine, the order will be held from further processing until the attesting is done.
Order status stat
This field is only displayed if the Order status statistics function is activated. Set this field to YES if you are to update the Order status statistics file when the purchase order, with this order type, changes status at a valid log point. Otherwise, set it to NO. If you set this field to YES, the Order flow log field must also be set to YES. Per order status, the following are measured: warehouse, order type or a combination of these; volume, weight, number of lines, cost value and net value. Note: The information is logged in iSeries, but is only displayed in DC1 Analyser.
Limit control
Indicate if the value on purchase orders with this order type should be compared with the common attest limit for the handler of the order. If this field is set to YES and the purchase order value exceeds the common attest limit, defined in the Signature table, the order will be held from further processing. The only person that is allowed to release the order, is the one defined in the Next level authority field in the Signature table for the purchase order handler.
Order progress stat
This field is only displayed if the Order progress statistics function is activated. Set this field to YES if you are to update the Order progress statistics file with the order progress for the purchase order with this order type. If this field is set to YES, the Order flow log field must also be set to YES.
Confirmation req
Indicate if it is mandatory to confirm the purchase order line before generating (printing) the reception note. This setting, which is only valid for reception note documents that are to printed in a batch printing session, is defaulted to the purchase order header, but can be changed there. If set to YES, the system will check if the purchase order has been confirmed, (i.e., the status of the purchase order should be 25), at the time of generating the reception note. If the order status is less than 25 then an error message will be displayed. If the purchase order has multiple lines and only a few purchase order lines have been confirmed, the system will skip the lines that have not been confirmed during reception note generation.

Work with purchase order types, Copy (DMR03205)

Displays the purchase order types you selected to copy.

New type
Enter the new purchase order types that you are creating.

Work with purchase order types, Deletion (DMR03208)