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  7. Received goods pre-accounting (GCFD41001)

Received goods pre-accounting (GCFD41001)

The pre-accounting information is used when a purchase order is matched with a supplier invoice in DC1 Financials. When the accounting transactions are created in the matching routine, the purchase amount will be posted on the accounts defined on this panel.

This means that any accounting information defined for transaction type 810 in the Transaction type table, will be overwritten by the accounts defined on this panel.

Order number/line
Displays the purchase order and line number you are pre-accounting.
Displays the identification and description of the item you are pre-accounting.

Account part 1-8
Enter the account combination, of the purchase account, that the purchase amount should be posted to. The system will check that the accounts entered exist in the Account file. Note: If cost centre handling has been defined, a security check will be performed to verify if the user is authorised to enter/change the value of the field containing the cost centre information.