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Work with A/P recurring invoices, Schedules (FLR65001)

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On this panel you set up new, change, or view existing recurring invoice schedules. Schedules are set up in order to automatically create identical invoices that are paid on a frequent and regular basis. Contra accounting is defined on both schedule and invoice level in order to automate the G/L postings during the A/P invoice creation process.


Change Select this option to change the definitions set up for the schedule. Existing recurring invoices are regenerated accordingly.
Delete Select this option to delete a schedule. Note: If the schedule includes one recurring invoice with status B (Included in open batch) or C (Complete), then deletion is not possible.
Print Select this option to print information from the schedule.
Contra accounting Select this option to define the contra accounting for the schedule. This will automate the G/L postings entry during A/P invoice creation. The schedule contra accounting definition is automatically retrieved to all recurring invoices included in the schedule.
Invoices Select this option to generate new or work with existing recurring invoices. Note: Through this option you are able to manually override the schedule definition for individual recurring invoices.
Inactivate Select this option to inactivate a schedule. The schedule, including all active schedule contra accounting, recurring invoices, and invoice contra accounting will be marked as inactive. To physically remove inactivated schedules from the database, either run the A/P recurring invoice reorganization routine (useful when removing multiple schedules), or select the Delete option on this panel. Note: Only active records can be inactivated.
Re-activate Select this option to re-activate an inactivated schedule. The schedule, including all inactive schedule contra accounting, recurring invoices, and invoice contra accounting will be activated. Note: Only records marked as inactive can be re-activated.

Selection fields

Displays the schedule number.

Supplier no
Displays the supplier number of the schedule.
Invoice amount
Displays the total transaction amount of the schedule.
Displays the currency of the schedule.
Indicates the frequency period to be used during the automatic generation of recurring invoices from the schedule.

The following codes apply:

Indicates the current status of the schedule.

The following codes apply:

Work with A/P recurring invoices (FLR65004)

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On this panel, you can either set up a new, change, or view an existing recurring invoice schedule. In existing schedules for which recurring invoices have been generated, only certain information can be changed.

Tip: If you need to change any schedule definition that cannot be changed in an existing invoice schedule, then do as follows:

  1. Copy the schedule and create a new one.
  2. Inactivate the original schedule.
  3. The new schedule (from the copy) will be in an inactive status (I). Re-activate it.
  4. Change the schedule definition as required.
  5. Generate recurring invoices according to the new schedule.


Note: If the schedule includes one recurring invoice with status C (Complete), then you are not allowed to make any changes to the schedule definition. Exceptions are the Description and A/P inv entry template fields, which can be changed. Existing recurring invoices are not regenerated due to changes in these fields.

Only shown in Output mode. The system automatically retrieves the next available number from the A/P recurring invoice schedule number series (925) for the schedule definition. Note that this number is not displayed until the schedule has been created and saved, and you return to this panel.
Enter a description of the schedule. This description is shown as invoice text when the A/P invoice is created. In Maintenance mode, the field can be changed. Note that this field can be used to identify the schedule from which the A/P invoice was created.
A/P inv entry templ
Enter an A/P invoice entry user template. If entered, then A/P invoice values, which have not been defined in the schedule, will be defaulted from the template when generating the recurring invoices and when the final A/P invoice is created.
Voucher type
Mandatory entry. Enter a voucher type. The voucher type must be valid for A/P final invoicing. The associated voucher type number series must exist for the duration of the schedule.
Document type
Mandatory entry. Enter a document type defined for use in the A/P ledger and for final invoice documents. The associated document type number series must exist for the duration of the schedule.
Supplier number
Mandatory entry. Enter the supplier number for which recurring invoices are to be generated.
Supplier invoice no
Enter the supplier invoice number that should be specified on all recurring invoices generated from this schedule. This entry is optional. You can specify the supplier invoice number later during A/P invoice entry. If you want the system to automatically number all A/P invoices that are created from this schedule, then you can specify the automatic numbering through generic dots. Note that you have to enter three dots and start with one or several specific numerical or alphanumerical values of your choice before you enter the dots. The maximum of characters is 15.

For example:

Field entry Automatic numbering on final A/P invoice
AB… AB001, AB002, AB003, etc. up to AB999
555…CD 555001CD, 555002CD, 555003CD, etc. up to 555999CD
T768… From T768001, etc., etc.
Invoice amount
Mandatory entry. Enter the total transaction amount that should be entered on all recurring invoices generated from this schedule. This field can be changed during A/P invoice creation.
Contra amount
Only shown in Output mode. Displays the current contra accounting amount defined for the schedule.
Invoice frequency
Mandatory entry. Enter a code to indicate the frequency period to be used during the automatic generation of the recurring invoices.

Valid codes are:

For example:

  • If daily invoices are required, a *WEEKLY schedule should be defined for each day of the week. Then, the first invoice date in conjunction with the invoice frequency will be used to determine the invoice dates for all subsequent recurring invoices.
  • If *WEEKLY is selected, invoice payments will be seven days apart based on the first invoice date entered.
  • If *2WEEKS is selected, invoice payments will be 14 days apart.
  • If *MONTHLY is selected, invoice payments will be one calendar month apart, etc.
  • *TWICEMON will, however, be used in conjunction with the Interval, days value.

Note: No special processing is performed when an invoice date or the associated invoice due date falls on a non-working day, i.e., weekend, public holidays, etc.

Interval, days
Mandatory entry, if you have selected invoice frequency *TWICEMON (twice a month). Enter the number of days after the first invoice date to indicate the interval between the two payment occasions of the month.

For example: If you enter 15 in this field and the first invoice should be created on March 5th, then the subsequent (2nd) monthly invoice will be created on March 20th. The invoice date of all subsequent invoices will be on the 5th and 20th of every month for the duration of the schedule.

Duration, months
This field works in conjunction with the Number of invoices field. Enter the schedule duration in months. If you complete this field, then the number of invoices will be automatically calculated. Note: The maximum number of recurring invoices allowed for a schedule is 999. For a frequency of *TWICEMON, the schedule duration in months cannot be more than 500 months which would equate to 998 invoices. Note: This field does not apply for frequency codes *WEEKLY or *2WEEKS.
Duration, weeks
This field works in conjunction with the Number of invoices field. Enter the schedule duration in weeks. If you complete this field, then the number of invoices will be automatically calculated. Note: This field must be completed if either of the invoice frequencies *WEEKLY or *2WEEKS has been selected.
Number of invoices
This field works in conjunction with the Duration, months and Duration, weeks field. Mandatory entry, if neither of these fields has been completed. Enter the number of recurring invoices you want to be created according to this schedule definition. If you complete this field, the schedule’s duration period will be automatically calculated.
First invoice date
Mandatory entry. Enter the date that should be the invoice date on the first recurring invoice to be generated. The date you enter here will be used in the following way:

  • In conjunction with Invoice frequency, the invoice dates for all subsequent recurring invoices are determined.
  • In conjunction with Terms of payment, the due dates for all subsequent recurring invoices are calculated.
First invoice period
Mandatory entry. Enter the accounting period associated with the first invoice date.
First invoice due dt
Displays the date on which the first invoice is due for payment. This date is calculated from the First invoice date and the Terms of payment.
First invoice due pd
Displays the accounting period determined by the First invoice due date.
Terms of payment
Mandatory entry. Enter the terms of payment (TOP) to be valid for all subsequent recurring invoices. If not entered, the TOP is defaulted firstly from the Supplier file, and secondly from the selected document type. In conjunction with the First invoice date, the TOP is used to calculate the due dates for all subsequent recurring invoices.

Work with A/P recurring invoices, Copy schedule (FLR65005)

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Note: Only the schedule definition is copied. Associated schedule contra accounting and generated recurring invoices are not copied.

Displays the schedule number(s) you selected to copy.

New description
Enter a description for the new schedule(s) you are creating. Note: A new schedule that is being created by copying an existing one will receive status I (Inactive). Use the Re-activate option to make the schedule active. Then, use the Change option to change the schedule definition as required.

Work with A/P recurring invoices, Schedule deletion (FLR65008)

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Deletion on this panel means that the selected schedule(s), the schedule contra accounting, all included recurring invoices, and the associated invoice contra accounting will be physically removed from the database. Note: To delete all inactivated and/or complete schedules, run the A/P recurring invoice reorganization routine.

Confirmation request (FLR65011)

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The default is NO, meaning that you do not want to recreate any existing recurring invoices according to the current schedule definition. Set to YES to confirm that you want to recreate all the existing recurring invoices according to the current schedule definition. Any manual changes made on invoice level will be overridden. Note: Recurring invoices that are included in open batch (status B) or complete (status C) are not recreated.

Work with A/P recurring invoices, Print (FLR65015)

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On this panel you order a report printout of the schedule.

Indicate if you want to print a detailed or a summary list. The summary list will only print a list of header information from the selected schedule. The detail report will additionally list specific information about the schedule and all included recurring invoices as well as detailed contra accounting information specified for both the schedule and its invoices.