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The segmentation can be run in two modes:
- Simulation mode (G/L update is set to NO). In this mode, a segmentation report is printed, but no files are updated.
- Update mode (G/L update is set to YES). In this mode, the report is printed and the General Ledger is updated. You can also choose to eliminate the G/L accountings that are created during the segmentation in this mode.
During the segmentation, G/L postings are created to reverse the open documents’ amounts booked on the control accounts and to segment that same amount. The control accounts’ main account is substituted by the main account of the pseudo account XIFRSCR. Other account parts are copied from the control account. One G/L posting is created for each affected control account string combination. The total reversed amount is booked on pseudo account XIFRCS and the defined segments, apportioned in accordance with the A/P documents’ G/L postings. One G/L posting is created for each affected segment combination.
Note: Amounts booked on the control accounts themselves are not changed in any way.
The segmentation report that is printed includes the following information:
- The details of all included documents (if Print details is set to YES)
- The segmentation summary
- The created G/L transactions
On this panel you select and sequence the open A/P documents that should be segmented.
Note: This should only be completed if Print details is set to YES.
- A/P group
- Supplier number
- Cost centre
- Division
- Transaction currency
Note: This section should only be completed if Print details is set to YES.
Page break
Note: This section should only be completed if Print details is set to YES. Indicate if page breaks should be inserted in the printout.
The following fields specify the details of the segmentation or simulation.
- Print details
- Indicate if detailed document information is to be printed. If this field is set to YES, you must complete the fields in the Sequence, Sub-total and Page break sections.
- Transaction currency
- This field should only be completed if Print details is set to YES. Indicate if the document details should be printed in transaction currency.
- System currency
- This field should only be completed if Print details is set to YES. Indicate if the document details should be printed in system currency.
- Balance period
- Enter the balance period for the documents to be included in the segmentation. The actual period is used as a default value.
- G/L update
- Indicate if the General Ledger should be updated when the segmentation is run. If this field is set to NO, no files are updated, but a report is printed. Note: Before the General Ledger is updated, it is recommended that you run a simulation (set this field to NO) in order to confirm the legitimacy of the segmentation.
- Elimination
- This field may only be completed if G/L update is set to YES. Indicate if the created G/L transactions should be eliminated.
- Voucher type
- Mandatory entry if G/L update is set to YES. Enter a voucher type from Work with voucher types to be assigned to the G/L postings that are created during the segmentation. The selected voucher type must be valid for the IFRS routine.
- Elim voucher type
- Mandatory entry if Elimination is set to YES. Enter a voucher type from Work with voucher types to be assigned to the G/L postings that are eliminated during the segmentation. The selected voucher type must be valid for the IFRS routine.
- Accounting period
- Mandatory entry if G/L update is set to YES. Enter the accounting period for the created G/L transactions.
- Elimination period
- Mandatory entry if Elimination is set to YES. Enter the accounting period indicating when the created G/L postings should be eliminated.
IFRS – A/P open documents segmentation (FSR68002)
On this panel you select and define the open A/P documents that should be segmented.
- A/P group
- Supplier number
- Cost centre
- Division
- Transaction currency
- Fully allocated
- Indicate if the printout should include the open items for which accountings are found valid for segmentation in Work with IFRS segmentation accounts.
- Incomplete allocated
- Indicate if the printout should include the open items for which accountings are found valid for segmentation in Work with IFRS segmentation accounts, but for which one of the segments, or both, is missing.
- Unallocated
- Indicate if the printout should include the open items for which no accountings are found valid for segmentation in Work with IFRS segmentation accounts.