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Work with vehicles, Handling/hazard code exceptions (DIR09401)

The system assumes, as a default, that all vehicles may be used to convey items with any handling and hazard code.

The purpose of this file is to hold details of exceptions to the above rule. For example, it is highly unlikely that an item with a Handling and Hazard code denoting that a low temperature is required, is allowed to be carried on a vehicle having no refrigeration equipment. Therefore the code for dangerous goods will be recorded in this table against the code for the vehicle.


Selection fields

Handling/hazard code
This column lists the handling/hazard code.
This column lists the description of the handling/hazard code.

Work with vehicles, Handling/hazard code exceptions (DIR09404)

On this panel you enter the handling/hazard code that is to be exempt for this vehicle.

Handling/hazard code
Enter a code from the Handling/Hazard code table.
The description is retrieved for the code from the Handling/Hazard code table.