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Work with characteristics, Item outlooks (DMR10901)

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On this panel you activate/deactivate a characteristic for one or more item outlooks. All item outlooks defined in the Work with item outlooks file are listed.

Item outlooks control which characteristics are to be visualized by the user and are utilized in the following:

  • Work with characteristics file when maintaining characteristics.
  • When applying the Item classification definition to create an item.
  • As search criteria when looking up items in the Select items panel (select More sele.)
  • When browsing the characteristics for an Item. (Viewed by clicking the Display item option from the Select item panel and then the Characteristics function key).

Item outlooks can also be used as a filter; granting users access to only those characteristics that are applicable. In your company you may not want to grant access to all characteristics for all users. There may be characteristics that hold sensitive data that should not be made visible to everyone. You can connect an Item outlook code to a user in the User profile table to restrict access to characteristics not held (activated) in the Item outlook code. Only those characteristics activated in the connected Item outlook code will be visible to the user.

When a characteristic is added in the Work with characteristics file, it is automatically activated, by default, for all item outlooks defined in this file. You can activate/deactivate the item outlooks applicable/not applicable for the characteristic by doing any of the following:

  • Clicking the Characteristics option in the Work with item outlooks file and then selecting the Activate/Deactivate option for the applicable characteristic.
  • Clicking Activate/Deactivate option for the applicable Item outlook in this file.


Activate/Deactivate Select this option to activate or deactivate the characteristic for an item outlook.

Selection fields

The characteristic for which the item outlook is activated/deactivated.
Item outlook
This column lists all item outlooks set up in the Work with item outlooks file.
This column lists the description of the item outlook.
This column indicates if the characteristic is activated for at least one Item outlook. When a characteristic is added, it is automatically activated, by default, for all item outlooks defined in the Work with item outlooks file and displayed here. This means that the characteristic will be visible when Item characteristics are maintained or browsed by a user when utilizing the applicable item outlook. You can activate/deactivate the item outlooks by clicking Activate/Deactivate for those applicable.

Note: All characteristics must be activated for at least one Item outlook to be able to create an item using the Item classification functionality. To restrict access to specific characteristics, you can connect an Item outlook code to a user in the User profile table. Only those characteristics activated in the connected Item outlook code will be visible to the user.