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Work with customer price and discounts or Customer price and discounts enquiry, Summary (GDMD29901)

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This program can be accessed in either maintenance or enquiry mode and is invaluable in ascertaining how many prices are set up for your customer. In maintenance mode it is possible to add, change, copy or delete the method details.

For a detailed description of how to use this program and what can be displayed, see View sales pricing information.


Pricing methods Select this option to view more details of the retrieved sales pricing method listed under the Function heading.

Function keys

Cust pricing methods Enter the customer and click this function key to view the pricing methods for the customer (regardless of whether or not they are subsidiaries in a customer structure).
BP structures View the Business partner structure set up for your customer.
Cust prices Enter the customer/item combination and click this function key to view the prices or discounts for the customer (regardless of whether or not they are subsidiaries in a customer structure).
Parent prices For parent customers in a customer structure, enter the customer and click this function key to view the prices or discounts.

Enter a code from the Business partner file to view the price and discount information contained by the system for the customer and click OK.
Pricing policy
If the Business partner structure function is active, displays the pricing policy as defined in the structure for the customer, i.e. one of the following:

  • Parent price
  • Customer price
  • Best of
Optional entry. Enter a date if you want to see what prices are applicable on a date other than today’s date.
Pricing parent
If the Business partner structure function is active, this field is only completed if the pricing policy is Parent pricing or Best of. Displays the pricing parent of the entered customer.
Optional entry. If you wish to view the prices that the system can calculate for a specific customer/item combination enter the item code. You can subsequently click the function key for Cust prices or Parent prices.
Optionally enter a quantity or leave blank for a default of 1.
Unit or Sales unit
The name of this field differs. If the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file, the name of the field is Sales unit. See About price unit handling for more information. Optionally enter a unit or leave blank to display the pricing methods for all units. Note: If you entered both a customer and an item, the sales unit will be defaulted from that Item if you try to leave the field blank.
Optionally enter a currency or leave blank to display the pricing methods for all currencies.
This column displays the pricing techniques set up in the system for the customer. Note: If the Business partner structure function is active, the system can also display information relative to the customer structure. By clicking the function key for BP structures you can expand the structure to list all companies within it.

The following could be displayed:

Pricing technique Description
Customer contracts Displays the number of active and expired contracts for the customer/item combination. If the Business partner structure is active, displays the number of active and expired contracts for the pricing parent/item combination.
Price list Displays the assigned price list defined for the customer in the Business partner file. If the price list field in the Business partner file is blank, the standard price list retrieved from the DIS control file is displayed.

If the Business partner structure function is active, displays the price list assigned to the pricing parent.

Discount group Displays the discount group assigned to the customer, unless that field in the Business partner file is blank.

If the Business partner structure is active, displays the discount group assigned to the pricing parent.

Pricing method Displays the number of sales pricing methods possible for the customer. Retrieves the active customer-related sales pricing keys for the entered customer from the Sales pricing method file. If an item is entered, it also retrieves the active item-related sales pricing keys from the same file and combines these with those from the customer. These are used when reading through all of the sales pricing method detail records.

If the Business partner structure is active, displays the number of sales pricing methods possible for the pricing parent. In a similar way all active customer-related sales pricing keys for the pricing parent are used in combination with any item related ones.

Price/discount conclusion
Displays a descriptive overview for each retrieved function, which applies to this customer or customer/item combination.

Customer price and discounts enquiry, Customer prices (GDMD29904)

Related topics

This panel displays the pricing sources for the customer. If a customer/item was entered before accessing this panel, the prices will also be displayed.


Displays the customer code that was entered on the initial panel.
Pricing policy
If the Business partner structure function is active, displays the pricing policy as defined in the structure for the customer, i.e. one of the following:

  • Parent price
  • Customer price
  • Best of
Displays the date if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, defaults today’s date.
Pricing parent
If the Business partner structure function is active and the pricing policy is Parent pricing or Best of, displays the pricing parent of the entered customer.
Displays the item code if it was entered on the initial panel.
Displays the quantity if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, blank for a quantity of 1.
Unit or Sales unit
If entered or defaulted on the initial panel, displays the unit or sales unit (if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file, See About price unit handling for more information). If not entered there, the pricing methods for all units will be displayed.
Displays the currency if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, the pricing methods for all currencies will be displayed.
Src type
Displays the source type ID.
Displays the type of sales pricing method carrying the discount that was applied on the sales price.
Displays the source ID.
Displays the description of source.
Displays the sales price.

Work with customer price and discounts or Customer price and discounts enquiry, Customer pricing methods (GDMD29907)

Related topics

This panel displays the pricing method headers. If you accessed this panel via the Work with program, you can drill down to the pricing method details to maintain them.


Details Select this option to view/maintain the details of the pricing method.
Limit dependent pricing This option is only displayed if limit dependent pricing exists for a pricing method header of type H (Header discounts) with a limit type defined. Select this option to view more details of the quantity or amount limit dependent pricing.

Function keys

Change sequence Toggle between sorting by method type/method code and method code/method type.
Show all/current Toggle between displaying all pricing method headers for the customer or just those that are current. A current method header is one where its Valid from date is today or in the past and, at the same time, its Valid to date is today or in the future. If the dates are not defined, the method is current.

Displays the customer code that was entered on the initial panel.
Pricing policy
If the Business partner structure function is active, displays the pricing policy as defined in the structure for the customer, i.e. one of the following:

  • Parent price
  • Customer price
  • Best of
Displays the date if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, defaults today’s date.
Pricing parent
If the Business partner structure function is active and the pricing policy is Parent pricing or Best of, displays the pricing parent of the entered customer.
Displays the item code if it was entered on the initial panel.
Displays the quantity if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, blank for a quantity of 1.
Unit or Sales unit
If entered or defaulted on the initial panel, displays the unit or sales unit (if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file, See About price unit handling for more information). If not entered there, the pricing methods for all units will be displayed.
Displays the currency if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, the pricing methods for all currencies will be displayed.
This column lists the type of sales pricing method carrying the discount that was applied on the sales price.
This column lists the applied sales pricing method.
This column lists the sequence number for the sales pricing method. This specifies the order in which prices and discounts are searched. The sequence is from first to last, i.e. sequence 1 will be read (or used depending on how it is defined) before sequence 999.
Dp pr
This column lists the code for Quantity or Amount when there are limit dependent discounts on header level. Click the option for Limit dependent pricing to view the details.
This column lists the description of the pricing method.
Valid from
Displays the start date, from the pricing method header, of the applied sales pricing. See Validity dates for sales pricing methods (Short term pricing) for more information.
Valid to
Displays the end date, from the pricing method header, of the applied sales pricing. See Validity dates for sales pricing methods (Short term pricing) for more information.

Work with customer price and discounts or Customer price and discounts enquiry, Customer pricing method details (GDMD29910)

Related topics

This panel displays the details defined for the selected pricing method.


Add Select this option to add a new method detail for the pricing method. The keys/values included in this pricing method will be defaulted along with any key values that may have been defined. The values, however, can be changed. Example: A normal method XXX_N is defined with key 1 = Customer with a specific value = customer1. When adding a new method detail, key 1 will be defaulted with customer1.
Limit dep pr Select this option to add or maintain unique limit dependent prices or discounts (quantity or amount) for this item on this sales pricing method. This option is only valid if a Limit type (quantity or amount) exists on detail level.
Display basket Select this option to view basket details. This option if only valid if the key for basket is defined for the pricing method of type O (Order line summary discount) or H (Header discount).

Function keys

Show all dates/Show current date Toggle between displaying all pricing method details or just those that are current. A current method detail is one where its Valid from date is today or in the past and, at the same time, its Valid to date is today or in the future. If the dates are not defined, the method is current.
Show defined levels only/Show all levels Toggle between displaying all pricing method details or just those for which detail pricing exists. Show all levels displays all the details for the selected pricing method. Show defined levels only displays the details of selected pricing method only for which detail pricing exists.
Displays the customer code that was entered on the initial panel.
Pricing policy
If the Business partner structure function is active, displays the pricing policy as defined in the structure for the customer, i.e. one of the following:

  • Parent price
  • Customer price
  • Best of
Displays the date if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, defaults today’s date.
Pricing parent
If the Business partner structure function is active and the pricing policy is Parent pricing or Best of, displays the pricing parent of the entered customer.
Displays the item code if it was entered on the initial panel.
Displays the quantity if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, blank for a quantity of 1.
Unit or Sales unit
If entered or defaulted on the initial panel, displays the unit or sales unit (if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file, See About price unit handling for more information). If not entered there, the pricing methods for all units will be displayed.
Displays the currency if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, the pricing methods for all currencies will be displayed.
Method type
Displays the selected method type (i.e. the type of sales pricing method carrying the discount that was applied on the sales price.)
Pricing method
Displays the applied sales pricing method.
Valid from
Displays the start date, from the pricing method header, of the applied sales pricing. See Validity dates for sales pricing methods (Short term pricing) for more information.
Valid to
Displays the end date, from the pricing method header, of the applied sales pricing. See Validity dates for sales pricing methods (Short term pricing) for more information.
This column lists the currency if it was entered on the initial panel. If not entered there, the pricing methods for all currencies will be displayed.
Unit or Sales unit
If entered or defaulted on the initial panel, this column lists the unit or sales unit (if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file, See About price unit handling for more information). If not entered there, the pricing methods for all units will be displayed.
Dp pr
This column lists the code for Quantity or Amount when there are limit dependent discounts on detail level. Click the option for Limit dependent pricing to view the details.
Valid fr
Displays the date from which the price or discount will be effective. See Validity dates for sales pricing methods (Short term pricing) for more information.
Valid to
Displays the date that the price or discount will end. See Validity dates for sales pricing methods (Short term pricing) for more information.
Displays the sales price.
The D denotes that price or discount details exist for the pricing method.

If any of the following fields are defined for the pricing method, an asterisk (*) is displayed in front of the line:

  • Price
  • Price list
  • Basis
  • FOC
  • Discount%
  • Discount amount
  • Limit type
  • Limit code
Key columns 1-5
A maximum of 5 columns are displayed, listing the individual key codes that have been defined for the sales pricing method.
Item description
This column displays the item description for the Item key code.
Customer internal name
This column displays the customer internal name for the Customer key code.
Price list
This column displays the price list code from the Sales price list table denoting the price list that is applicable to this sales pricing method.
Disc amount
This column displays the amount that you wish to offer as a discount.
Disc %
This column displays the percentage that is to be discounted off the sales price.
This column displays a code from the Cost bases table denoting how your company wishes to define the basic cost of an item.

This column denotes if the item is free-of-charge.
Price sys unit
This column is only available to display via the Edit columns feature if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. It is used for method details, in which item is not selected as one of the keys. Price sys unit indicates the price unit for the method detail.
This column displays a value denoting the method (i.e. Margin or Mark-up) that you want to use to generate the sales price from, e.g., the cost price or the sales price list, depending on how this is set up.

Valid values are:

1 Margin
2 Mark-up
This column displays a value indicating how you want the Marg/Mark (i.e. Margin or Mark-up) to be calculated.

Valid values are:

Value Definition
1 Factor: The Mark-up or Margin will be multiplied by a factor.
Note: The value of the factor is defined in the Value field.
2 Percentage: The Mark-up, or Margin value will be increased according to a percentage.
Note: The value of the percentage is defined in the Value field.
This column is used in conjunction with the Marg/Mark, and Fact/Per.

  • If the value of Marg/Mark is 1 and the value of Fact/Per is 1, this column displays the margin factor.
  • If the value of Marg/Mark is 1 and the value of Fact/Per is 2, this column displays the margin percentage.
  • If the value of Marg/Mark is 2 and the value of Fact/Per is 1, this column displays the mark-up factor.
  • If the value of Marg/Mark is 2 and the value of Fact/Per is 2, this column displays the mark-up percentage.
VAT based
This field in the maintenance program is automatically set to YES when you add a new record for N (Normal) and P (Promotion) details. Depending on your intent with the pricing and discounts, the default setting could automatically switch to NO. If you define a sales price (or the means to calculate a sales price, e.g., via a cost mark-up) this column denotes if this is a VAT based item. If however, you do not define a sales price (i.e. you want the price to be picked from the base price list with that VAT definition), but instead just want to enter a discount, this VAT based flag will automatically switch to the NO setting when you enter the discount for this new N (Normal) or P (Promotion) record. The exception is when you enter Quantity limits (i.e. this setting will remain as YES since you can define a price for these limits). This column denotes if this is a VAT based item. This field can only be set to YES in the maintenance program if either a price is entered or calculated using basis (except basis=”RET”) on the method.
VAT included
This column denotes if VAT is included in the sales price of the item.
Incl Vat% cd
This column displays the VAT handling code for the VAT percentage, if any, which is included in the sales price.
Limit typ
If you offer your customer limit dependent discounts that are specific to this pricing method, this column displays the limit type code that your company uses for Amount, Quantity or Matrix, depending upon whether the limit values are described as amounts, quantities or matrix quantities.
Limit cod
This column displays the limit code which carries the limit discounts (based on quantity, matrix quantity or amount) that you want to apply.
Ret meth
This column displays a value denoting the method that you want to use to generate the retail price from the sales price. The retail price is a recommended value that will be printed on the invoice.

Valid values are:

1 Margin
2 Mark-up
3 Value

Note: The mark-up factor is multiplied by the sales price of an item to yield the recommended retail price that will be printed on the invoice.

For example:

  • If the sales price is 10.00
  • If the Retail method selected for calculating the retail price is Mark-up.
  • If the type of mark-up used in the calculation is a percentage (defined in the Ret fact/per field)
  • And the Ret value of the mark-up is defined at 50.
  • Then the retail price will be calculated as: 10.00 * 1.50 = 15.00
Ret fac %
This column displays a value denoting how you want the Retail method (e.g., Mark-up, Margin) to be calculated.

Valid values are:

Value Definition
1 Factor.
The Mark-up or Margin will be calculated using a factor. Note: The value of the factor is displayed in the Ret value column.
2 Percentage.
The Mark-up, or Margin value will be increased according to a percentage. Note: The value of the percentage is displayed in the Ret value column.
Ret value
The retail price is a recommended value that will be printed on the invoice.

  • If the value of Ret method is 1 and the value of Ret fact/per is 1:
    This column displays the margin factor.
  • If the value of Ret method is 1 and the value of Ret fact/per is 2:
    This column displays the margin percentage.
  • If the value of Ret method is 2 and the value of Ret fact/per is 1:
    This column displays the mark-up factor.
  • If the value of Ret method is 2 and the value of Ret fact/per is 2:
    This column displays the mark-up percentage.
Sales value ceiling
This column lists the ceiling for the sales value in system currency.
Sales value reached
This column lists the sales value reached for the received and processed orders.
Sales qty ceiling
This column lists the ceiling for the sales quantity to be sold for this sales pricing method.
Sales qty reached
This column lists the sales quantity reached for received and processed orders.
Discount value ceiling
This column lists the ceiling for the discount value in system currency.
Discount value reached
This column lists the discount value reached for the sales pricing method.
FOC item qty ceiling
This column lists the ceiling for the FOC item quantity to be given as discount for this sales pricing method.
FOC item qty reached
This column lists the reached quantity of FOC items which is given as discount.
This column denotes if the sales pricing method detail is closed.
Main supplier
This column displays the main supplier.

Work with customer price and discounts, Details, Deletion (GDMD29913)

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