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Work with asset locations (AACD13001)

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These entries are used in the Asset file, where the location of each asset in each class may be specified. The locations are also used at physical inventory, as selection parameters on a number of listings, and to control the accounting via the rules set up in Work with account codes.

Note: By switching number in the Class selection field at the bottom right part of the panel, you select a different location class to display. The selection you make on this panel will follow you through the whole routine. Location class 1 is the default. The number of location classes used is defined in the ASM control file. This panel only displays the locations that belong to the selected class.


Selection fields

Location name
This column heading differs depending on the number entered in the Class selection field at the bottom of the panel. The location classes used is defined in the ASM control file. The column lists the existing asset locations that belong to the selected class.
Displays a description of the related location class.

Work with asset locations (AACD13004)

Related topics

These entries are used in the Asset file, where the location of each asset in each class may be specified. The locations are also used at physical inventory, as selection parameters on a number of listings, and to control the accounting via the rules set up in Work with account codes.

Function keys

Location name
This field lead text differs depending on the location class you are working with which is determined by the number entered in the Class selection field on the main panel. Enter the asset location that should belong to the selected class. For existing entries, this field cannot be changed.
Account part 1-8
For each account part, except the main one which is not valid for substitution, you may enter a default account from the G/L account file. The account will be used at location substitution on the account codes (in DC1 Asset Management) when creating G/L postings for assets with this location. The system will check the entered accounts against the Account file.

Work with asset locations, Copy (AACD13005)

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Location name
This field lead text differs depending on the location class you are working with which is determined by the number entered in the Class selection field on the main panel. Displays the asset location you selected to copy.

New location name
This field lead text differs depending on the location class you are working with which is determined by the number entered in the Class selection field on the main panel. Enter the new asset location you are adding.

Work with asset locations, Deletion (AACD13008)

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