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This routine displays the entry details for the selected on-line report.
- Report
- Displays the selected on-line report.
Displays the heading sequence which is optional.
The sequence defined here determines how the information is organised. Sequence 1 gives the primary sort order, sequence 2 sorts the information further within each parameter selected with sequence 1, and so on. You can sequence by the following parameters:
- Debtor/supplier number
- Internal name
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- Area
- Main salesman/Handl
Only applicable for A/R listings.
- Sub-total
- Indicates if the printout should contain subtotals or not.
- Page break
- Indicates if a page break should be included on the printout after this selection criterion.
Displays the detail sequence which is mandatory.
The sequence defined here determines how the information is organised. Sequence 1 gives the primary sort order, sequence 2 sorts the information further within each parameter selected with sequence 1, and so on. You can sequence by the following parameters:
- Transaction currency
- Document type
- Document number
- Document date
- Due date
- Cost centre
- Division
- Sub-total
- Indicates if the printout should contain subtotals or not.
- Page break
- Indicates if a page break should be included on the printout after this selection criterion.
Work with A/R – A/P analysis reports, Selection enquiry specifications (FSR57102)
The fields below show how the report on-line has been specified. Sub-totals and details are printed in the currency that have been selected on this panel. Totals are always printed in system currency for the currency that has been selected, except for reporting currency, where sub-totals and details are printed in reporting currency and totals are printed in both reporting and system currency.
- A/R list
- Indicates if an A/R list will be printed.
- A/P list
- Indicates if an A/P list will be printed.
- Debtor/Supplier info
- Indicates if debtor/supplier address information will be printed.
- Details
- Indicates if a line for each individual document will be printed.
- Amount collation seq
- Displays the code for ASCENDING or DESCENDING to sort the sub-total amounts.
- A/D
- Displays the language code for ascending and descending.
- Transaction currency
- Indicates if transaction currency amounts will be printed for sub-totals and details.
- Primary currency
- Indicates if primary currency amounts will be printed for sub-totals and details.
- System currency
- Indicates if system currency amounts will be printed.
- Reporting currency
- Indicates if you want reporting currency amounts to be printed in sub-totals, details and totals. Note: System currency amounts and reporting currency amounts cannot be printed on the same list. They are mutually exclusive.
- Ageing date
- Displays a code indicating the date to which you want to base your ageing date.
- Min remaining amount
- Displays an amount for limiting the number of open items to be included in the analysis list. Minimum remaining amount is an absolute value, i.e. both positive and negative amounts are taken into consideration.
- Past due date only
- Displays YES to include documents that are past due as of today. Displays NO to include all documents.
- Credit limit
- Displays YES if only debtors that have exceeded their credit limit, i.e., the A/R balance is greater than the credit limit, should be included in the list/report. The credit limit will be printed/displayed in the header with extended debtor information, in reporting or system currency. If transaction, primary or system currency displays YES on this panel, the credit limit will be printed in system currency. If reporting currency displays YES on this panel, the credit limit will be printed in reporting currency.
- Balance period
- Displays the balance period for the documents to be included. Documents that were entered in later accounting periods are then excluded. Actual period is used as default value. If blank, all open items will be included.
- Report description
- Displays the description of the report.
- Date intervals
- Displays report amounts entered/due as per six dates, as well as the amounts entered/due after the last date.
- Interval
- Displays the number of days for the date range.
Work with A/R – A/P analysis reports, Selection enquiry selections (FSR57103)
This panel displays selections for the printout of the A/R and/or A/P report on-line.
Selection can be made via range selection or combined selection, depending on the parameter.
Range selection is possible when there are only two selection fields for a parameter. States the range (from-to) of values to include. The system checks that the ending value is greater than or equal to the starting value. The fields are left blank, if all values should be included.
Combined selection is possible when there are several selection fields for a parameter, preceded by a one-position field. Either individual or a range of values could be included. The type of selection used is determined by showing 1, 2, 3, or 4 in the first field:
- For individual selections, displays 1, and then the relevant values in the following fields.
- For a range selection, displays 2, and then the first and last value of the range in the two subsequent fields.
Excluding (omitting)
- For excluded (omitted) values in an individual selection, displays 3. For parameters controlled by a table or a file, the system will check that the entered values exist.
- For excluded (omitted) values in a range selection, displays 4. The last field is not completed. The system checks that the ending value is greater than or equal to the starting value.
A record is only included if it fulfils all selection criteria.
The following parameters have been selected (Note: Depending on whether you have selected A/R or A/P transactions different fields will be shown):
- Debtor number
- Debtor internal name
- Supplier number
- Supplier internal name
- A/R group
- A/P group
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- Area
- Main salesman/Handl
- Transaction currency
- Document type
- Cost centre
- Division
- Credit profile
- A/R contact date
Only displayed if you are running the Australian application.