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Warehouse Management

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The following lists the activities to go through to prepare DC1 Warehouse Management and DC1 Radio Frequency for usage after they have been installed.

What this document contains:

Mandatory entries for the different files and tables are described, as well as the order in which the tables and files should be completed. For a more thorough explanation of code usage and the operation of the different maintenance programs, see the Panel help. For technical details, see the DC1 Technical Implementation Guide available on the Iptor Intranet.

DC1 Warehouse Management (WHM) is an add-on module to DC1 Distribution (DIS) and cannot be run without DIS. You should therefore have installed and set up the DIS application first. See Installing and setting up DC1 Distribution for instructions.

DC1 Radio Frequency (RFH) is an add-on module to DC1 Warehouse Management and cannot be run without DC1 Distribution and DC1 Warehouse Management.


The following outlines the procedures for setting up DC1 Warehouse Management and DC1 Radio Frequency.

DC1 Warehouse Management

The setup for an installation of WHM only is divided into five major phases. They are:

  1. Activate WHM in Work with companies.
  2. Pre-load tables for WHM.
  3. Initialise WHM information on item/warehouse level in the Item file.
  4. Establish mandatory data in DIS and WHM tables/files. (For the DIS-related tables and files, see Installing and setting up DC1 Distribution.)
  5. Establish balances in WHM files.

DC1 Radio Frequency

The setup for an installation of RFH follows the same procedure as for WHM with the only exception that WHM has to be installed and activated. Establishing the data in tables and files for RFH can be done simultaneously with WHM, but it is preferable to take one application at a time.

Complete the five steps described above, but replace WHM with RFH.


To perform the activation of the WHM and RFH applications and the pre-loads of tables and files used as a separate task is only done if the DC1 software already is installed and a company (or several companies) is already generated. Note: When generating a company in DC1 for the first time, the applications to be used in the company are also activated. For more information, see Company generation.

DC1 Warehouse Management

Menu item/Panel To do
Work with companies Select the company in which WHM should be activated and click Applications.
Work with companies, All applications Select the WHM application and click Activate.
Work with companies, Application definitions Click OK.
WHM is now activated, but you have to restart the company (via the Select company to work with menu item) to be able to continue with the next section.

Pre-load tables for WHM

Menu item/Panel To do
Update pre-loaded system tables Select this menu item.
Application preload tables update (INGD9001) Enter the DC1 Warehouse Management application code (WHM). Click OK to perform the update.
You are now ready to pre-load programs. See the next section.

Initialise WHM information on item/warehouse level in the Item file

In this phase, the system loads the Item file/Warehouse management file. However, it is not mandatory to initialise the file through this routine. You can initialise it manually if you wish or by writing separate conversion routines from another system.

Initialising the file through this routine allows you to save time by automatically establishing data that would otherwise be time consuming to set up manually or convert from another system. You can install WHM for all the warehouses in your system or you can select to install it for certain warehouses only.

Note: No warehouse management data will be created for any warehouse not selected. This means that you will use the system, as you did, before this installation process.

If you choose to automatically initialise the Item file/Warehouse management file through this routine, the system creates a new record in the Item file/Warehouse management file (WHOPWH) for each item/warehouse combination in the DIS Warehouses file (SROSRO).

Create default records

In order for the system to know what values to assign to the new records in the Item file/Warehouse management file, you must decide beforehand the default values to be used. This is achieved by creating a default record for the Item file/Warehouse management file using DIS item defaults. You can use that default ID in the CALL command below. This default record then supplies the values for all new records loaded into the Item file/Warehouse management file.

To initialise the Item file/Warehouse management file, complete the following steps:

Menu item To do
Work with item defaults On the Item defaults maintenance panel, select the Warehouse information default and create a default record for the WHM fields. Tip: For detailed instructions about creating defaults, see Set up a new template and default for an item.

When the default is created, make sure that you are logged in to the applicable company and perform initialisation by entering the following command on any command line:

CALL WMR990 PARM(‘default-id’ ‘warehouse’)

If you have created a default called WHMINI and you want to initialise the DC1 Warehouse Management file for all items activated in warehouse NDC, then enter:


Establish balances in WHM files

This is always a “manual/programming” task. In many cases there is an “old” system that holds this information and that information must be converted into DC1 Warehouse Management.

Tip: WHM uses a common update program (WMR900) for all balance updates and this program can be used to update balances from other systems. All mandatory information must be in place (items, locations …) before using this program. Interface program MUST be created to read information from the old system and then WMR900 can be used to update balances in DC1 Warehouse Management.

Balances exist in DIS

If DC1 Distribution holds balances, then you will have the possibility to use the program Load location balances to update certain files for WHM. The file WMR994B Load location balance definitions must be updated with information concerning the locations that should be used. The files that will be updated are:

File Description
WHLOP Location occupancy
WHOLTR Location transactions
WHOPWQ Item/Warehouse quantity file
WHOPLQ Item/Batch/Warehouse occupancy

This routine cannot be completed if any data exist in the files mentioned above. The same applies, if any sales orders or purchase orders exist, with status higher or equal to 30 and less than 60, for any of the items activated for this warehouse.

DC1 Radio Frequency

Menu item/Panel To do
Work with companies Select the company in which RFH should be activated and click Applications.
Work with companies, All applications Select the RFH application and click Activate.
Work with companies, Application definitions Click OK.
DC1 Radio Frequency is now activated, but you have to restart the company (via the Select company to work with menu item) to be able to continue with the next section.

Pre-load tables for RFH

Menu item/Panel To do
Update pre-loaded system tables Select this menu item.
Application preload tables update (INGD9001) Enter the DC1 Radio Frequency application code (RFH). Click OK to perform the update.
You are now ready to pre-load programs. See section Initialise WHM information on item/warehouse level in the Item file.

Loading data in tables and files

There are a number of tables and files in DC1 Distribution and DC1 Warehouse Management that need to be initialised before the system can be released for transaction handling in a live environment. Perform this procedure in the order outlined below.

Program To do
Work with number series For DC1 WHM: Establish the range of the number series for automatic numbering of the printouts produced when running the Create put away from bulk and Create replenishment suggestion routines.

For DC1 RFH: Establish the range of the number series for automatic numbering of the R/F batches and R/F instructions during R/F batch creation and processing. Tip: We recommend that you use the biggest possible range for R/F instructions, since a lot of R/F instructions are created and the number series are internal and never displayed.

DIS control file For DC1 WHM: The reference field for number series for Replenishment should be entered.

For DC1 RFH: Complete the reference fields for number series for both R/F batches and R/F instructions.

For the Pallet handling functionality: Complete the following three fields in the DIS control file (the Extension package and shipment info panel):

    Length of com prefix
    Company prefix (is assigned to a company via the EAN organisation)
    Code for Extended pallet number series
    Note: The pallet number series must be defined in Work with extended number series.

By defining the above, you will be able to create pallets with the unique 18-digit serial shipping container code (SSCC) in WHM.

Work with warehouse location units of measure This program is used to define all valid unit of measures for use when defining dimensions for locations and items. All locations within a warehouse must be measured in the same unit of measure, e.g., centimetre, but different units of measure can be used in different warehouses.

    Unit code
    The unit code is a user-defined entry. Any code can be entered to define a valid unit of measure, e.g., INCH for inches, CM for centimetres, etc.
    Unit description
    A descriptive text can also be entered for the unit of measure code.
Work with warehouses This program must be updated in two steps:

  1. The first step is described in this sub-section and covers all information except the location information.
  2. The second step (location information) is described in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.

If WHM is activated on company level, then you indicate if this warehouse is valid for warehouse management processing and also define specific related information.

    Activate WHM
    This field indicates whether or not this warehouse is activated for warehouse management processing. This gives the possibility to only activate the warehouse management process on certain warehouses where applicable and other warehouses can be excluded from the warehouse management processing, e.g., because of a limited number of items and volume.
    Zone pick
    Zone pick controls sort sequence and page breaks of pick suggestions. Note: Pick list is called “Pick suggestion” in WHM.
    • If the Zone pick field is set to YES, then the pick suggestion lines will be sorted by Pick suggestion number/Zone/Pick sequence/Location ID. Page breaks will occur by pick suggestion number and zone.
    • When the Zone pick field is set to NO, the sequence of pick suggestion lines will be by Pick suggestion number/Pick sequence/Location ID. Page breaks will occur only by pick suggestion number.

    Note: This code also indicates whether or not the printer queue in Work with warehouse zones (see the related sub-section below) should be used. If the Zone pick field is set to YES, then the pick suggestions will be printed on the printer specified in Work with warehouse zones. If NO, then the pick suggestions will be printed on a printer selected according to the standard rules in DC1 Distribution, i.e., printer is selected from either the printer queue on the prompt panel for pick suggestion print for printing in batch or from Work with warehouses for direct print.

    Zone put away
    Zone put away controls sort sequence and page breaks of put away suggestions. Note: Reception note is called “Put away suggestion” in WHM. Put away suggestions are also created when running the Replenishment of primary pick location or Put away from bulk routines.
    • If the Zone put away field is set to YES, then the put away suggestion lines will be sorted by Suggestion number/Zone/Put away sequence/Location ID. Page breaks will occur by put away suggestion number and zone.
    • When the Zone put away field is set to NO, the sequence of put away suggestion lines will be by Suggestion number/Put away sequence/Location ID. Page breaks will occur only by put away suggestion number.

    Note: This code also indicates whether or not the printer queue in Work with warehouse zones (see the related sub-section below) should be used. If the Zone put away field is set to YES, then the put away suggestions will be printed on the printer specified in Work with warehouse zones. If NO, then the put away suggestions will be printed on a printer selected according to the standard rules in DC1 Distribution, i.e., printer is selected from either the printer queue on the prompt panel for reception note print for printing in batch or from Work with warehouses for direct print.

    Activate R/F
    This field indicates whether or not this warehouse is activated for radio frequency. This gives the possibility to only activate the use of radio frequency on certain warehouses where applicable (e.g. WHM is activated) and other warehouses can be excluded from the radio frequency processing, e.g., because of a limited number of items, volume and equipment.
    Scan EAN code
    Set to YES if the EAN code should be used during R/F batch creation and processing. If this field is set to NO, then the DC1 item code is used. Note: When using the EAN code you should make sure that the items used in the R/F batch creation and processing have an EAN code defined. This is done on the Item file/Units panel.
Work with warehouse location sizes Caution: This program defines standard sizes of locations measured in linear unit of measure. User-definable location size codes are used as identification. If the location that is being measured is a bulk location (overstock), then no measurement can be defined. These location size codes are then used as references when locations are defined in the warehouse sub-section Work with warehouse locations.


Apart from the self-explanatory fields:

    Location size

the following fields can also be specified:

    Bulk location
    Bulk locations are used to define an un-located overstock area of the warehouse. Multiple items will always be allowed in bulk locations. Bulk locations do not require the entry of location measurements.
    Unit of measure
    The unit of measure code entered must exist in the Location unit of measure table. The location size being defined can only be assigned to locations where the warehouse unit of measure is the same as the location size unit of measure.
    Total capacity
    Total capacity is displayed for informational purposes only and is calculated from the entered dimensions. The capacity information will be used for calculating location capacities.
Work with location classes In this file you define the processes allowed for the location via a location class. The location class must (eventually) be connected to a location. Add the location classes as required and define what process is allowed for the location, by setting one or all of the following to YES:

    Process location in
    Indicate if this location class used on locations is allowed to be used for receiving location, staging location or not.
    Process location out
    Indicate if this location class used on locations is allowed to be used for staging location or not.
    Buffer location
    Indicate if this location class used on locations is allowed to be used as storage location or not.
    Pick location
    Indicate if this location class used on locations is allowed to be used for pick location or not.
    This field is only displayed if DC1 Radio Frequency is installed and activated. Indicate if the location class should be used to allocate resources through R/F batch creation. (See About working with resource allocation).
Work with location groups In this program you reserve locations for a selected group of items (flammable, controlled substances, refrigeration required, etc.). Assigning location groups to specific locations and then assigning the same groups to items establish this relationship. Location assignments are made in sub-section Work with warehouse locations and Item/location group assignments are described in sub-section Item/warehouse management file.
Work with warehouse location types The purpose of this program is two-fold:

  1. The warehouse location type can be used to retrieve default information to aid in location set-up (defaults will only be retrieved when adding a location).
  2. The warehouse location type can also be used to define valid pick and replenishment units for item/location combinations. Assigning warehouse location types to specific locations and then assigning pick/replenishment unit information to item/location types establish this unit relationship. The assignment of warehouse location type to items is described in sub-section Item/location type file.

Besides the self-explanatory fields:

    Location type

the following fields can also be specified:

    Loc per item
    This field limits the number of locations per item when put away suggestions are created. Valid entries are 0 to 5. If, for example, 4 is entered, the put away suggestion will try to find a maximum of 4 warehouse locations to place the item.

The fields below are default values that optionally can be completed and will be used when new locations are created in Work with warehouse locations. These fields are further described in sub-section Work with warehouse locations.

    Multiple items
    Multiple put-away
    Replenishment level %
    Put away level %
    Pick priority
    Put away priority
    Pick sequence
    Put away sequence
    Location group
Work with stock categories The purpose of this program in DC1 Distribution is to maintain stock category information and the stock category codes used by the non-conformity certificates (NCC) handling.

If DC1 Warehouse Management is activated, then each stock category can be connected to one quantity type in Work with stock category/quantity types. This connection defines the attributes of the stock category.

The stock category can then be assigned to a location (in Work with warehouse locations). This allows item quantities in the location to be viewed differently by DC1 Distribution rather than regular inventory, based on the definition of the associated quantity type(s). The location may then contain item quantities that are on hold, damaged, unreliable, etc.

Note: A warehouse location can only be assigned to one stock category. A stock category must exist in this program before it can be assigned to a location.

Work with quantity types This program is used to define quantity types, which can then be linked to a stock category code, which in turn can be assigned to a location. When a stock category code is assigned to a warehouse location, item quantities in that location are associated with the quantity type(s) assigned to the stock category code. This allows the creation of locations that may hold items that are damaged, unsellable, in quality control, held, etc.

Quantity types are linked to a stock category code in Work with stock category/quantity types. See sub-section Work with stock category/quantity types. A quantity type can be connected to several stock categories.

Several stock categories assigned to one quantity type.

Two locations should be identifiable as NCC locations where unusable goods should be stored. The goods can be unusable of different reason and therefore two different stock categories are necessary to define in Work with stock categories, to connect to a quantity type in Work with quantities and to assign to each location in Work with warehouse locations. One category is called “DAM” for damaged goods and the other is called “EXP” for expired goods. Both stock categories will be connected to quantity type 7 (unusable).

System defined quantity types are:

Code Description Additional information
1 Unusable Item is not available for sales orders or pick lists, and it is not considered “On hand” for purchase suggestions, e.g. goods being prepared to be returned to a supplier.
2 Unsellable Item is not available for sales orders or pick suggestions, but it is considered “On hand” for purchase suggestions, e.g. goods that have been returned from a customer and have to be checked before they can be available for sales or picking.
3 Unavailable Item is not available for pick suggestions, but it is considered “On hand” for sales orders and purchase suggestions, e.g. goods that are temporarily being held unavailable in stock due to different reasons.
4 Under stock take Item is under stock take. This quantity type is not currently used by the system.
5 In QC Item has been received and is in quality control. When QC function is used on the receiving module, items can be put to a QC defined location. These locations are defined with a stock category that has a quantity type 5.
6 NCC usable Item did not pass the QC and was put on a non-conformity certificate defined as usable. Item is not available for sales orders or pick suggestions, and it is not considered “On hand” for purchase suggestion. NCC usable locations are defined with a stock category that has a quantity type set to 6.
7 NCC unusable Item did not pass the QC and was put on a non-conformity certificate defined as unusable. Item is not available for sales orders or pick suggestions, and it is not considered “On hand” for purchase suggestion. NCC unusable locations are defined with a stock category that has a quantity type set to 7.
8 Non-WM location Items that reside in locations assigned to stock categories connected to this quantity type are not handled at all by WHM. An example of this is when using Outpicking location on consolidated pick suggestion and Loading location on shipment header, where the location must be defined with a stock category that has a quantity type set to 8.
9 Transit If the BtB featured field is set to YES in the DIS control file, then locations in the warehouse must be defined with a stock category that has a quantity type set to 9. All quantities from Work/Purchase/Manufacturing orders that are of the transit type must be stored in a location defined as a Transit location, i.e. set to quantity type 9.

Note: Quantity types 19 are reserved for system use and cannot be deleted. However, the column headings can be maintained. The reserved quantity types are pre-loaded when the Quantity type table maintenance program is run for the first time. Quantity types 1099 are available for user-defined purposes. A short description of the quantity type can be entered in the Column heading field. Any text entered will appear for this quantity type in the Warehouse balance enquiry and Time axis enquiry.

Work with stock category/quantity types The purpose of this cross-reference table is to define relationships between a stock category and one or more quantity types. The stock category can be assigned to a location, which thereby defines the use of the location. A quantity type can be connected to several stock categories.

Several stock categories assigned to one quantity type.

Two locations should be identifiable as NCC locations where unusable goods should be stored. The goods can be unusable of different reason and therefore two different stock categories are necessary to define in the Stock category table, to connect to a quantity type in the Quantity type table and to assign to each location in the Work with warehouse locations. One category is called “DAM” for damaged goods and the other is called “EXP” for expired goods. Both stock categories will be connected to quantity type 7 (unusable).

Note: Quantity type connection to a stock category cannot be maintained while the stock category is assigned to a location that contains inventory.

Work with warehouse zones This program is used to define location zones in the warehouse. Printer information (Printer queue, Copies, Hold Y/N) is defined and used when zone pick and zone put away is activated. See sub-section Work with warehouses for more information about zone pick and put away.

All zones within a warehouse are defined in this program. Locations are then defined within the different zones in the Work with warehouse locations. See sub-section Work with warehouse locations.

Tip: A warehouse zone with zone code “**” can be defined and will be treated as the zone for items not activated for processing in DC1 Warehouse Management. Printer information can also be specified for this zone (**) as an alternative to the printer queue specified in Work with warehouses.

Work with suggestion priorities In this table the priority records used in the Work with warehouse locations are created. Valid priority codes are 100899, where 100 is the highest priority. For each priority is defined whether it can be used during pick, put and for cross docking or a combination.
Work with warehouse locations This program is used to define all valid unique locations within a warehouse. All locations have to be defined before they can be used. Default values can be retrieved from the Location type file. An item can be entered and by doing so the location will be reserved to store this item only. You can define the location details manually or create a new location by copying an existing.

    The warehouse/zone combination must exist in Work with warehouse zones.
    Location ID
    The location IDs are user-defined. It is important that the naming standard for the locations are correct (e.g. Aisle/Row/Bin/Height/Slot), as the pick suggestion and put away list are sequenced in warehouse/zone/location order.
    Location description
    Location size
    The location size is used to define the physical attributes of a location. The assigned location size must exist in the Work with warehouse location sizes.
    The size of the assigned location size code must be defined with the same unit of measure as used by the warehouse.
    Note: The location size can only be changed if both the Allocated Capacity and Utilised Capacity for the location are zero.
    An entry of an item will reserve this location for the item entered.
    Note: This field can only be changed if both fields Allocated capacity % and Utilised capacity % for the location are zero. Item reservation can, however, be removed when location is occupied. Replenishment of primary pick suggestions will only be generated for item assigned locations.
    Location type
    The location type can be used to limit how many locations of the same item can be occupied within the selected location type.
    Location type can also be used to define the valid storage unit (replenishment and pick unit) for a specific item in this location. This relationship is established in the Item/location type file. See sub-section Item/location type file.
    This code is used to specify the convenience of picking from this location. Those locations that are the most convenient to pick from should be assigned a Movability code of 1.
    Valid movability codes are 1-99.
    Note: The movability code possibilities are not fully utilised by the system. This code could partly be seen as a preparation for functions like Automatic location assignment and Assignment relocation suggestion handling.
    Stock category
    This code is used to assign a stock category to a location. By doing this, item quantities in the location can be viewed differently by DC1 Distribution than regular inventory, based on the definition of the associated quantity type(s). This allows the creation of locations that may contain item quantities that are on hold, damaged, unsellable, etc.
    Location class
    Enter the location class, from Work with location classes, denoting the processes allowed for the location. Note: If the location should be used for DC1 Radio Frequency the location class should have YES in the Resource field.
    Location group
    An entry of a location group will reserve this location for items that are assigned to the corresponding location group in the Item/Warehouse management file. See sub-section Item/warehouse management file.
    Multiple items
    This field indicates whether items with different items can be stored in this location at the same time. For primary pick locations (pick priority = 100) this field must be NO. For bulk locations this field must be YES. If the Multiple put away is NO, this field must also be NO.
    Note: This field cannot be changed to NO if multiple items currently occupy the location.
    Multiple put away
    The multiple put away indicates if multiple put away of an item should be suggested for this location. If NO, put away will only be suggested to this location when the location is empty. For bulk locations this field must be YES.
    Note: This field cannot be changed to NO if multiple items currently occupy the location.
    Pick priority
    The pick priority is used to establish the priority in which this location should be considered for picking. A Pick priority of 100 identifies this location as a primary pick location. Movements to a primary pick location will only be allowed for locations reserved by item.
    Enter a pick priority code from Work with suggestion priorities.
    Put away priority
    The put away priority is used to establish the priority in which this location should be considered for put away suggestion. Locations with a put away priority of 100 will be the first considered for item put away.
    Enter a put away priority code from Work with suggestion priorities.
    Pick sequence
    The pick sequence is used to establish the line sequence of a location on the pick suggestion.
    Where zone picking is not being implemented the sequence of pick suggestion lines will be by pick sequence/location ID and page breaks will occur by pick suggestion number.
    Where zone picking is being implemented the pick suggestion lines will be sorted by zone/pick sequence/location ID and page breaks will occur by pick suggestion number and zone.
    Put away sequence
    The put away sequence is used to establish the line sequence of a location on the put away suggestion.
    Where zone put away is not being implemented the put away suggestion lines will be sorted by put away sequence/location ID and page breaks will occur by suggestion number.
    Where zone put away is being implemented the put away suggestion lines will be sorted by zone/put away sequence/location ID and page breaks will occur by suggestion number and zone.
    Replenishment level %
    The replenishment level percentage is used to specify the stock level of a location that should trigger a replenishment suggestion for the location. When the stock level for an item assigned to this location is below the percentage entered here, the location will be considered for replenishment.
    Note: The Replenishment level percentage is used exclusively by the Replenishment of primary pick suggestion routine. Replenishment of primary pick suggestions will only be generated for item assigned locations.
    Put away level %
    The put away level percentage is used to specify the stock level of a location that should trigger a put away suggestion for the location. When the stock level for an item assigned to this location is below the percentage entered here, the location will be considered for item Put Away.
    If you do not want to perform put away to a location, this field should be set to 0%. For Bulk locations this field must be either 0 or 100 since the Utilised capacity % field is not calculated and shown for bulk locations.
    Note: The Put away level is used exclusively by the Put away suggestion routine.
    Utilised capacity %
    Not shown for bulk locations. Displays the utilised capacity percentage, which is the percentage of the location area that is currently occupied.
    Allocated capacity %
    Not shown for bulk locations. Displays the allocated capacity percentage, which is the percentage of the location area that is currently allocated for put away or replenishment.
    AVG Utilisation loc%
    Not shown for bulk locations. Displays the average utilisation percentage for the location, which is the average percentage of the location area occupied since the creation of the location.
    AVG Utilisation res %
    Not shown for bulk locations. Only shown for locations that have been reserved for a specific item or location group. Displays the average utilisation reserved percentage, which is the average percentage of the location area occupied since the first location transaction occurred after the location was reserved.
    Free capacity
    Displays the free capacity, which is the actual un-utilised space available in this location based on the dimensions defined in the Work with warehouse location sizes. Free capacity for bulk locations are always shown as all 9’s.
    Stock take code
    Displays the stock take code, which is being performed against this location. No pick or put away to the location is possible before the stock take is finished. The system automatically updates this information.
    Last stock take date
    Displays the last date a stock take was performed against this location. The system automatically updates this information.
    Stock take list
    Displays the stock take list number, if stock take is currently being performed against the location. The system automatically updates this information.
    Repl. list/line
    Displays the number and line number of the replenishment suggestion for this location, if replenishment of primary pick is currently being done. The system automatically updates this information.
    Last transaction
    Displays the last transaction date, which is the date that the last transaction occurred for this location. The system automatically updates this information.
    First Reserved trans
    Displays the first reserved transaction date, which is the date of the first transaction that occurred to this reserved location. The system automatically updates this information.
    Note: This date is only shown for locations that have been reserved for a specific item or location group.
    Creation date
    Displays the date this location was created.
    Note: You can only delete records if the Reserved Capacity and Utilised Capacity in the Allocated capacity % and Utilised capacity % fields for the location are zero. The location cannot be occupied by other activities.
Work with warehouses, Location information The remaining fields for location information that were not possible to enter in the first step (Work with warehouses) above, can now be defined with locations from the Work with warehouse locations.

    Receiving location
    The receiving zone/location is printed on the Put away suggestion document as information where to intermediately store the received goods until the Put away from bulk procedure is performed.
    Receiving zone/location can be defined on 3 different levels in the system and is applied in the following order:
    1. It can be entered when the goods reception document is requested to be printed and will then be valid for the whole put away suggestion produced.
    2. It can be entered on item/warehouse level.
    3. It can be entered in this table as default value for all items for which no zone/location has been defined on item/warehouse level.

    If nothing has been specified on the 3 levels above, then zone and location will be suggested for items using the put away rules in DC1 Warehouse Management. (See About working with put away from bulk suggestions.)

    QC rec location
    The Quality Control receiving zone/location is only applicable for items that should pass through the quality control process. The QC receiving zone/location is printed on the Put away suggestion document as information where to intermediately store the received goods until the quality control procedure is performed.
    QC receiving zone/location can be entered on 3 different levels in the system and is applied in the following order:
    1. It can be entered when the goods reception document is requested to be printed and will then be valid for the whole put away suggestion produced.
    2. It can be entered on item/warehouse level.
    3. It can be entered in this table as a default value for all items for which no QC receiving zone/location has been defined on item/warehouse level.

    If nothing has been specified on the 3 levels above, no QC receiving zone and location will be suggested and the usual put away rules will be used. Items that should be quality controlled do not have to be stored in a QC location. It is possible to hold the items for further processing until the items have been approved. This could be the case if only a part of the items should be quality controlled.

    Note: The entered zone/location must be a Quality Control location, which is a location defined with a stock category connected to a quantity type equal to 5.

    Outpicking location
    This field is used as default value in Pick consolidation maintenance – Consolidation header (DIR32104), where it can be overridden. The outpicking location is printed on the consolidated pick suggestion to show where the goods are to be placed after picking. Note: An outpicking location must be a location defined with a stock category connected to a quantity type equal to 8.
    Transit location
    The transit location is used for items received to be held in transit because the purchase was generated through BtB orders. Transit locations can be entered on 3 different levels in the system and is applied according to the following priority:
    1. When the goods reception document is requested to be printed.
    2. On Item/Warehouse level.
    3. In this table as a default value for all items to be stocked as transit.

    Note: A transit location must be a location defined with a stock category connected to a quantity type equal to 9.

    Loading location
    This field is used as default value in Shipment maintenance – Shipment header (DIR36104), where it can be overridden. The loading location is printed on the loading and route delivery list to show where goods are to be placed for loading and transport.
    Note: A loading location must be defined with a stock category connected to a quantity type equal to 8.
    Cross dock location
    This is the location used for cross docking. Cross docking location can be entered on 3 different levels in the system and is applied in the following order:
    1. When cross docking location is entered on Replenishment order line reception (DIR53501), Reception note printout (DMR52001), or Create reception note (DIR66005).
    2. On Item/Warehouse level.
    3. In this table as a default value for all items for which no cross docking location has been defined on Item/Warehouse level or on the reception note.

    If no cross docking location has been specified in one of the above mentioned places no cross docking location will be suggested for any item. Note: The cross docking location must be a bulk location.

    Cross docking days
    This field is mandatory if any location is entered in the Cross-dock location field. The cross docking days is the number of days the system will look through sales orders that have a dispatch date within the number of days defined here.
    Cross docking days have to be entered when entering cross docking location. The same priority applies as for cross docking location described above.
Item/warehouse management file The item size and storage capacity is defined in this file together with the rules of how the item should be stored within the warehouse.

    Activate WHM
    This code indicates if this item in this warehouse should be activated for DC1 Warehouse Management processing. Caution: This code cannot be changed to NO if DC1 Warehouse Management activities currently exist for this item/warehouse.
    Note: This field cannot be YES if the item is fictitious.
    Location group
    The location group indicates that the item in this warehouse should be associated with a specific location group. The location group is used to specify whether it is required or recommended that this item should be put away into a location assigned to the same location group.
    The interpretation of this code, requirement or recommendation, and the use of it in the put away suggestion handling is controlled by the entry of the Assign to group only field.
    Examples of usage of the location group are items requiring refrigeration, flammable items, controlled substances, etc.
    Assign to group only
    This field is used in combination with the location group entry.
    • YES in this field specifies that this item should always be put away to a location that has been assigned the same location group as for the item itself. If no location is found meeting these criteria no locations will be suggested on the put away suggestion.
    • NO in this field specifies that it is preferable (but not required) to put away this item to a location assigned the same location group as for the item itself. If all locations assigned to the preferred location group are full, the system will suggest another location which is different from the one entered in the Location group field above.
    Put to one location
    This field is used within the put away suggestion process and indicates if the system should put away items to one or several locations.
    • If YES, the Put away suggestion process will try to find one location for the put away.
    • If NO, the Put away suggestion is more likely to split the put away to several locations for a single item.
    Put to existing loc.
    This field is used within the put away suggestion process and indicates if the item should be put away to a location where this item already exists.
    • If YES, the Put away suggestion process will not consider that the item already exists in the location and can suggest a location for put away where the item already resides.
    • If NO, the put away will never be suggested to a location where this item already exists, unless the location has been assigned to the item or the location is a bulk location.
    Put to occupied loc.
    This field is used within the put away suggestion process and indicates if the item should be put away to a location where another items already exists.
    • If YES, the Put away suggestion process will not consider that another item already exists in the location and can suggest a location for put away where other items already reside.
    • If NO, the put away will never be suggested to a location where another item already exists, unless the location is a bulk location.
    This field indicates if the DC1 Warehouse Management FIFO processing should be used for locations where this item is stored.
    If FIFO processing is to be used, then:
    • put away can never be performed to locations where the item already exists,
    • the item can never be moved to a location where the item already exists unless the location is an item assigned location.

    Note: For further information about DC1 Warehouse Management FIFO processing, see the FIFO sequence pick rule under section Pick rules in Processes.

    Serial no tracking
    This field indicates if the item should be tracked by serial number within DC1 Warehouse Management. The item must be activated for serial number tracking in DC1 Distribution if YES is selected.
    • If YES, all movements within the warehouse will require serial number entries.
    • If NO, the movements within the warehouse will not require serial number entry. If the item is activated for serial number tracking in DC1 Distribution, serial numbers will still be required when goods are added or picked from stock, i.e. when the stock on hand is affected.
    Rec unit processing
    This field indicates if reception unit should be used when put away suggestions are created. This is used to find the best suitable location for put away.
    • If YES, put away suggestions are based on increments of the reception unit only, instead of stock unit. If a package size factor is specified in the Reception Pkg. size field that factor is used to multiply the reception units into increments of itself, i.e., Reception unit multiplied by the pack size = Incremented Reception unit. The system will use the size of this unit to find available locations for put away.
    • If NO, reception units are not considered when put away suggestions are created. Stock unit is used for put away suggestion.
    Reception unit
    The reception unit is the unit being used in the put away suggestion process, if reception unit processing is activated for the item in the Rec unit processing field.
    Reception pkg size
    This field can be used if reception unit processing is used. Enter the package size that the reception units should be rounded up to, e.g. an item is stored on pallets in increments of 20. When receiving items the reception unit will be re-calculated to a “reception unit package size unit” as a multiple of reception unit. The size of this calculated unit is used in the put away suggestion process when suitable locations are suggested by the system.


    Receiving location
    See the description of the corresponding field in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.
    Process location
    The process zone and location is used when the item should be put to a process zone/location before being put away to the sales stock (e.g. labelling/repack etc.). When a put away from bulk is done from the receiving location, items that have a process zone/location defined will be suggested to be put to this zone/location.
    QC rec. location
    See the description of the corresponding field in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.
    Component location
    See the description of the corresponding field in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.
    Transit location
    See the description of the corresponding field in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.
    Cross docking
    Set to YES or NO indicating if the item should be under cross docking in this warehouse.
    Cross dock location
    See the description of the corresponding field in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.
    Cross docking days
    See the description of the corresponding field in sub-section Work with warehouses, Location information.

Size & storage

    The size of an item can be defined using the fields Dimension 1, 2 and 3, e.g. Width, Depth and Height. The dimensions must be specified using the same unit of measure that has been defined for the warehouse in the Work with warehouses.
    These three fields indicate the possible storage orientation (rotating the items) for an item with three dimensions in a location.
    Location Width 1 1 2 2 3 3
    Location Depth 2 3 1 3 1 2
    Location Height 3 2 3 1 2 1
    Valid storage
    These six fields can be used to indicate how a box should be stored, e.g. standing up rather than lying down. This information will be used when calculating the number of items that will fit in different locations.
    A YES indicates that the “rotation” represented by the figures in the column above is a possible way to store the item.
    A NO indicates that the “rotation” represented by the figures in the column above is not a possible way to store the item.
    Min. loc. capacity
    The minimum location capacity indicates the minimum number of items that should be stored in a location. This information is used when location sizes are automatically activated during maintenance of the Item/Location size file.
    Location sizes will never automatically be activated for the item where fewer items, than specified here, can be stored.
    Max. loc. capacity
    The maximum location capacity indicates the maximum number of items that should be stored in a location. This information is used when location sizes are automatically activated during maintenance of the Item/Location size file.
    Location sizes will never automatically be activated for the item where more items, than specified here, can be stored.
Item/Units & Location size file Item/Location size assignments are used to define valid locations and maximum location quantities in order to set the rules of how the item can be stored. Multiple location sizes can be defined for one item. The preferred number of items (in stock unit) that fits within the location has to be defined for each selected location size.

An item cannot be put into a location defined with a location size other than the item/location size relationships that exist here.

    Location size
    Stock capacity
    The stock capacity is the maximum quantity of this item that can be stored in a location defined with this location size. The stock capacity will be used for replenishment and put away. It is possible to force a put away quantity that exceeds the maximum into a location, but it will never be suggested by the system.
    Note: It is important that this quantity be kept accurate as statistical fields in the Work with warehouse locations are updated. For example, the Free capacity (available free space) in a location will be determined by the quantity in this field. Other statistical fields updated in that table are the Utilised capacity % and Allocated capacity %. (Which are factors used in calculating the Average utilisation location % and Average utilisation reserved %).
    Caution: If the stock capacity is changed, then the utilised capacity for all locations where this item exists will be automatically updated.
    Preferred capacity
    The preferred capacity is the maximum desired quantity of this item that should be suggested for put away to locations of this size. The preferred capacity is used for put away suggestions.
    If this field is blank the system will assume that the preferred capacity is the same as the stock capacity.
    Note: It is possible to force a put away quantity that exceeds the preferred quantity into a location but it will never be suggested by the system. The preferred capacity can never exceed the stock capacity.
Item/Location type file Item/Location type assignments are used to define valid pick and replenishment units for locations assigned with the same location type.

    Location type
    Replenishment unit
    The replenishment unit defines the quantity that can be picked from a location when the Replenishment of item assigned locations is processed. The replenishment unit is used exclusively by the Replenishment suggestion process.
    The minimum quantity suggested for replenishment from a location (assigned the same location type) will be based on the replenishment unit.
    If the Partial units (repl) field is NO the quantity suggested for replenishment from the location will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of the Replenishment unit.
    Pick unit
    The picking unit defines the preferred quantity to take from a location for a sales order pick when picking this item from this location type. The pick unit is used by the Pick, Put away and Put away from bulk suggestion processes.
    The location pick suggestion process will always attempt to fill a pick quantity from the largest applicable (smaller than or equal to the quantity to pick) pick unit. Smaller units will then be processed to fill the remainder of the quantity to pick. Each unit will be processed in descending order based on unit size.
    If any remaining pick quantity exists after this process is completed a suggestion will be made for a partial unit pick. The partial unit pick will be processed in the normal pick sequence (disregarding unit). Normal pick sequence will be pick priority sequence.
    Note: This picking unit is not valid when picking DC1 Warehouse Management FIFO controlled or Batch controlled items!
    Note: Pick units will always be broken, where required, to fill an order line.
    Partial units (repl)
    This field indicates the rounding of Replenishment units and is used exclusively by the Replenishment Suggestion process.
  • If YES, the quantity suggested for replenishment from the location will not consider whole replenishment units, i.e. a partial (broken) replenishment unit can be suggested for replenishment.
  • If NO, the quantity suggested for replenishment from the location will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of the replenishment unit.
DC1 Radio Frequency specific tables The following part will only be concerned on the tables, not yet explained, that are used in the process of loading data for DC1 Radio Frequency. The order in which the different tables and files should be maintained is listed below:

  1. Work with warehouses (DIS)
  2. Work with warehouse location classes (WHM)
  3. Work with warehouse zones (WHM)
  4. Work with warehouse locations (WHM)
  5. Work with signatures (GEN)
  6. Work with resource allocations (RFH)
  7. Staging location table (RFH)
  8. Work with instruction status (RFH)
  9. Work with batch rules (RFH)
  10. Parcel type table (RFH)
  11. Item file
Work with signatures In this program you must create the handlers that should process the R/F batches. Enter the code and the name of the handler.
Work with resource allocations On the first panel you define the combination of warehouse, resource and handler.

    Enter the code for the warehouse. The warehouse has to be activated for DC1 Radio Frequency.
    Enter the location from the Work with warehouse locations that should be used as a resource, e.g. a forklift, during R/F batch processing. The location must have a location class with YES in the Resource field in Work with warehouse location classes.
    Enter the code for the handler that should be allowed to use the resource in the R/F batch processing. One resource can be combined with more handlers and one handler can have more resources.

On the second panel all existing zones in the warehouse are listed. You activate/deactivate the zones for the resource/handler combination. The activated zones are the zones in which the resource/handler combination can operate. This is a way of controlling that some resources only can be used in certain zones, or that a handler only should be working in certain zones.

Staging location table This table is optional. Staging locations are locations used prior to shipping. Only “to” movements can be done in a staging location. To control that the location is not suggested during normal put away the following steps should be completed.

  1. Create a priority in Work with suggestion priorities where put away is NO.
  2. Create the location in Work with warehouse locations that should be used as staging location. Use the priority code created in step 1 in the Put away priority field.
  3. When shipment instructions, coming from sales orders with a manner of transport defined in a staging location, the staging location will be defaulted in the R/F batch creation.

    Enter the warehouse code for the warehouse where you are defining staging location.
    Manner of transport
    Enter the manner of transport that should apply for the staging location. An example could be that all the goods shipped with a certain courier should be placed in one place.
    Enter the location for staging purposes.
Work with instruction status The records in this table are preloaded. Records cannot be added or deleted; only the description can be changed. The instruction statuses are used during R/F batch creation and processing to determine what has been done/is still to be done for the R/F batch.
Work with batch rules This table is optional. The purpose is to make certain rules that can be used during R/F batch creation to make it easier to select a group of R/F instructions and apply them to a R/F batch.

    Batch rule warehouse
    Enter the warehouse where this rule should apply
    Batch rule identity
    Enter the identity for the batch rule
    Enter a description for the record

Valid instructions

    Only one instruction can be selected.

    Pick suggestion
    Put away from bulk
    Replenishment sugg
    Stock take suggest


    Zone pick/put away
    Set to YES if you want the batch rule to apply to instructions for zone pick and zone put away.
    This means that if you set the Zone pick and/or Zone put away fields to YES in Work with warehouses and this field to YES, that this batch rule can only apply to instructions that concerns those zones in the warehouse, where the pick list/put away instructions are printed.
    This field is optional and only updated if you set one of the Pick suggestion, Put away from bulk or Replenishment sugg fields to YES.
    Order priority
    Enter a priority code from Work with sales order priority codes if the batch rule should apply to sales orders with this priority. This field is optional and can only be used in combination with the Pick suggestion field.
    Pick/put type
    This field is mandatory if YES has been entered in one of the fields Pick suggestion, Put away from bulk or Replenishment sugg. The type will be defaulted in the Pick/put type field during R/F batch creation.
    The Pick/put type indicates in which sequence the pick and put instructions are to be performed. See About working with R/F instructions for further information.
    Parcel type
    This field must be completed if pick/put type is 5 or 6.
    Sales order type
    If the Pick suggestion field is set to YES, up to five different sales order types can be selected that the batch rule should apply to.
    Manner of transport
    If the Pick suggestion field is set to YES, up to five different manner of transport can be selected that the batch rule should apply to.
    Batch size
    These fields can be used for further definition of the batch rule.
    No of instructions
    Batch weight
    No of suggestions
    Batch volume

When using a batch rule during R/F batch creation the instructions will be selected until the instructions no longer apply to the definition of the batch rule.

If the settings for the batch rule are:

    Pick suggestion
    Sales order type
    Batch weight

then, the R/F instructions on the Work with R/F instructions, Select shipments panel will indicate if you are able to add another instruction without causing the batch weight to be exceeded.

Parcel type table This table is optional. However, if Work with batch rules is used and records exist where Pick/put type is 5 or 6, then parcel types have to be specified, using the following fields:


The other fields are optional and for informational purposes only.

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