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  7. Send printout as e-mail/fax(DIR62101)

Send printout as e-mail/fax(DIR62101)

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From this panel you can send a copy of the purchase order document created from the purchase requisition in e-mail or fax format.


Subject Select this option to add an e-mail subject to a specific purchase order.
Message Select this option to add an e-mail message to a specific purchase order.

Function keys

Default subject Add the default e-mail subject for all orders that are sent at one time.
Default message Add the default e-mail message for all orders that are sent at one time.

Displays the requisition number.
Mail address sender
Displays the sender’s e-mail address.
Order number
Displays the order number.
Mail address receiver
Enter the receiver’s e-mail address.
Fax number
Enter the fax number if the printout is to be sent via fax.

Send printout as e-mail/fax, Subject/Message (DIR62104)

Related topics

The panel title differs depending on the option chosen on the previous panel. Optionally add a subject line or message.

Displays the requisition number.

The following fields are displayed depending on what option you selected on the initial panel (i.e. Subject or Message respectively).

Enter the e-mail or fax subject.
Enter the e-mail or fax message.