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Work with held purchase orders (DMR50901)

This is a program for releasing purchase orders that are being held. All purchase orders that are currently being held are displayed on this panel. Purchase orders can either be held manually by the handler or automatically by the system.

All orders being held have an order held reason code defined, indicating the reason why the order is held. If an order is held manually by the handler, a user defined reason code, i.e. a code between 51 and 99, is defined.

If a purchase order is held automatically by the system, one of the following reasons applies:

Note: If you release a purchase order being manually held, i.e. reason code is between 51 and 99, the system will check that the order should not be held because of any of the above stated reasons.

For example:

Originally the order was manually held by the user. Reason code is, e.g., 51. The order belongs to an order type requiring pre-accounting but no pre-accounting is defined for the order lines. On this panel you enter 7 next to the order to release it. The order will not be released. Instead the reason code is changed to 30.

For purchase orders a signature is displayed in the Next lvl auth column if the order is held because of limit control (reason code 31) or attest control (reason code 32).

If held because of limit control, the following applies:

  • The order has to be released by the person displayed in the Next lvl auth column. This means that the person trying to release the order has to have this signature defined in the Handler field in the User profile table.


  • The order has to be release by the superior to the person displayed in the Next lvl auth column. This means that the person trying to release the order must be defined as Next level authority in the Signature table for the signature displayed in the Next lvl auth column.

If held because of attest control, the following applies: The person trying to release the order, must maintain the order and enter his/her security code on the order header panel.


Release order Select this option for the purchase order you want to release. Note: If you release a purchase order being manually held, i.e. reason code is between 51 and 99, the system will check that the order should not be held because of any of the above stated reasons. If so, the reason code will be changed and the order will continue to be held.

Selection fields

Displays the purchase number.
Displays the order status for the purchase order.

The status codes for Purchase orders are:

Order date
Displays the order date for the purchase order.
Displays the handler for the purchase order.
Next lvl auth
This field is only displayed for purchase orders. If the order held reason code (i.e. the RC field) is 31 or 32, this is the signature of the person who is authorised to release the order. Note: If the RC field displays 30 (held because of pre-accounting is not done) and a signature is displayed in this field, this is because the order is also held because of order held reason code 31 and/or 32. When the pre-accounting is done, the RC field will be changed to mirror the second reason for the order being held.
Displays the supplier number on the purchase order.
Displays a code from the Order held reason code table, indicating the reason why the order is held. Codes between 51 and 99 are user defined codes, i.e. the order is manually held by the order handler. Codes between 01 and 50 are system defined codes, i.e. the order has been automatically held because of any of the following reasons:
Supplier name
This column lists the supplier name.
Order disc %
This column lists the order discount percentage.
Std text no
This column lists the code from the Standard text table, denoting the text to be printed on the documents for this order.
Terms of payment
This column lists the terms of payment code for the supplier.
Description TOP
This column lists the description for the terms of payment code.
Terms of delivery
This column lists the terms of delivery code for the supplier.
Description TOD
This column lists the description for the terms of delivery code.
Manner of transport
This column lists the manner of transport code for the supplier.
Description MOD
This column lists the description for the manner of transport code.
Primary curr
This column lists the primary currency for the supplier.
Exchange rate
This column lists the exchange rate. If Fixed PO rate is set to YES, the exchange rate will be the rate used at goods reception or when booking a cost. If Fixed PO rate is set to NO, any rate displayed will not be used. Instead the system will retrieve the current exchange rate defined for the transaction currency in the Exchange rate table.
Description OTP
This column lists the description of the order type.
EDI order
This column denotes if the order is a DI order.
EDI created
This column denotes if the Data Interchange purchase order has been created.
Goods marking
This column lists the text for the shipment marking describing the item.
Total amt incl VAT order curr
This column displays the total value of the order lines (in order currency) including VAT, after deduction of order header discount. VAT is only included in the value if applicable to the business partner and if PO value incl VAT is set to YES in the DIS control file. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
Total amt excl VAT order curr
This column displays the total value of the order lines (in order currency) excluding VAT, after deduction of order header discount. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
VAT amount order curr
This column displays the VAT amount in order currency.
Total amt incl VAT sys curr
This column displays the total value of the order lines (in system currency) including VAT, after deduction of order header discount. VAT is only included in the value if applicable to the business partner and if PO value incl VAT is set to YES in the DIS control file. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
Total amt excl VAT sys curr
This column displays the total value of the order lines (in system currency) excluding VAT, after deduction of order header discount. Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
VAT amount sys curr
This column displays the VAT amount in system currency.
Rec amt incl VAT order curr
This column displays the received amount including VAT in order currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
Rec amt excl VAT order curr
This column displays the received amount excluding VAT in order currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
Rec VAT amt order curr
This column displays the received VAT amount in order currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
Rec amt incl VAT sys curr
This column displays the received amount including VAT in system currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
Rec amt excl VAT sys curr
This column displays the received amount excluding VAT in system currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
Rec VAT amt sys curr
This column displays the received VAT amount in system currency. The received amount also includes received lines.
Fixed PO rate
If this column is set to YES, the exchange rate will be the rate used at goods reception or when booking a cost. If it is set to NO, any rate displayed will not be used. Instead the system will retrieve the current exchange rate defined for the transaction currency in the Exchange rate table.
Reference/Order ref
This column lists one of the following:

S Displays order reference if entered on the order header.
R Displays reference if entered on the order header.
Blank If either order reference or reference is defined on the order header, this column is blank.
Text code
This column denotes if header text is entered on the order.
Held order code
This column denotes if the order is held.
Order held re code
If the Held order code field is set to YES, this column lists an order held reason code from the Order held reason code table, denoting the reason.

An order can be held due to one of the following reasons:

Codes between 51 and 99 are user defined codes, i.e. the order has been held manually by the handler.

Release orders (DMR50904)

This panel displays all the orders you selected to release. Click OK to release. Click Back to regret.