Related topics
On this panel you select the documents you want to make enquiries on. You can also use an already existing template, with predefined selections and sequences, to make enquiries on A/R transactions.
You can select and sequence on, for example, the following criteria: debtor number, document type, document number, amount, cost centre, division, A/R group, document date, due date and transaction currency. You can also decide whether you want the selected transactions to be presented in ascending or descending order.
This is the first of three panels where you can make your selections and define your sequences. Scroll to view the following two panels, i.e. Selection part 2 and Sequence.
Function keys
Selection part 1
- Debtor number
- Customer number
- Division
- Cost centre
- Document type
- Document number
- Document date
- Due date
- Accounting period
- Transaction currency
- Original amount
You can enter a lower and upper limit for transaction currency amounts. If you do, only documents with original amount within the given range are included in the selection.Note: Original amount is used as the selection value for all document types except for redefinition documents (data type 5) and bill transactions (data type 6), where creation amount is used.
- Remaining amount
You can enter a lower and upper limit for transaction currency amounts. If you do, only documents with remaining amount within the given range are included in the selection. - Open documents
Set to YES to include all open documents. Set to NO to display all settled documents. If you leave this field blank, then all documents will be presented.
A/R transactions enquiry (FKR50512)
On this panel you can make further selections.
Function keys
Selection part 2
- Reminder degree
- Reminder stop code
- Payment stop code
- Interest stop code
- A/R group
- Document data type
The value(s) that you may enter for this field are depending on the language defined for your user profile in Work with DC1 user profiles. Special panel value translation must be defined for this language in Work with languages.Note: It is only possible to enter individual selections for this field, i.e. type 1 or 3.
A/R transactions enquiry (FKR50513)
On this panel you define the sequences for how the selected documents should be organised and displayed.
Function keys
- Debtor number
- Customer number
- Division
- Cost centre
- Document type
- Document number
- Document date
- Due date
- Accounting period
- Transaction currency
- Original amount
Sequencing on Original amount is not possible if among selected documents, documents with data type = 5 (redefinition documents) or data type = 6 (bill transactions) can be found. - Remaining amount
- Reminder degree
- Reminder stop code
- Payment stop code
- Interest stop code
- A/R group
- Document data type
When you sequence by this parameter the order of the documents being displayed is determined by the order of the data base values for the document data type, which is the following: invoices, payments, difference documents, control adjustment documents, redefinition documents and bill transactions.
- A/D
Save as template (FKR50514)
In this pop-up window you can save the made selections and sequences, that you are currently working with on the A/R transactions enquiry panel, in a new or an existing template. You will be requested to click OK on this panel to either confirm the replacement or the new template.
- Template
- The system will automatically retrieve the id of the template you are currently using. You can change the name to a new one, or use the name of an existing template.
When you enter the A/R transaction enquiry from another enquiry program where keys were selected, these keys will be passed to the A/R transaction enquiry by template *USERID. It is recommended not to save any selection values on templates under the name *USERID.
Note: Changing template will override the made selections and sequences of the old template with the new ones.
- Description
- For existing templates, the current description is suggested. This description may be changed. Note: The defaulted description is the description entered when the template was created, even if a translated description exists.
A/R transaction enquiry, Print (FKR50515)
On this panel you order a printout of the selected transaction.
- Template
- The system will automatically retrieve and display the ID and description of the template you are currently using.
A/R transactions enquiry, All documents (FKR50501)
This panel shows a listing of all documents (other than control account adjustment transactions which have to be specifically selected to be displayed), that have been selected, sorted in ascending or descending order.
Shown for each document is the following information:
- Document type and number
- Document date
- Due date for each document
- “Text” code (T). Displays YES if there is complementary text connected to the document via the Text Editor. This text could, for example, be information to your customer. Note: The name of this field may be different from the above, depending on the language code for Text.
- Remaining amount to be settled in transaction, primary, system or reporting currency.
- Transaction currency
- Accumulated remaining amount in system or reporting currency
The following information is shown if the specific column has been activated through the Edit columns feature.
- Account group code (Ag)
- Cost centre (Cst cnt)
- Debtor number
- Customer number
- Batch number
- Accounting period (Per), i.e. the accounting period in which each document was entered
- Journal, i.e. the journal number which the journal received when the first attempt to update it was made.
- Text, i.e. the document text retrieved from Work with document types or entered manually when the document was created.
- Voucher type and number
- Voucher date
- Update date
- Country
- Transaction currency (Tran)
- Primary currency (Prim)
- Original amount of the document in transaction, primary, system, and reporting currency. For a redefinition document and a bill document the amount shown is the creation amount and not the actual original amount.
- Remaining amount in transaction, primary, system, and reporting currency
- Accumulated remaining amount in system and reporting currency
- Exchange rate period (Exch Period), i.e. the exchange rate period of the main document.
- Exchange rate level and time
- Exchange rate
- Interest stop code (Is), i.e. if a document has been stopped for interest invoice issuing. The codes are defined in Work with stop codes.
- Last interest date, i.e. the date when interest was last calculated for this document.
- Reminder stop code (Rs), i.e. if a document has been stopped for reminder issuing. The codes are defined in Work with stop codes.
- Reminder degree (R), i.e. the number of reminders that have been issued for each document.
- Last reminder date
- Creation date and time, i.e. the date and time when this document was created.
- Created by (User), i.e. the user id of the person who created this document.
- Payment mode
- Payment stop code (Ps), i.e. if a document has been stopped for payment. The codes are defined in Work with stop codes.
- Division code
- “Order settlement” code (O). Displays YES if there is an order settlement connected to the document, otherwise blank. Note: This field is only displayed if Order settlement is activated. The name of this field may be different from the above, depending on the language code for Order settlement.
- “Payment proposal” code (Pp). Displays YES if the document is included in a payment proposal. Otherwise blank.
- Portfolio status code (Pf)
- Turnover amount
- Import/Export code (I/E)
- Bank reference number
- Terms of payment (TOP), i.e. the terms of payment of the document.
- Instalments, indicates if there are any instalment conditions for this document.
- VAT amount
- Due date for cash discount 1
- Due date for cash discount 2
- Cash discount 1 percentage (% 1 CAD), i.e. the percentage of cash discount 1.
- Cash discount 2 percentage (% 2 CAD), i.e. the percentage of cash discount 1.
- Cash discount 1 days (Days 1 CAD), i.e. the number of days within which the document must be paid for cash discount 1 to be granted.
- Cash discount 2 days (Days 2 CAD), i.e. the number of days within which the document must be paid for cash discount 2 to be granted.
- Cash discount base, i.e. the amount on which the cash discount should be based.
- VAT registration number
- Quarterly list account code (QL)
- Trader country
- Exchange rate for VAT
- Salesman
- Customer name
- Debtor name
- Sundry debtor name
Settled | Select this option to view settlement information for the main document. |
G/L trans | Select this option to view related G/L postings. |
View invoice | Only available if the selected record includes an existing invoice and DC1 Distribution is installed and activated. Select this option to make an enquiry on invoices. |
Text | Select this option to view/work with document text. |
Order settlem | Only valid for credit card or cheque transactions. And, only shown if Order settlement is activated. Select this option to view all open sales order payments that are currently being used to settle the main document. |
Function keys
More selections | Return to the previous panel where you can change the selection parameters. |
Selection fields
- Debtor no
- Displays the number of the debtor for this transaction. The internal name of the selected debtor will be shown next to the number.
- Customer no
- Displays the number of the customer for this transaction. The internal name of the selected customer will be shown next to the number.
- Cost centre
- Displays the cost centre entered for this transaction.
- Division
- Displays the entered division.
- Act balance
- Displays the actual balance in system or reporting currency for any of the following valid selections:
- Division (when Division handling is used)
- Cost centre (when Cost centre handling is used)
- Division and debtor
- Cost centre and debtor
- Debtor no
- Tot selected
- Displays the accumulated remaining amount for the selected documents in system or reporting currency.