Processing a POA


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When a purchase order acknowledgement (POA) is required to be sent to the customer who sent the purchase order, the following process takes place:

  1. The CPO files will be read according to the panel selection and the trading partner is determined. The trading partner must be configured for POA and have a defined POA format (the POA model field).
  2. The CPO files are then used to send the POA.
  3. After the POA is sent, the CPO files are updated with the POA processed date, the POA sent field on the Work with customer purchase orders, Order header panel is updated and the CPO flow log is updated indicating that the POA is sent to the customer.

Before sending the POA to the customer, the system checks the following:

  1. It will ensure that the data is suitable for sending the POA. If not, then an error message will be issued.
  2. The trading partner file and the entity file will be checked to ensure that a POA is required for the selected CPO. If not, then an error message will be issued.
  3. The POA sent field on the Work with customer purchase orders, Order header panel will also be checked to ensure that POA has not already been sent. If the document has already been sent, then a warning message will be issued.

When the above checks are performed, and either no errors are encountered or no warning messages are overridden, then the Generate POA batch job is submitted. The batch job processes the CPO files for the selected CPO, updates the CPO/POA files and loads the DI document control record for later transmission of the POA.