Attribute templates, together with the template fields, are ideally designed to categorize your items, business partners and business partner addresses by attributes, facilitating an easy, quick search. The following lists a typical set-up of Attribute Search Handling. Instructions are the same for Item and Business partner Attribute Templates, but the files to access are outlined. See the Panel help for each program/panel for more detailed instructions and About attribute search handling in DC1 for an overview.
Sequence | Table/File | To do |
Create validation table types | Item attr validation tables
BP attribute validation tables |
Create the table codes and define validation table types denoting what type of data is allowed. Valid types are the following: Short alphanumeric, Date, File, Long alphanumeric, Numeric, Program.
For Short alphanumeric and Long alphanumeric related validation types, select the Values option for the table code and enter the values that will be valid for entry/selection for these types of fields that are defined in Item attribute templates/Business partner attribute templates. This controls the entry of values in those types of fields defined in Item attribute templates/Business partner attribute templates. Per Template field (in Work with item attribute templates/Work with BP attribute templates), you assign the code from this table that is to be valid. When you connect an Item attribute template to an item in the Item file, or a Business partner attribute template to a business partner/business partner address in the Business partner file (and the end-user ultimately uses Attribute search mode to look up items, business partners, business partner addresses), only the values held in this table for the connected Validation table code for Short alphanumeric and Long alphanumeric validation types will be valid for entry/selection. For Numeric and Date related validation types, you control the data entry of values via the Value range fields in the Item attribute template/Business partner attribute template. For File related validation types, you are able to connect a physical file and the field for which you want to perform an attribute search, thereby being able to search for the values connected to that file/field. An example of this is the Signature file for the Signature field. The signature entered as a search attribute in Attribute search must exist in the file/field. Per Template field (in Work with item attribute templates/Work with BP attribute templates), you assign the code from this table that is to be valid. For Program related validation types, there may be data that you want to be able to perform a search on that does not exist in one specific file. Instead, you need to validate the data from several files. For this type of validation, you need to write a program that selects items holding a specific attribute. |
Create template headers | Work with item attribute templates
Work with BP attribute templates |
Up to nine templates can be created. Create those required, assigning the code, description and the default sequence.
The default sequence number controls the default loading of the template (and consequently the associated search fields) when the user accesses Attribute search mode. It will also allow you to utilize the Sequential add function key when connecting your attribute templates and subsequently defining the fields values in the Item/Business partner file. |
Create the template fields for the attribute template | Work with item attribute templates
Work with BP attribute templates Note: Select the applicable attribute template to access the Template fields panel |
Per template, up to 10 user-defined template fields can be created. Add the template fields and define the following per field:
Connect the item/BP attribute template(s) to the item/business partner/business partner address | Work with items panel Search attributes Work with Business partners Tip: Create an Item/Business partner template that only contains that panel to expedite the process. |
Add the attribute templates required, one by one or click the Sequential add function key for those templates with a defined default sequence number.
The labels for the template fields held in the Attribute template will be displayed. Define the search criteria by entering the values for each field. The entry rules for each value entered is controlled by the associated template field attributes. Range or validation table entries, if entered, will be used to validate the entered values. |