From this panel the Sales pricing methods file can be reorganised.
- Close
- Set this field to YES if you want to close the sales pricing methods instead of deleting them.
- Type
- Enter the panel value for the applicable sales pricing method type.
B Bonus C Chain discount H Header discount N Normal O Order line summary P Promotion
- End date
- Enter the end date of the transactions to be closed. All the transactions that have expired (e.g. that are no longer valid) will be closed.
- Reorganise
- Set this field to YES if you want to delete the sales pricing methods instead of closing them.
- End date
- Enter the end date of the transactions to be reorganised. All the transactions that have expired (e.g. that are no longer valid) will be deleted from the Sales pricing methods file. Note: This file can be reorganised at the onset of a new accounting period. By entering the end date of the previous accounting period the Sales pricing methods file will be reorganised to contain only current information.