Related topics
Some suppliers register the substances themselves. The buyer does not have any registration obligation. On this panel, you add the suppliers that fall into this category and consequently should be excluded from the REACH report submitted to the Chemical Agency.
Selection fields
- CAS number
- Displays the CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number.
- Description
- Displays the description the CAS number (i.e. the substance).
- Supplier
- This column lists the supplier number that is to be excluded from the REACH report.
- Name
- This column lists the name of the supplier.
Work with CAS numbers, Registered suppliers (DIR76404)
On this panel you define the details of the supplier that is to be excluded from the REACH report.
- CAS number
- Displays the CAS number.
- Description
- Displays the description of the CAS number (i.e. the substance).
- Supplier
- Enter the supplier that has registered the substance and consequently should be excluded from the REACH report..