Selection fields
- Number
- This column lists the budget numbers.
- Description
- This column lists the description for the budget number.
Work with budget numbers (ANLD10904)
The purpose of this program is to define statistic keys for a budget.
Function keys
- Budget number
- Description
- Demand plan/alt hier
- This field is only displayed if DC1 Demand plan is installed and activated, and if the budget was created from a demand plan or a demand plan alternative hierarchy. Displays the identity of the demand plan or demand plan alternative hierarchy from which the budget was created.
- Selected keys
- The fields below this column heading are only displayed when you are maintaining an existing budget. Displays the statistic keys that are defined for this budget.
Work with budget numbers, Copy (ANLD10905)
- Number
- Displays the budget number that you are working with.
- New number
- Enter the new budget number you are creating.