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Business partner file maintenance, A/P payment modes (GDMD0201)

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This panel enables you to select which method(s) of payment you want to use for a specific supplier. The different payment methods are established in Work with A/P payment modes, and only apply for the Work with A/P payment proposal routine. An asterisk (*) is displayed for the payment modes that are active for this specific supplier. If no payment methods are active, no invoices from this supplier can be paid through the Work with A/P payment proposal routine.

Toggle Display Active/Inactive/All A/P payment modes to view either Active or Inactive or All A/P payment modes. The panel sub-heading indicates the current view mode.

The valid program for the payment mode selected is accessed according to what was defined in field Supplier maint pgm in Work with A/P payment modes.

Function keys

Display Active/Inactive/All A/P payment modes Toggle between viewing only Active or Inactive A/P payment modes or All.

Selection fields

Displays the Business partner number you are working with.
Indicates with an asterisk (*) if the payment mode is active for this supplier.
Displays the priority sequence number. The number is used to retrieve a payment mode in sequential order when creating invoices and no forced payment mode is entered.
Payment mode
Displays the payment modes that have been defined in your system.
Displays the name and description of the payment mode.
Def invoice
Indicates if a default payment mode is defined for the supplier. This can be useful if the most commonly used payment mode, for the supplier, always requires extra payment information. If no payment mode is entered in the Invoice entry program the system retrieves the default payment mode from this table.