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Business partner file maintenance, Bank data (NLFD0051)


On this panel you can maintain additional information for a supplier’s bank (e.g. the SWIFT address of the bank).

Displays the supplier number that you are working with.
Displays the selected supplier’s bank code and a description.

Payment procedure
The payment procedure for all the transactions of an A/P payment proposal is defined during the creation of the proposal. Enter the payment procedure code as agreed with the supplier. Otherwise, enter 999. (This will set the payment procedure code for this supplier/bank to blank.)
Payment cost code
The payment cost code for all the transactions of an A/P payment proposal is defined during the creation of the proposal. Enter the payment cost code for which you are making invoice payments to the supplier through this bank. Otherwise, enter 999. (This will set the payment cost code for this supplier/bank to blank.)
Identity 1-2
Enter any additional identification information of this supplier/bank (e.g. the SWIFT address of the bank).